Chapter 9
Chapter 9
🌷Meera POV
I lay in the hospital bed, thinking how they will leave after hearing how pathetic of a human I am. After all, this I am scared Adithi might leave me too. I don't want her to leave me. I get up from my bed and take my phone. I open Instagram and just mindlessly scroll through the memes on the latest drama I finished.
The people's lives in drama are so picture perfect. The girl might be poor but she will obviously have the latest phone. Me on the other side I have nothing. She even gets the best man in the world. All because of her looks. Anyway, let's just forget about this.
I place my phone back on the table. I go back onto my bed and replay the conversation with Adithi. She consoled me. She was there for me. But why am I scared she will leave me? I know I am overthinking. It's already December 3rd. Hope this year gets over soon.
As I was buried in my thoughts. I hear someone speak"Hi! Meera, How are you feeling?"I was a bit startled by this voice. I recognized it was Karthik."I am feeling ok now."I answer back.
He looks at me with a smile." Will a chocolate milkshake with two pumps of whipped cream help elevate your mood?" he asks me while handing me the drink. That was really nice of him. I take a few sips of the milkshake the cold drink passing down my throat and the sweet taste lingering in my mouth.
Then I remember" Did u tell them?"I ask Adithi. She nods her head."Yes, we know will you sue us for that? Sharath asks me with a light chuckle."It's just that you guys are still talking to me."I sulk.
"You never hurt us. You were always sweet to us, why would we not talk?"It was Rahul that was talking."I just assumed..."I was trailing my words, Just then Rahul takes a seat beside my bed."It's ok to assume but why does it have to be negative ?"He has an evident scowl on his face.
"Yeah..."I trail off again. But I do understand what he is saying."I feel guilty for what I have done. I want to make you feel beautiful which you already are, together."I look at him in the eyes. I chuckle slightly "This isn't a Kdrama. But why do u feel guilty? You didn't do anything?"I ask him.
What did I do to make him feel that way? Because I rejected to wear those beautiful dresses. I started speaking again before he could."Am sorry I shouldn't have rejected to wear them. I am such an-"Before I could finish my sentence he shushes me with a loud."Stop! I already told you, it's not a big deal, You won't do it because you didn't like it. There is nothing wrong with not doing the things you don't like. I feel guilty because I asked you."He looks into my eyes.
I could see the regret in his eyes. Now it's my time to talk ."Ok! it's not my fault that I didn't wear it. it's not your fault you asked. cool?"He musters up a small smile.
"I am sorry I heard the conversation between you and Adithi."I give him a small smile."It's ok you know everything now, it doesn't matter."I tell him so he doesn't feel bad again.
He looks at me reciprocating the same smile."But! you said something which didn't settle right for me."He says, he looks at me expecting a reply but I just indicate for him to continue.
"First of all your not a doll. You are a human with feelings and emotions. You might be broken, but feeling you can't fix it is not right. Let me just help you and show you that your beautiful, important and needed."He tells me looking into my eyes again.
But this time I see the dedication and something more which I can't put a finger on."Why do you wanna help me?"I ask, I couldn't help but control my curiosity.
"You will know later."He tells me with a faint smile. I think I need this. I think I need to make a change."What do you wanna do ?"He looks at me with a smile."We will be working out, eating healthy, and try to work on your mind and body."I reciprocate his smile. It indeed is time."When do we start?"I ask with all the enthusiasm I can come up with.
🌷Adithi POV
It's been a week since Meera has come home. She is spending a lot of time with Rahul, they meet at his house for the gym, she also cut down her sweet intake by half. She feels calm and a lot happy these days.
She deserves all the happiness she is getting, in fact, she needs more. I am very happy for her. I told her about how Rahul lifted her bridal style and brought her to the hospital. She was trying hard to hide her blush. But I could clearly see it.
I was back to work again after going back and getting my stuff from my parents' house. They were relieved that Meera was fine. I was on my regular rounds. This is my last patient to check upon.
The last patients' results recently came out, and it will be very hard to inform her that she is suffering from endometriosis. She came to the hospital with immense pain. She had the pain before too but because of no proper information on periods or sexual health, she neglected the pain. I hope she will be able to withstand the news.
I enter the room and see the patient lying on the bed with one of their family member beside."Mrs.Nilema?" I ask as I enter the room."Yes, doctor."I see her wake up from her place, according to the information I have she is 23 and newly married.
Which makes me feel even worse to break the news. Should I break it to her husband first? No, it's better to say it to the patient."Are you comfortable with them staying here?"I ask her.
"He can stay."She tells me. I nod at her ."I am really sorry to inform you that you are suffering from endometriosis. The tissue which has to be present in your uterus is growing around it. This is what is causing immense pain in your lower region."I tell as slowly as possible, so they can grab the information.
I see that her husband is holding her in his embrace and she is tearing up."You will be experiencing pain throughout your whole period. The periods might be irregular but just as painful. Even sexual intercourse will be painful."I tell them. They don't talk much.
I get scared when they don't answer."Are you able to understand ?"I ask them, mainly the patient. It's not my first time delivering such kind of news but I want to make sure it's clear on their end.
I see Mrs. Nilema nod ."Can you please repeat what I told you?"I ask her."I have endometriosis. That is the reason I am feeling this much pain. But doctor, can I bear children?"I hear her asking.
The question I dreaded the most but before I could answer her husband interferes." You no need to worry about children darling. I know I told you many times that I needed children, but it's not that important now because you are the only one am thinking of now." he tells her calmly.
My heart swells with the statement he passed."It won't make you infertile, but it will take a lot of procedures to get pregnant."I try to reassure even though I know it won't change much.
They nod their head at my statement." I will leave you two to talk." saying this I come out of the room. It's really heartbreaking to give out such life-altering news. But this is what my job asks for. I try to brush off my feelings and move on.
Eventually, lunch break rolls in. I was going to the canteen, but I was stopped by Mrs. Nilema's husband. "Can I please talk to you, doctor?"He asks me."Yes, How is the patient?"I ask him.
"Nelu is sleeping right now. I wanted to ask you how do I take care of her every time she is on her periods?" I was happy that he came here to talk about it.
I gave him a smile and made him sit in the hallway chair."She might have irregular cycles. But when she is on her periods she will have excruciating pain. It will be really terrible. Every time she cants be run into the hospital.
We will be giving her hormone therapy to control the growth. You need to be beside her, She will be in a lot of pain. Make her feel safe around you. She needs a lot of support now. She might have really bad mood swings which you have to bear with."I tell him.
He nods his head. I could see clearly that he really wants to help his wife."How are you taking the news?"I ask him."It's okay doctor. Am just worried about her. She is everything I have now and I want to be with her."He tells me.
But I know it is a lie."I don't mean to pry but, I heard your conversation. You wanted a baby?"I ask him. He nods looking at me.
"I and Neelu dated for 8 years before marriage. She is my high school sweetheart. My parents didn't accept us, but we still got married, with the help of Neelu's parents. It was a hell of a ride and I told her many times that I want a baby. But only when she is ready. We got married last year. Then this rolled in. It would be selfish of me to ask her for a baby."They seriously have been through a lot.
"Do you think your parents will react negatively to this news?"I ask him. He was tearing up I could see that. But he is controlling himself."They might ask me to leave her which I don't want" he tells me. He is stuttering a bit while talking.
" It's fine just cry, No need to stop yourself. "I tell him. My words were enough to break the waters. He starts crying. I put my hand on his shoulder and slowly pat him. To let him know am here.
After fifteen minutes he stops crying."Thank you doctor I needed that, I was trying to stay strong for Neelu."He tells me wiping his tears.
"You are strong, That's why you got till here. Neelu is in safe hands you will be with her. This will pass to."I tell him."Mrs. Neelima might be awake you better check on her."I tell him. He nods and thanks me once again and moves his way to the room.
I check my watch and the lunch break is up. Shit! I had to meet the HOD 5 minutes back. I run to the room and knock on the door. I hear a faint come in and I enter. As I enter, I see the HOD looking at the computer with her round-rimmed glasses.
"Good afternoon ma'am."I tell her as I enter. She looks at me and gives me a curt nod."Chairman Mr.Rajveer wants to meet you."She tells me."Is it now mam?"I ask her.
"You can go when you are free."She tells me and asks me to go out. I am free now.I think I will go now. I go to the reception.
"Hey, Rudra. Can you call the chairman to check if he is free, he called me it seems ."I tell him. He gives me a nod and calls uncle.
After Rudra hangs up "Sir, is in his cabin and He asked me to tell u to bring Meera too."I nod. Why does uncle want us to come? I think to myself. I see Meer talking to a nurse. I go near her.
"Are you free?"I ask her."MY break ends in 30mins ."She tells me."Chairman is calling us."I tell her. She freezes in spot."Did we do something wrong? Am I being thrown out from the hospital?"She starts to question. Typical Meera I think to myself and roll my eyes."No! Meera, we won,t know until we go."I tell her. She nods and we both make it to uncle's cabin or in this case chairman's cabin.
I slightly knock on the door. I hear a faint come in. We both enter the room."Hello uncle "I tell him smiling. On the other hand, Meera greets him with "Good afternoon sir."He nods at both of us.
"I have seen your work and was very impressed."He tells. He looks at me with pride shining in his eyes."I would like to propose a contract to you guys. As your mandatory internship finishes in a few months. I would like to pay for your diploma and sign you both as the permanent part of our hospital."
I always wanted to work in this hospital. From the day I knew uncle had a hospital it was my dream to work here."I don't know what to say?"I was the first one to speak."I always wanted to work at your hospital."I tell him. He nods at me understandingly. He knew it from the start.
"Where should I sign the papers?"I ask him. He smiles at my enthusiasm."I will get those ready. What do you say, Miss Raghavan?"She was still in a shocked state. It's a big step towards her career.
She has been saving money for many years for her Diploma. I nudge her to bring her back from her consciousness. She was tearing up, I knew she was controlling her tears."It would be an honor, sir."She tells.
"It would be my honor to have hard-working doctors like you. We will take care of your tuition and studies for the next two years. After that, you can start working here as full-time doctors."He smiles at us.
We talk a while about the contract and move out. As I close the door Meera cups her mouth with her hand, she was crying already her back hits the hallway walls and slowly she slides down. She is very happy and doesn't know how to express it.
Her parents have always dispised to pay her fees. Even though she got into the best medical college with really less fees they were stingy. So, she started saving up for her diploma, by working at a supermarket as a part-timer. After we started working here, she stopped working there and now she works as a freelancer, writing short stories or translating scripts in the meantime. She really is a hard worker and it really paid her off.
I to squat down beside her." Am happy" she murmurs a few times. Until she stands up ."I wanna celebrate, I wanna taste freedom. Let's go to the fair this evening ."She tells me.
Now I see a smile on her face, The smile I longed to see. She is truly happy now. We hugged each other."Should we call the guys?"She nods her head.
"Tell Sharath to bring his niece and sister."I didn't know he had a niece. I wanted to question but I don't."Let's tell Karthik to bring Sara, Aryan, and Sneha?"I ask more like a question she nods her head like a small child ."The more the merrier."She tells
After few hours
We all line up in front of the fair. In a few days, it will be closed in a few days. And in 3 days it will be Meera's birthday. I need to start brainstorming for gifts. Everyone is talking to each other. They were happy once they knew why we called them and wanted to celebrate
.As I was in my thoughts. Rahul comes towards me" Hey" he tells me. I smile at him."What's up?"I ask him as I know he has to ask me something."When is Meera's birthday?" he asks me. I look at him smiling I knew he has to ask me that at some point."In 3 days."I tell him. He was shocked would be an understatement.
"Really?"He asks me."Yes, and I need to find her a gift."I tell him. We both are whispering to each other so no one hears mainly Meera. Then suddenly a perfect gift pops in my head for her" I think I found a good gift for her "I tell him."That fast?"He whisper-yelled at me.
"Will, you guys come?"I hear Karthik ask us."Yeah on the way" I tell him. I and Rahul walk in with the others.
"Should we plan a surprise birthday party?"Rahul asks me ."Yeah sure, Let's ask if the other two wanna join or not."We both nod. Meera is walking in the front with Sara and Anu on each of her sides. The older folks are talking with each other about life I guess.
Rahul goes towards Sharath and I go towards Karthik. I yanked him backward by his shirt. He got angry "What the hell ?"He shouts at me. I give him a sheepish smile and murmur a sorry."What is it?"He asks me."It's Meera's birthday in 3 days and I and Rahul wanna surprise her. Will you help us?"I ask him ."Yes, I would."He nods at me. I look towards Rahul and he shoots me a thumbs up I do the same.
The day goes by with us enjoying having fun and after dropping off the parents and kids we go to Karthik's penthouse."Do you mind if we drink?"Karthik asks us."It's fine" I wave him off."I won't be drinking"Rahul chimes in. When faced with a questioning look from Sharath"I need to drop them."He answers pointing his hands towards us."We can-" before I could finish it."I will drop you guys."Rahul is soon to cut me off. With no power left in my hand, I nod.
The guys talk a lot and finally, the time has arrived for us to go home. Rahul drops us at the front gate of our apartment."I am sleepy. I will go to sleep."Meera tells us. She looks at Rahul" Tomorrow at 6?" she asks him. He gives her a nod and smile she cutely fist bumps him and goes back inside.
I can see Rahul internally uwuing at her sleepy face."You are whipped "I tell him once I notice Meera was near the apartment door probably groaning cause she can't open the door.
"I guess I am."He tells me."When are u planning to tell her?"I ask him."Not anytime soon."He tells me."Good, I was planning to tell you the same thing, cause you know she is still healing."I tell him.
"Yes Adithi I know. That is why am not telling her."He tells me. I nodded giving him a smile."I will get going then."I tell him. He nods we wave to each other. I reach the door of our apartment. I open the lock getting in. Meera is already in her room. Tomorrow I have to go get her present. I really hope she likes it. With all these thoughts in my mind, I reach my bedroom and freshen myself so that I can comfortably slip into a deep slumber.
Word count:3127
Hello, People am back.
How have you guys been? I might have not given you guys a double update but this is a very long chapter compared to the previous ones. Hope you guys like it. If you want to have more sneak peeks kind of stuff for the chapters, you can find my Instagram link on my page. I would love to see you there. I also post small write-ups and poems too. So check it out. Until the next chapter
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