First night with the girls
"Ariana you ready to go night night?" he asks as he picks Miranda up from her bed where she was sleeping at the moment and she didn't move a muscle either as he picked her up to take her to bed
She nods as she rubs her eyes some more since she was a sleepy little girl
"Okay i will give you a bath and then we will go to bed" he says as he was going to be taking her to bed so they could get some sleep
Logan gave her a quick bath and got her in her jammies and he was going to tuck her in for the night
"Here we go Ariana" he says as he tucks her in his bed and he was going to tuck her sister in her bassinet so she didn't get crushed as well as she slept with him cause Logan had a habit of tossing and turning during the night and that was going to stop since he had a little girl in his bed
Ariana was out like a light as she hugged her stuffed animal some more since she was a happy girl
"Okay now to get Miranda ready for bed and tuck her in" he says as he was going to get the baby from a chair that he put her on while he tucked Ariana in for the night so she could maybe go to sleep in her new house just fine without any problems at all
Miranda hated having her diaper changed and she hated being naked too
"It's okay bug I am going to be quick then we can rock for a little bit" he says as he was talking to her as he was changing her and getting her ready for bed
Logan took care of her cord since she still had it
"There there it's okay i got you bug" he says as he was taking care of her
He was going to rock Miranda before he was going to put her in the bassinet for the night and he was going to be getting up with her as well during the night
"Here we go bug" he says as he was rocking her hoping she will go to sleep once more on her own since she was in a new place but that was not going to happen she was going to be up through the night cause she was a growing baby and she needed to eat as well so Logan was going to be okay with getting up with her as needed to take care of her and her needs as well
Miranda was fast asleep and sucking her thumb which Logan was okay with for now cause it was helping her soothe herself as she was sleeping
"Night baby i love you to the moon and back" he says as he tucks her in for the night
Logan watched as she was sleeping cause he hated to go to sleep for a minute with her close by, and he got up to check on Ariana to make sure she was doing okay as well and she was still asleep so he put a light on to help her sleep more better and he got her a glass of water just in case she needed it and she did needed it much later when she was calling out for him to come into the room to give her more cause she did not know where the faucet was so she could get more
"Here we go drink slowly Ariana" he says as he was tucking her back in for the night before he went to be with the baby as well since she was going to be up more than her sister was
Logan went to the kitchen to make sure the bottles were ready so all he had to do was pop one in and feed her
"Okay Miranda i get the message" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms to soothe her cries as they headed to the kitchen
"Ariana would you like some milk to help you sleep?" he asks when he saw her in the kitchen half awake and half asleep
She nods as she rubs her eyes
'Okay two bottles of warm milk coming up" he says as he was going to make the bottles and the sippy cup of milk
Logan was quick with the milk and Ariana slept through the rest of the night without a sound at all and her sister woke up needing fed or changed and Logan was okay with that since she was little and a baby too cause he was thinking of a way he was going to break the news to his girlfriend that he was a dad overnight
that is next week
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