First night at Disney
"Ari princess we are here" he says as they were getting ready to go under the arches that said Disneyland
Arianna was happy as could be right now cause she could not wait to be a princess
"Now to go to the campground and set up" he says as he was driving to the campground where they were going to stay during the trip
Logan had a private lot for the R.V so they had it to themselves and they had a cabin right on the lot to make it more special and they were close tot he park as well
"You like Ari?" he asks when she saw a play set on the lot
She nods as she was going to play as daddy was setting up the camp
"Miranda it's okay bug" he says as he gets the baby since Victoria went to play with Arianna for a little bit, and he knew he had to get the baby and tend to her
Logan decided it could wait and he was going to bond with her as he watch Arianna play for a little bit
"Perfect the girls are napping now to set up" he says as he gets to work on the R.V part cause they might go in the cabin when it storms cause it was pretty nice in there and it was secluded so the fans could not disturb them either which he liked
Logan was able to get everything set up and hooked up in no time at all
"Logan it looks like rain" Veronica says to him
Logan checked the radar and it looked like a shower was coming
"Let's head into the cabin with the girls so they ain't scared in cause it thunders" he says as he was going to grab the girls
The girls slept as they were being moved to a cabin that was better then the R.V. Once inside Logan started a fire for them
"Logan this is kind of romantic" Veronica says as she grabs a blanket and went by the fire to get warm
"Yeah it is you wanna plan our first official day here I thought tonight we hang at the campground tonight cause they have some cool stuff going on like a movie for Ari and of course we have our own movie to watch and i have to bring the baby with us i am sure who will sleep through the entire movie so we can have our date at the movies which i was planning on doing without the girls in the picture, but since Miranda is being fussy i will take her i hope she settles down though" he says as he kept the fire going as it started to rain
"That sounds nice so Logan i hope it's okay i sleep in the R.V tonight while the girls sleep here tonight or anytime they want to sleep in the cabin that way they are close to you" Veronica says to him cause she did not want to make it weird right now cause it was going to be a long night with the girls wanting to sleep with Logan off and on and the baby was going to need fed as well through the night while they were on vacation
"Yeah that's fine no problem at all and i don't wanna rush anything either, and the girls are still little" he says as he kept the fire going for the two of them since the girls were sound sleepers which Logan loved about them
Logan was going to get supper started for them cause the cabin had a covered deck as well as a grill so he could cook for a bit, and they could eat outside as well since the rain was moving away from them, and he could seal it so the girls would not get bit by bugs as they ate supper that night, and bugs could not get on the food either
"Logan i love it we can see for miles" Veronica says to him as she came out to see the view that they had outside their cabin cause it faced the mountains
"I know we can and that is why i picked here so we can watch the sun set or the sunrise" he says as he was cooking dinner that night for the four of them cause Miranda was going to be eating during dinner anyways so he was heating her bottle as well so she could eat before or after dinner or even during dinner
Logan was going to feed Miranda her dinner since she woke from her slumber
"Hey baby you hungry?" he asks as he holds her in his arms to comfort her
Miranda wipes her nose with her little hand
"I will say yes okay baby daddy will feed you" he says as he was going to get the warm bottle for her so she could eat supper
Logan was quick with the formula for her since he made it ahead of time for her so it was cool by the time she was hungry
"Here we go baby" he says as he gives it to her once it cooled and everything since it was still hot when he tasted it so he was going to let it cool a little longer so it did not burn her little lip
Miranda took the bottle for daddy
"Veronica wanna listen to my CD?" he asks her since he got it done and it was waiting to be released
"Sure we can that way you have your first audience" Veronica says to him as they were going to listen to it for the first time
Logan puts it on for her as he was feeding the baby
"Miranda daddy is going to cover your ears so you don't hear the bad words daddy is singing" he says as he was going to put her headphones on her little head
Miranda was okay with that cause she loved her daddy and he sings gentle songs to her when she needs to sleep
"You must be hungry sweet girl" he says as he was still feeding her
Miranda was done a little later and he burped her and she snuggled on daddy's shoulder
"You got your belly full huh?" he asks as he rubs her back as she was going to go back to sleep
Logan walked with her until she fell back to sleep
"Night baby" he says as he was going to hold her since Veronica was listening to his CD in the other room
Logan was
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