Chapter Two
"Look at me Temari!" Yua squealed with excitement. She had been given her own fan that replicated Temari's which brought a proud smile on to the blonde-haired, teal eyed young woman. "I see, you've been given your own now, but do you know how to use it?" Temari joked/teased. Yua pouted for a moment then stuck her tongue out at her before skipping away towards a nearby tree.
"It's a nice day out today and Gaara wants to be stuck inside doing who knows what." Kankuro complained. "He said he wouldn't take long, for now let's just enjoy the day." Temari said, which earned an eye roll. Yua skipped back over to Temari and stood beside the two of them. "When is Gaara coming?" Yua asked, a small pout upon her face. Temari gave her a small smile and ruffled her hair. "He'll be out here soon kid. Why don't you show Kankuro some of the moves you learned earlier in combat class." Temari suggested and Yua's face lit up.
"Okay!" She said excitedly. She went a decent distance away and turned to face them, when suddenly a massive explosion went off a good distance away from them. Temari and Kankuro jumped and turned around but quickly jumped into action, rushing quickly towards the explosion. Yua followed them to see what was going on. Temari noticed and turned to Yua and held her hand up to signal for her to stop.
"Stay back Yua, it could be dangerous and we don't want you to get hu-" Temari was unable to finish her sentence as a second explosion went off that was close enough to create a giant sand cloud around them, resulting in their vision being blocked off. "Temari! Kankuro!" Yua shouted.
She went to move forward but someone roughly snatched her up from behind and covered her mouth. The last thing she heard were her siblings crying out for her. She couldn't speak back to make them aware of where she was. She struggled to get out of the grip of her capter but to no avail. Pretty soon, her capter began to run away, jumping over the boarder that guarded the village. Tears slipped down her cheeks as her home began to move further and further from her vision.
Yua suddenly awoke from her slumber, the memory of her being captured was still fresh in her mind. Her whole body was drenched with sweat and there were tears sliding down her cheeks. She that's when realized she was in a bed. She looked around at the massive room she was in and looked down. Her old tattered night gown had been replaced with a light lavender one with butterflies on it. The now confused Yua removed herself from the bed and looked around for a moment. She heard a strange noise, kind of sounding like someone snoring, but ignored it. The room she was in, again, was massive. It was an antique styled room.
There were pictures of what looked to be ninja on the walls. A few random scenery paintings, and a ticking wall clock. She noticed that the door to this room was wide open and wandered out of the room. She didn't really look around much more, she just wanted to know where she was and where her heroes were. She noticed a door that was slightly ajar, light was shining through it. She walked over to the door and assumed that was the way out of the house she was in and slowly pushed it open further.
Upon opening it, she saw an older looking man, possibly mid 30's, he had spikey, white silverish hair and black eyes. He wore a face mask that covered his mouth and nose while his headband that he wore covered his left eye. His eyes were glued to a book and his stance was in a crouching position. Yua kind of gazed at the man, crouched down, reading in front of her. After a few moments, she tried to sneak pass him but she noticed his gaze moved from his book in his hand and towards her.
"I see you're finally awake. You've had quite the journey haven't you?" He said. The man sounded rather laid back, and calm. Yua didn't seem to feel any sort of malice or anger within this man, so she ultimately felt safe. She still however, remained silent.
"My name is Kakashi, and I was sent here to make sure no harm came to you while Lady Hokage sent the message of your rescue to your brothers and sister." Kakashi said, giving Yua a light, closed eye smile.
"Where's everyone else?" Yua asked shyly. Kakashi looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Are you referring to the group that brought you here? They're all around the area, positioned in specific spots. Even though they were assured you would be safe, they still want to make sure for themselves. They're quite a stubborn bunch, but at least they're determined." He sighed slightly before looking over his shoulder then back towards Yua.
"If you look closely around the area, I'm sure you can spot one or two of them." Kakashi said, his voice sounding slightly disappointed and a little bored at the same time.
Yua, now a little confused, scanned the dark area for a moment only to realize how obvious Naruto's hiding spot was. Hiding in plain sight, on top of the roof of a building. There was nothing there to shield him, so he was easily noticed.
She smiled nervously and kinda sweat dropped at how he chose his hiding spot. She continued to scan the area some more and for some reason, could just see where everyone else was hiding. It slightly confused her that she had this type of ability.
Shikamaru was hiding on top of a nearby tall tree, surrounded by darkness, the moonlight slightly illuminated his face. Neji was also hidden in a nearby tree, this one was a little shorter but the area around it was blocked from the moonlight, so he was basically protected by the darkness. He was in a fighting stance, ready to strike if he needed to. Sakura was a little further away, she was hidden in shrubbery, her hands on her shuriken holster, ready to attack if the need arose.
She sweat dropped once more when she noticed that Rock Lee was standing on the building opposite of Naruto but at least he was hiding behind the chimney that was on the building.
"I guess they prefer close combat rather than sneak attacks." Yua murmured, a small nervous giggle escaping from her. Kakashi let out a light chuckle before moving to a standing position. "You're absolutely right. Those two knuckleheads prefer close combat, they have their reasonings though." He said. "They're all still here, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, I promise. Now, you should probably try to get some more sleep. Lady Hokage will be here later on. She has a few questions for you but after that, you'll be appointed some living arrangements until Gaara, Temari and Kankuro arrive." Kakashi said.
Yua gave him a slight head nod before turning to walk back into the house. She knew she wasn't going to able to fall back to sleep. When she turned she came face to face with a pretty big canine. It made her jump and move back.
"How are you so huge?!" Yua said, slightly frightened. The dog slightly whined and a laugh was heard from inside the house she was in. "That's Akamaru, he's doesn't bite unless given a reason, I promise." A male voice said. Soon, a male stood in the doorway, his arms crossed and a slight smile on his face. He had a red fang-like markings on both of his cheeks, messy brown hair and sharp black eyes.
"You were asleep by the time the others caught up to me in the forest, I'm Kiba. I was told to keep an eye on you while you slept, but I kind of fell asleep myself." He said as he sweat-dropped and laughed nervously.
Yua looked to Kiba and the realization hit her. "Okay, that explains why I thought I heard snoring, but where were you. I didn't see you in the room I was in." She asked and Kiba gave her a smile. "I was on a chair close to the kitchen, it was pretty dark in the house, so that's probably why you didn't see me." Kiba replied.
Yua nodded, to let him know she understood. She then looked back to Akamaru. "Then how did I not notice you?" Yua whispered to herself.
Another small laugh escaped from Kiba after hearing Yua whisper to Akamaru. He held out his hand to the child to which Yua accepted and they both walked back into the house once more.
"Akamaru was guarding the back entrance of the house. We figured it'd be better that way, in case you were to wake up. The last thing any of us wanted was for you to wake up to Akamaru unexpectedly. The size of him is pretty scary to most people." He explained. "That makes sense." Yua said, letting out a relieved sigh. It's been months since the last time she felt truly safe. It was comforting to her. "It's almost morning, Lady Hokage will be here soon, try to rest up more before she does." Kakashi's voice spoke from behind Kiba. Neither of them realized he had followed them inside.
"Kiba, you and Akamaru can actually head home. I highly doubt anything is going to happen, plus, everyone else is still around." Kakashi said but Kiba shook his head.
"With all due respect, I can still be on the lookout for anything suspicious. I've got a bad feeling about something. So, if you don't need me here, then I'll patrol around the nearby forests." Kiba replied. Kakashi sighed but nodded. "That's actually understandable. Very well but please, bring someone with you." Kakashi said and after a dutiful nod, Kiba and Akamaru left the house, gently shutting the door behind them.
Yua looked up at Kakashi, a small frown was plastered on her face.
"Uh sir..?" She called out shyly. Kakashi looked from his book, that he had his eyes already glue to, and looked at her. "Please, call me Kakashi, and What's the matter?" He asked gently. "I don't think I'm gonna be able to fall back to sleep." Yua said, as a small yawn escaped from her. Kakashi let out a chuckle then sighed lightly. "Well I guess you don't have to sleep, Lady Hokage has a few books in here, would you like to read?" He asked and Yua shook her head. "I miss combat training with Gaara.." She said, her voice was just barely above a whisper.
"I think it'd be best that you keep yourself relaxed for now. Combat training could put too much on your body." Kakashi warned, which earned a sad sigh from Yua. "I guess you're right..Can I read then?" Yua asked, a sad look plastered on her face.
Kakashi gave her a closed eye smile and nodded. "Of course, come on,, let's at least get you back into bed." He said as the two of them walked into the bedroom. She crawled into the bed and covered herself with the blanket then looked up at Kakashi, who was glancing down at the book in his hand.
"Alright, I'll go find you a book, you just stay here and I'll be right back." He said, not even looking away from his book.
Yua nodded silently and looked down at her hands as Kakashi left the room. Her mind began to wander off. Her thoughts landed on Gaara and one of her many favorite memories of him, Temari and Kankuro.
"Temari, why on earth are you bringing her here?" Kankuro asked, a disapproving look prominent on his face.
"She said she wanted to learn, so why not? It's never a bad thing to learn combat. We did at a young age." Temari countered. Yua, aged 5, stood in front of them, the two slightly bickering back and forth. "That's enough." Gaara's voice called out as he appeared from behind the two. "Come on Yua, you want to learn combat, then I'll be the one to teach you." Gaara said, the look on his face slightly startled the bickering siblings.
"Uh, Gaara, are you sure you want to train her in combat?" Temari asked, she was nervous. She knew how Gaara fought, no matter who it is, he never held back.
"Okay!" Yua said, with a bright smile. Gaara looked down at Yua, slightly shocked at her willingness to be taught by him and the fact she's able to tolerate him in the first place. A small smile appeared on his face as he nodded slightly and turned to where his back was facing the three of them. Temari and Kankuro stood there with concern written on their faces as Gaara began to walk away.
"Come on Yua." I'll teach you everything I know." Gaara said. There was that hint of happiness he tried to hide when he said that.
Yua scurried after him and tugged on to his hand to grab his attention. Gaara looked down at the small child and Yua just gave him the brightest, wide-eyed smile which only warmed Gaara's heart further. A feeling that he hasn't felt since he himself was a child. Gaara grabbed the small child's hand and held it gently in his own as they walked toward a clearing in their village that they used for specifically combat training.
The tears were sliding down her cheeks, as she remembered that day she saw Gaara open up. After two years of the cold shoulder and obvious avoidance, she finally got to see his soft side. She didn't even notice Kakashi nearby, he just left her alone, unsure of how to calm her down. He sighed silently, watching her quietly weep herself to sleep.
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