Seeing the main one
"That must be the doctor on call coming to see you baby girl, and to get you to eat like your sister " he says when he hears the doorbell ring
Niall looks out and it is the doctor that is on call to come and see Gia, and see what can be done to get her to eat again like a big girl, so she can grow big and strong too
"Come in doctor" Niall says to the doctor as the doctor comes into the house to see Gia and check her out and see if she will suck for him
The doctor came in and he set his bag down and went to see Gia and see why wasn't she sucking at all for Niall
"It's okay Gia daddy wants to see why you ain't sucking now before you were sucking like a champ now you ain't anymore, so that worries daddy a lot right now since you need to eat to grow big and strong like your sister is right now" Niall says as he was holding her before the doctor came over to examine her and see what is going to be done to get her to eat and get the right nutrients in her little system
The doctor starts to examine her and starts checking her sucking reflexes and she doesn't suck at all for him she doesn't suck his finger at all when he sticks his fingers in her mouth
"I think she needs a tube so she gets what she needs right now I think it has to do with something in her mouth that is causing all of this" the doctor tells him after a while cause he was seeing if Gia was sucking and she wasn't getting anything at all and that worried him right now with her being so little
"You sure?" Niall asks him
"For now yes and then we can see what is really going on with her, and when her doctor is back. She will see her, and then she will see what is the best opinion for her, so she eats. Some babies need an operation to fix something in their mouths so they suck again like before" the doctor says as he was leaving the house to go home
Niall let out a breath cause he knew she was going to be eating good in no time once she had her operation, and he was worried that the feeding tube won't work for her either. He was just going to remain hopeful right now about her and she will get better and go back to her old self in no time at all
"Okay sweetie I'll feed you" he says as he was going to feed her a little bit more
Gia ate before she was done
"Good girl now we wait for your doctor to get back" he says as he was burping her
(Days later)
Louis was going to watch Noelle while Niall takes Gia to the doctor and see what was going on with her
"Thanks for watching Noelle" Niall says to Louis
"Welcome Freddie will be a big help" Louis says as he sets Freddie down
"I will call when i hear something" Niall says as he left with Gia
Niall got her buckled in her car seat and once she was all buckled they set off for the doctor's to see what was going on with her and why she was not eating for daddy Niall
"Here we are now to see what is going on with you sweetie" he says as he was getting her out once he had parked the car
Niall was going to push her in the stroller cause it was easier on him
"Yes Gia Horan here to see Dr. Flame" he says to the receptionist
"Sign her in and she will be right with her" the receptionist says to him
Niall signed her in and took a seat in the waiting room
"Sweetie you have to be hungry by now" he says as he was getting her to to feed her
Gia didn't eat at all for him
"Thank god we are here to see what is going on with you" he says as he was going to try something different to see if she eats
Niall tried the other way and she started to eat but not a lot
"At least you ate baby girl" he says as he was looking at the bottle
"Gia Horan" the nurse says
Niall got up with her and headed in to get her weight and height
"In here and he will be in a few" the nurse says to him
Niall was going to play with her while they waited
"Hey Niall hey Gia" Dr. Flame says cause she was not busy at all
"Hey Dr. Flame" he says as he gets up with Gia
"I hear she isn't eating" the doctor says to him
"No she ate a little bit for me these last few days" he says as the doctor was checking the formula and see how much was left over
"I am going to see if she needs a different kind of formula and see if that helps her eat cause she has lost a few pounds since last visit" Dr. Flame says to him
Niall was shocked as well
"I am going to see if she takes it and if not the feeding tube will have to be ordered for her so she eats" Dr. Flame tells him
"Okay i will be okay with that" he says cause he was worried for her since she wasn't eating
Dr. Flame tried the other formula she was going to put Gia on and she doesn't take it so she kept trying until she got something that she would eat, and that was mother's milk
"Okay this formula is the formula she will be on from now on since she is eating good and she will still have the tube to help her gain weight once more" Dr. Flame tells him cause she was getting a feeding tube as well so she gets nutrients too cause that is a big thing too
Niall was okay with that cause Noelle was starting to go that route too but it wasn't that bad like Gia was
"Niall i want you to bring Noelle in as well so i can check on her too" the doctor tells him
Noelle's check-up is the next chapter
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