Noelle's check-up
Here it is after many weeks due to my schedule being a little crazy, and it is still crazy
Hey Niall hey Gia" Dr. Flame says cause she was not busy at all
"Hey Dr. Flame" he says as he gets up with Gia
"I hear she isn't eating" the doctor says to him
"No she ate a little bit for me these last few days" he says as the doctor was checking the formula and see how much was left over
"I am going to see if she needs a different kind of formula and see if that helps her eat cause she has lost a few pounds since last visit" Dr. Flame says to him
Niall was shocked as well
"I am going to see if she takes it and if not the feeding tube will have to be ordered for her so she eats" Dr. Flame tells him
"Okay i will be okay with that" he says cause he was worried for her since she wasn't eating
Dr. Flame tried the other formula she was going to put Gia on and she doesn't take it so she kept trying until she got something that she would eat, and that was mother's milk
"Okay this formula is the formula she will be on from now on since she is eating good and she will still have the tube to help her gain weight once more" Dr. Flame tells him cause she was getting a feeding tube as well so she gets nutrients too cause that is a big thing too
Niall was okay with that cause Noelle was starting to go that route too but it wasn't that bad like Gia was
"Niall i want you to bring Noelle in as well so i can check on her too" the doctor tells him
"Okay i can get that appointment made" he says as he was leaving with Gia who was in her car seat happy as a clam
Niall got her appointment made, and he was going to see whoever was watching Noelle if they can watch Gia when Noelle goes to the doctors
(Weeks later)
"Okay Noelle your turn pretty girl" he says as he was changing her before they headed out
Noelle was a happy girl as daddy changed her
"You talking huh sweet girl?" he asks as he was changing her
Noelle continued to talk
"You are my little chatterbox" he says to her as he was getting her ready
Niall massaged her and she loved it
"There we go sweet girl" he says as he was finishing dressing her
Niall had her ready in no time and he was going to wait for Liam to come, so he could go
"Bear is excited to play with Gia and get to know her" Liam says
"Perfect and her formula is ready and her feeding schedule is up so you know when she eats and how much, and if she wants more give her more she loves to eat" Niall says as he was getting Noelle in her seat so she could go
"No problem and she is where?" Liam asks
"In the playpen her and Bear can play together" Niall says to him
"Perfect come on Bear" Liam says as he was going to put Bear in with Gia for a little bit
Bear was happy he had a friend to play with
"Play nice with Gia" Liam told Bear
"I guess we are off" Niall says as he grabs Noelle
"See ya buddy" Liam says as Niall left to take Noelle to the doctor's
Niall loved Noelle a lot and it showed so much
"Here we go baby doll" he says as he buckled her in for the car ride cause it is going to be a long ride
Noelle wanted to play with the toys that were above her cause she loved to play a lot of the time, and Niall was going to go with the electronic devices when they were older, and on long car trips he was going to get televisions for them to watch as he drove and they were occupied the whole ride
"Here we go Noelle the doctor wants to see you" he says as he gets her out of her car seat base and takes her in in her car seat
Niall checks her in and sits with her
"Okay baby girl" he says as he sits down and he was going to hold her as they were waiting to go back
"Noelle" the nurse says from the doorway
"Okay Noelle that is you pretty girl" he says as he carries her back so the doctor could see her
The nurse wanted to get her weight and her height first and Niall was okay with that
"You are the small one aren't you Noelle" he says as he sees what she weighs
The nurse takes him to a room to wait on the doctor to see her
"The doctor will be in shortly" the nurse tells him
"Okay that's fine" he says as he was going to play with her cause she was the one that loved to play and wanted daddy for some reason more then her sister
Niall was going to do some tummy time with her to see if she could start putting her head up and if he needs to work with her
"You like the colors" he says as he was looking at her cause she was looking at the colors
Noelle continued to look at the colors that were in the room, and not look at him and that had him worried so much right now with her being like this cause she looks like she wa sthe neglected one after the girls mom had them
"Hopefully you ain't deaf" he says as he was looking at her
Noelle looked up at the ceiling and not at daddy
"My pretty girl" he says as he kisses her on the forehead
more will come like part 2 in time
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