Noelle is released
Niall pulled in and he got Noelle out of her car seat and put her in her stroller cause she liked her stroller a lot
"Here we go sweet girl," he says as he puts her in her stroller for the time being
Noelle was a happy camper right now
"Your sister is coming to keep daddy company while you are having testing done," he says as he heads in with her right now
Niall went to the window to register her cause it's going to be a long process and a long day/evening/night with her
"Okay sweetie daddy/mommy will be here when you come back," he says as he was going to kiss her goodbye cause it was going to be a long process for her
Harry brought Gia down to be with daddy as Noelle was getting her testing done
"Hey baby girl I think you are glad to be back with daddy," he says as he was talking to her cause she had missed him cause he was gone for so long
Gia cooed in her cute baby voice and she loved having mommy/daddy with her
"I say you have been good sweetheart" he says as he was holding her
Niall went down to get some food as they were going to be waiting and he was going to change Gia as well and then they were going to go to a waiting room where he could chill as he was waiting on Noelle cause she was the fragile one of the girls, and he was going to protect them at all cost right now cause he was their daddy
"Gia you are getting so big sweet girl" Niall says as he was holding her
Gia started to smile up at him
"I say yes" he says as he was going to walk with her right now to calm her down and everything cause she might be starting to teethe right now, so that is one roller coaster Niall wasn't ready for yet, and when he goes on tour the girls are coming with him
(Much later)
Niall wand Gia were fast asleep when he got word on Noelle and the testing went well and he should be able to see her in the morning cause she was sedated right now and they were going to keep her overnight for the time being until she wakes up
"Well let's sleep with sissy" he says as he heads to her room right now to be with Noelle
Niall sees Noelle is fast asleep is in her crib right now, so he was going to put Gia with her cause they were twins after all and they deserve to be together
"Here we go Gia" he says as he puts them together
Niall saw that Gia hugged Noelle and he took a pic of them hugging each other, and he was going to start Christmas shopping for the both of them as they slept cause his mind was racing too much to sleep right now
"Night Gia" he says as he tucks the girls in for the night
Niall looked at the girls and he was really lucky to be their dad
"Night girls" he says as he kisses them good night
Niall started to shop and he looked at them here and there as he shopped for the girls for their first Christmas cause it was coming and he wanted it to be memorable for sure cause he had loved them
Niall fell asleep once he had the girl's Christmas purchased he was excited to see their eyes on Christmas morning
"Might as well check on the girls" he says as he was going to look at the girls who were sleeping right now
Niall saw that both girls were sleeping like angels right now and Noelle was waking up from her medicine right now
"Oh hey Noelle" he says as he was going to hold her right now cause she wanted to be held
Niall was going to see if she could be released to go home
"Okay sweetie daddy going to see if you can go home cause you want to sleep in your own crib" he says as he was going to call the nurse to have her released cause it is morning and he had went out to get the double stroller for the girls
The nurse was going to see if Noelle could be released right now
"Daddy going to get you ready to go since sissy is still asleep" he says as he was going to change her
More is coming
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays and a happy new year
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