Hospital for Giavanna & Noelle
As promise here is the new chapter i hope you guys like it and remember to vote and comment if you like it. I hope i can update this story on Fridays from now on
"Okay I am going to have the girls tested to see if they have any disorders or anything cause i am worried about them cause i am afraid their mother didn't take care of herself during the pregnancy with these girls, and after she had them she dumped them right at the side of the road" the doctor says as he was calling the hospital to see if the girls could be squeezed in that day and if they could not be squeezed in the doctor was going to cancel and he was going to do the testing himself on the girls cause these were his patients and he was going to take care of them no matter what it took
Niall was glad that the doctor was not going to beat around the bush with the girls and get them taken care of at once
"They are going have to get shots today though cause I don't think they had their shots quite yet so I am going to get them up to speed on their shots right now and we can continue next visit" the doctor says as two nurses come in with all of the shots that the girls were going to be getting cause the doctor wanted the girls to be at the hospital as soon as they could
"It's okay girls I am going to be right here" Niall says as he was close to the girls as they were getting their shots
The girls were not happy at all that they had to get shots in the leg
"Don't worry girls as soon as we get home we can cuddle together on the couch just the three of us" Niall says as he was talking to the girls calmly as he picked each of them up to put them in their car seats to go home once again, but first they had to go to the hospital for testing and they were not going to like that a all, and Niall was going to get some medicine for the girls before going to the hospital with the girls cause they were in a lot of pain from the shots that they got in their leg
"Niall is going to get you some medicine to feel better girls he knows you girls hurts and it will only be for a little while" he says as he was leaving with them cause they had to get to the hospital quick for testing cause it was going to be a long day and maybe a long night with him and the girls at the hospital and the girls might be admitted after cause of their birth weight and everything that has happened to them already it's a little much to handle but Niall was ready for it
Niall got the girls locked in and got in to head to the nearest drug store to get the medicine that the girls needed to feel better
"Okay girls it is now or never" he says as he grabs the girls once he pulled into the hospital parking lot for their testing
Niall got the stroller out so it was easier on him and for the girls as well cause he will have to do some paperwork so they could get tested and everything to see what might be wrong with them
"Once i gave you the medicine you girls went right to sleep" he says as he was checking on the girls as they were sleeping
Niall could not get enough of the girls especially Noelle she was his little girl cause she always wanted to be held by him and her sister is very mellow of the two and Niall was okay with that
"Noelle it's okay sweetie" he says as he got her out of the stroller to hold her
Noelle started to search for food as a comfort item to calm her cries
"Oh sweetie I can't do that here I have a paci for you" he says as he gave her the paci to suck on for now
Noelle took the paci as she was looking up at Niall with her pretty eyes
"Is that better huh?" he asks as he was looking at her as he stroked her pretty hair
Noelle spit it out after a while and she wanted daddy
"Noelle" he says as he picks up the paci and cleans it off
Niall knew this was not going to work for long so he went some place private and put her on his bare chest and she was happy
"Is that what you wanted huh?" he asks as he was looking at her once again as they headed back, but he kept her covered, so it was not weird at all between the two of them
Niall rubbed her back as she went back to sleep on daddy
"Oh baby" he says as he kisses her head as he was holding her close
"Giavanna & Noelle Horan" the nurse calls from the door
"That's us sweet girls" he says as he got up with the two girls
Niall was careful so he didn't wake Noelle while Giavanna was asleep still in the stroller and was moving every so often as she slept peacefully
"What are we here for today?" the nurse asks Niall
"Testing for both girls Noelle has a breathing problem, and Giavanna's legs are turned" Niall says as he was getting Noelle out so she could have the testing done to see what was going on with her, and why she was like this
The nurse asked Niall to get the girls into a gown so they could get started and Niall was scared for him and for the girls as well cause they were his angels and he would be lost if something had to happen to them or if they were going to be different, but he would love them just the same as he did when he found them at the side of the road not that long ago and he was fully committed to this parenthood thing, and was ready to be their daddy no matter what it took, or how much it was going to cost him. With the money he has the girls will have a normal upbringing and they will have anything that they could want in their lifetime and they will be spoiled to the core no matter what happens
"Sorry Gia daddy is going to be quick" he says as he wakes the little girl so she could get her gown on her so she could have the testing done that she needed to have
Once Gia was in her gown he rocked her back to sleep and she was asleep like an angel, but Noelle was a different story
"Noelle I hope the testing is quick, and we are back home before we know it" he says as he kisses her on her forehead
V & C
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