dan runs into the harsh underbrush into the woods. alex's pleads reach his ears first and then her body comes into view struggling against two guys twice her size.
"hey! leave her alone!" dan shouts as he runs towards them.
one of the guys looks up and dan almost faints. it was jake. he smirks big and holds alex behind him. the other guy holds her still.
"well look who it is alex. your knight in shining armor."
alex's wild eyes find his. "dan! please help me! go call dad-"
"shut the fuck up!" the guy holds her jaw tight in his hand making her lips perk up. "such pretty lips, wonder what they would feel like on mine" he pecks dangerously close to her's and dan's face boils with anger.
he starts walking towards them but jake steps out cracking his knuckles. "i don't think you wanna do that. besides.." he looks back at alex before raising an eyebrow, "maybe you want to join in? she has three holes."
"you sick FUCK!" alex screams before the guy cups his hand hard over her mouth.
dan felt sick. this was making him feel like fainting.
"where's ryan?" was the only thing he could ask. maybe he could run and get him before...
the guy holding her laughs. "didn't you hear the news? "the party got crashed by cops and ryan was the first to run leaving poor miss alex here.. by herself. we gladly led her to safety. didn't we?"
alex tries to kick the guy unsuccessfully in the nuts but he jumps out the way quickly, letting his hands fall away from her. dan instantly runs to her but suddenly sharp pain is shooting through his nose as a crack is heard. he sees stars and doesn't remember when he ends up on the ground.
"i told you you didn't want to try that." he sounds nonchalant as he leans over and brushes his curls out his eyes.
"shh it's okay." he coos mockingly.
dan closes his eyes and whimpers as hot tears flow down his face. he curls up in a ball. "no. stop." he whispers and tastes the rusted taste of blood that was flowing from his nose.
"oh come on i barely hit you!" jake snorts as he stands up, "now, let's do this-hey what the fuck?"
apparently the other guy was laying unconscious on the ground. colton held a frying pan in his hand as alex stood behind him clutching his arm.
"hey! string bean. nice of you to show up."
"go away jake before you end up like your buddy."
he full on belly laughs. dan's vision was starting to decrease but he fights to stay awake. he needs to stand and help.
"what are you going to do? you can't sneak up on me. out of all the weapons in the world a fry pan doesn't scare me."
"i was searching in the kitchen and was tempted to grab a knife so consider this a sick favor for you."
alex's eyes weren't on the boys though. her eyes were searching on the wood's floor for something when colton lunges at jake she screams but her feet move in the opposite direction to grab something before running towards jake and shooting 200 volts down his neck.
he twitches violently and alex keeps her finger on the button. there was straight fear in her eyes.
"alex! alex! let go of the button it's okay!" colton shouts turning her face towards him. her eyes were wide as they search his face.
"it's okay i'm here. i'm right here."
they kiss and dan tries to laugh but that just sends more pain to his nose. colton runs over to him and crouches, his face serious.
"dan it's okay we'll get you out of here." he rubs his arm and something happens in dan that sends him into a panic.
"don't touch me! stop it please!"
"okay okay!" colton backs up instantly, "does it hurt there?"
dan doesn't seem to here him. "stop please i don't want to do this anymore!" he sits up quickly on his heels, his head and nose throb with pain and then the world goes black.
"alex call phil quick!"
y'all finna have so many emotions i-
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