the game
"uh i hate football games." alex groans, drinking the soda from the solo cup.
phil passes dan the tray of nachos as he sits in between them. "oh come on don't be like that. football games are really entertaining when you're passionate about a team."
"literally all it is, is kicking a ball down field to try and get to the goal before someone kicks it away from you and does the same thing on the other side and it's going to take even longer to get down there since this is the college field."
they had driven a total of 40 minutes to get to the college campus and the whole ride there alex was saying that phil was wasting gas for a game that the high school was going to lose again. the field really was huge. dan had to stretch his neck to see it end from end and even the bleachers were raised higher than at the high school.
everyone around them including themselves, were wrapped in big coats and boots with a giant blanket strewn themself and person beside them. it had to be in the low 30s and the slight wind that was blowing was not helping anything. as the wind blew again, dan shivers and cuddles closer against phil who hugs the blanket around him more. then, his nose caught a whiff of sweetness and his mind drifts to home. he looks diagonal to his left and sees a woman carrying a thermos of hot chocolate.
dan puts his chin on phil's shoulder and looks up at him with an innocent look on his face.
"what do you want?" phil sighs but he has a amused smile playing on his lips.
"hot chocolate." dan says in a small voice, "please?"
phil presses a chaste kiss to his lips before standing up. "if you weren't so cute and persuasive i would've said no."
"thanks, i love you!" dan laughs as phil grumbles his way through the crowd of people again.
"god he's so whipped." alex says just loud enough for dan to hear.
dan laughs just as the loudspeaker crackles and a man's booming voice echoes over the entire stadium. "welcome everyone, to the seventh year annual football game, college versus high school!"
the crowd around dan cheers and whoops until the man speaks again. "now now, we all know that the college football team has been superior for the last six years."
this time, only the other side of the stadium cheers which is the 'home' side or supporters of the college team.
"so it is only fitting to introduce them first! now, please welcome, london's six year winning college team!"
the team ran out a side door as the crowd on the home side cheers and goes wild. some on dan's side were booing. they wore blue and yellow uniforms with matching socks and shoes and they were all built like their muscles had muscles. the team lines up beside each other as the loudspeaker announces each of them by name. each boy waves to the crowd and then steps back in line. but then a name was called that sent shivers down dan's spine.
"jake pierce!"
his calves looked like they could snap dan in two as he does a perfect backflip and steps back in line. dan touches his arm where the ghost of a hard grip held him. when was phil coming back?
now it was time for the high school team. the speaker's voice announces them a bit lamely but still with enthusiasm and everyone on visitor side stamps their feet and roars. even alex gives a good clap.
the boys stood with their hands clasped behind their backs. not moving forward or doing anything extra when their name was called. whether they were just being mature or intimidating dan didn't know, but it was a good strategy.
colton's name was called and everyone claps loudly for the all star. out of all of them, he hears mr. simmons voice loud and clear chanting his name from the far left. dan chants along with the others too. it was contagious. then he smells sweet milk again and looks to his left.
phil was back with his hot chocolate.
phil pov
phil watches dan's smile get bigger and wider as the game continues on through the night. high school was winning two to zero and the score always went to three for this type of rivalry game.
it was a sight. seeing his hands cup protectively around the thermos that he had to pay an extra five for. his cheeks rosy red and those lips always parted to yell colton's name when he made a great pass or scored. those legs bouncing up and down beside his as they anticipate to hop up. last time he did his nachos fell to the ground beneath them.
even after the reassurance from him, phil still couldn't get the fact as of why he was jealous. colton was just a kid that had no intentions of getting with dan but still, he wants to tell dan not to talk to him ever again. was this craziness? or just being stupid in love?
suddenly, his daughter, dan, and everyone around him rose up instantly screaming bloody murder. he shakes himself out of his thoughts and looks at the score board. 3-0. they won.
"we won, we won! oh my fucking god!" dan shouts and shakes phil's shoulder. his eyes were aglow and he was dangerously close to spilling his drink.
"be careful princess you might spill your drink." phil laughs as dan jumps up and down again.
dan goes on as if he hadn't heard him. "did you see how colton flipped over jake and kicked the ball in? it was like straight out of a movie!"
of course. colton. but...something else makes confusion cross over his face. how did he?-
soft lips smash to his and in the distance he hears a cup fall to the bleachers and the crowd still roaring as dan wraps his arms around his neck. phil grabs his small waist in his hands and pulls him closer; forgetting the thought he was about to have. he hears his own heart beat in his throat as dan's lips slip from his to his ear. "take me home." he whispers.
something erupted in phil as he turns to his daughter who seems to not have noticed the kiss at all because she was still going crazy with the crowd.
"can you call maddie or get bill to at least take you to her house tonight?" he says as dan starts tugging his arm down the bleachers.
alex has a bunch of emotions in her eyes but anger was not one of them thankfully. "yea sure i'll ride home with the parents of an egoistical child."
"alex i'll drive you there." phil is trying to fight the tug on his arm. "it's not a problem."
alex kisses his cheek. "i'm just joking. go home dad."
phil smiles as he looks at the girl that resembles him so much even though she wasn't physically his. the light blue eyes and the recently dyed hair. she was starting to look like him more everyday.
"thank you." he says, and allows dan to pull him the rest of the way down the bleachers.
kinda mushy at the end but you know what's coming next. also do you want me to do more of phil's pov or no?
~ alivia
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