the friends
taking care of phil was something that came like second nature to dan in the past week. it seems that phil was afraid to ask for something even though dan had told him over and over agian that it was okay. the snowstorm did blow through and they were caged into the warm house for the whole week phil was sick and being trapped in a house filled with pathogens is not how he wanted it to go. but, it was still worth having phil's head in his lap and gently patting his hair everytime he told him he had a headache which seems like that was all the time.
while dan and phil were enjoying the snowed in week, alex was going completely mad. she would be glued to the front window that was piled high with snow and begged it to go away. dan really thought this was funny as seeing she looked half crazed as he was doing it. phil on the other hand, thought it was creepy and always whispered to dan about calling a preist.
by saturday, the snow had almost fully cleared and left the ground a mushy, wet mess. phil also was now only sneezing occasionally. then one day, there came a knock on the door
"i'll get it." dan says, and phil lifts his head from his lap so he could get up and answer it.
it was a girl that had a short brown bob and a boy beside her that had a beanie over his black curls. both were dressed in heavy coats and the girl spoke up first, "hey um, is alex here?"
dan looks at them for a few seconds before answering. "yes she is, who are you?"
"i might ask the same question to you."
the tone only held a little bit of attitude but dan was still shocked at the nerve of the girl. "dan? who is it?" phil calls from the living room.
he didn't mean to, it just came out, "just a girl with a bitchy attitude and a emo teen."
she looked like she wanted to step on his toes but dan held his ground, smiling nicely at her. he hears footsteps behind him and alex comes out of nowhere ducking under his arm. "friends?"
the boy speaks up. "alex you never told me you had living in the house with you."
"sebastian shut up that's my dad's... i don't know what they are, boyfriend? housewife?"
sebastian? so the girl must be maddie. alex's friends. dan's face instantly flamed with red at the mention of their argument. he hears the girl snicker beside him and he felt small. he was getting bullied by teenagers. luckily, phil came to save the day.
"what's going on?" he sniffs.
"oh....hi mr lester." the girl drawls as she smooths down her hair.
"yea..hey." the boy, sebastian smiles staring straight at him.
dan looks at phil in disbelief but is shocked to find him looking away in embarrassment and scratching the back of his neck. he mumbles out a hey and maddie smirks. alex rolls her eyes, "what's up guys?"
sebastian speaks up, "we want to take you on a date, we haven't hung out in awhile."
alex looks at phil, "please dad?"
"i don't want you out." he huffs, "there's still ice on the ground, what if you slip and fall?"
maddie sighs, "come one mr. lester, she's coming over to my place so nothing can happen to you're precious little angle."
"hey or we can stay here... i mean, we have before...." sebastian says.
the three teens snicker and dan notices how phil's ears were getting redder and redder by the second.
"listen," phil coughs, "how about you guys go, i don't want you in my house alone again."
"alone? where are you going?" alex asks.
"i have to go show dan something so go, have fun don't get in any trouble."
she squeals and gets on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek, "i promise! love you dad!"
phil kisses her head, "i love you too, hey go put some shoes on!" alex had ran out in only her socks. she runs back past him into the house.
"get i get a kiss too mr. lester?" sebastian smiles sweetly.
maddie giggles and shoves his shoulder, dan was completely confused about what was happening but he couldn't help to feel a little jealous. luckily, alex had came out just then dressed in a warm coat and some boots.
they start walking down the drive and maddie turns around, "bye mr-"
phil moves dan out the way and slams the door, breathing hard. dan couldn't help but laugh at his mini panic attack.
"what the hell was that?"
"doesn't matter. get something warm on we're going somewhere."
sorry it took so long :)
~ alivia
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