a misunderstanding
dan tries to grab him as he lunges toward colton but he was to quick and the two were already sprawled out on the grass. dan flings the jacket off of him and runs to phil, tugging his shoulder, trying to get him off of colton and that's when phil issues the first punch.
"phil stop it! what the fuck are you doing?!" dan screams at him and tries as hard as he can to pull him off but obviously it wasn't working.
"dan....get back!" colton groans from underneath phil.
dan looks helpless. "b-but why? i have to get him off-"
"dammit dan fucking do it!" he yells, holding phil's fist away from his face.
dan steps back quickly and when he does, colton starts to move. he's never seen anyone move so fast as colton immediately slips out from under phil and flips him so he's on the ground. before dan could stop him, colton punches phil in the face too.
screaming again, dan rushes back over to the boys but before he could get there, colton starts talking.
"mr lester please just let me explain! i-"
phil cuts him off with spit in his face and a push to the shoulders. "you don't have to explain nothing! you keep your horny teenage hands off my boyfriend!"
colton was thrown on his back but quickly gets up just as phil does too. the youngest puts his hand up to his nose and when it comes away with blood, he looks at phil scowling. "fine then..i guess talking is out the window"
"oh definitely," phil walks up to him slowly, "what? that poor nosebleed making you want to go home?"
colton starts walking too. "looks like you're bleeding more than me just from my one punch, i don't think you want to mess with me."
"oh i think i do."
dan rolls his eyes and jumps in between the two, putting his hands on both of their chests. "stop it, the both of you! what are you? 18? no offense colton."
"none taken." colton narrows his eyes, shaking out his shoulders, "you should control him."
"and you should shut your fucking mouth!" phil pushes against dan's hand and it takes everything in him to push him back even an inch.
he glares at phil. "i'm ashamed of you. if you would've let him explain, if you would've let me explain before you go all john cena-"
"he had his hands on you!"
"he was just getting his jacket back!"
"why couldn't you just give it to him yourself?!"
"colton was just being a gentlemen-"
phil gives a bewildered look. "a gentlemen?!"
"yea!" colton snaps, "exactly! i was there for him tonight when a bunch of fucking frats were hitting on him, where were you huh? WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!"
phil stops completly and looks at dan. "what?"
fuck. he was in trouble now.
dan takes his hand off colton and turns to him fully. he smooths out his shirt. "listen phil....it wasn't anything okay? it was just a stupid guy who-" he stops himself biting his lip.
"who what? what did he do to you?" phil's face was was reddening by the second and dan was starting to get anxious.
"well let me know this....were you planning on telling me at all?"
dan keeps his mouth shut and his eyes drop from his feirce eyes to his chest.
the deep rumble in phil's laugh causes dan's hands to shake. "oh so you were just going to let this sack of shit drop you off here and make up some elaborate lie on why he did it?"
dan face boils at that moment. "i was deciding on whether to tell you or not but seeing on how you act when you're jealous i'm glad i didn't! you're fucking crazy, and telling you what that guy did compared to colton taking his jacket off me, would make you go apeshit!"
"what did he do?" phil demands.
"i'm not telling you, and you better not either!" dan rounds on colton who puts his hands in the air instantly.
phil pursues him again. "you better tell me you all star bastard or i'll make you!"
colton opens his mouth to say something but then an annoyed girl's voice is heard.
"just exactly what the hell is going on here? i got maddie calling me from three houses down telling me that i better control the bags of testosterone out here before the police get called!" alex walks out the open door taking out her earphones.
colton suddenly turns bright red and smooths down his hair. "a-alex hey..."
dan gives him a weird look but colton pretends not to see it.
she barely gives him a glance as she marches straight up to her dad. "oh my god what happened to your face?"
"it was just a little misunderstanding." phil concludes, moving her hand away from his nose.
she flicks her eyes to dan. "over you?"
dan nods, a little ashamed that a eighteen year old girl could ease the tension better than he could.
"alright," she sighs and looks at dan, "you go fill some ziplock bags with ice and get some paper towels while you're at it. i'll stay out here with them."
dan jogs into the house and grabs the ziplock bags and the ice tray from the freezer. as he fills the bags, he starts to wonder when he ever saw phil jealous before. in high school, he didn't necessarily make it known that he was gay, let alone that he was dating phil so he didn't have to worry about that. he wonders if phil's ex, stephanie, had to deal with that side of him or even if that side had ever been part of him back then.
walking back outside after fulfilling alex's orders, he hands her the bag and the paper towel. "listen, how about you clean up colton. i need to clear some things up with phil."
she rolls her dark set of blue eyes, "fine but we need to talk later, and hurry i don't want people seeing my hair like this."
dan looks at her crumpled black hair that was frizzy and pushed in on one side from where she was lying on it. "trying to impress someone?" he glances at colton who looks toward the ground quickly when alex turns to look at him.
she gags. "as if, i can't stand colton. he's fame hungry and has a physco girlfriend."
dan's eyebrows raise in question. "that talk is most definitely happening later."
they part and dan makes his way to phil who was twiddling grass strands between his fingers on the ground. sighing as he sat down beside him, claps his shoulder. "how ya doin champ?" he says with what was left of his american accent.
phil looks at him disgusted. "don't ever call me that again, i'd rather you call me 'bro' than that."
dan smiles, "alright bro. after this you wanna go grab a beer?"
"i change my mind, i hate both. you know what i am to you."
dan turns serious agian. "you're right. i'm your boyfriend which gives me the right to say that you lost it for half a second and i honestly thought you were going to attack me next."
phil looks at him shocked. "no..no dan i would never-ah!" he hisses in pain as dan presses the bag to his nose while also sopping up the blood that was pouring from it.
"shh. i know you wouldn't but phil, i love you very much and seeing you tonight was like seeing that same phil that told me to get out of his house a few weeks ago."
phil goes quiet as he allows dan to pamper him. "i don't know what happened, i just....colton has always seemed like a younger brother to me but when he was touching you, and how you were looking at him. it was like i was watching you...being happy with someone else right in front of me..like you had a whole new life."
"phil this is something my mom told me never to say but you are my life or at least part of it. colton told me in the car how you and his family go way back with them and i don't want you to ruin that relationship for me or for yourself."
he gives a small smile.
"plus." dan says, balling up the bloody paper towel, "colton is 18, we're both 28 and dating, so stop worrying."
off his look, dan sighs. "and as for the frat boy, let's let that wait until later, much later when we're on an island somewhere far away where you can't beat anyone up."
phil finally lets a laugh break through and he gently grabs dan's wrist that held the ice bag and moves it from his face. "how do i look?"
dan turns his head sideways and shrugs. "bruised but the hottest guy i've ever seen."
phil pulls his chin towards him gently, smiling. "thanks princess."
pink blooms in dan's cheeks as he's pulled into a kiss. the bag of ice slips from his fingers onto the still half frozen ground. it was still freezing outside but dan felt warmth as the breath from phil's mouth and lips coax him into a stupor he's only been into a few times. when dan starts trying to climb on top of phil is when he pushes off him.
"alright, lets go back inside before the cops show up for public nudity." phil chuckles.
dan was trying to hide the fact that he was panting and a little turned on by that. "what? public sex doesn't interest you?" he jokes.
phil, only raising an eyebrow to that question, stands up before helping dan up too.
"i believe you owe colton an apology." dan presses as they walk to the two teens.
"sure sure." phil says.
alex notices them first and stands up quickly, looking relived. colton stays put but looks up at phil.
phil sticks out his hand. colton looks at it only for a moment before shaking it and also helping him stand. "we'll be at your game tomorrow night, i know you'll pull through this year."
colton shrugs, "i know we will, college team has gotten cocky, i can tell they stopped practicing."
"give them hell."
"i will."
he picks his jacket up from the ground and nods at dan then jogs back to his car. in a few seconds, there was nothing left but tire marks that were the only evidence he was ever there.
alex scoffs. "men."
this one was long too what has become of me?
~ alivia
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