Chapter 2
~A name remembered
like a melody to the ear
But forgotten
Is to lose ones self~
"Ah, who needs her!" Exclaimed Althair suddenly. Though it was clear by the undertones in his voice that he was bothered by what had happened as well as what she had said.
Kaldin, however, wasn't paying any attention to his friend. This was possibly the only woman alive that had both beauty and brains and didn't like Althair. "I'm going to ask her to join us. After all, it seems we're traveling the same way."
The blue eyed Althair's mouth dropped open in surprise. Hadn't he just said they didn't need her? He turned to tell Kaldin to forget the woman, but his friend was already walking after the female like a puppy with its master. Pathetic. Besides how could Kaldin possibly know they were traveling the same way?
Grumbling miserably, Althair slowly followed his friend and found the woman and Kaldin laughing. What the hell were they laughing about? When he approached, the woman turned those sparkling exotic eyes on him and it nearly took his breath away. He actually had half a mind to apologize to her just to get on her good side. What was wrong with him? He never apologized. He never had need to apologize. Approaching with care, he nodded his head to her and then turned to stare into the distance.
Arching an eyebrow, the woman shrugged and turned to Kaldin. In her opinion he was the more handsome of the two. "So, you'd like me to join you, eh? I don't know... I don't take to being harassed very well."
Kaldin sighed. "Althair won't harass you. Please join us. We're traveling in the same direction I noticed. Where are you headed exactly?"
The woman also sighed and thought about what Kaldin said. Maybe she would agree to it if his friend would behave. Traveling alone was rather... lonely. "I'm traveling to Castle Fangorn." She stated as if the place was well known.
Both men turned and stared at her. Finally Kaldin spoke up. "Fangorn Castle? I've never heard of that place. I don't think Althair has either." Turning to his friend, the blue eyed man shook his head in agreement before once again looking away.
"I can't say I'm surprised. Not many know of it. It's in the Edarth Mountains." The golden haired woman stated softly.
"The Edarth Mountains? No one goes through them or even into them. Everyone that has tried has disappeared and feared long dead." Althair said feeling the need to speak up. "Are you crazy? Going into those cursed mountains is a death trap."
The woman didn't take kindly at being called crazy and it showed on her face. "Why in the nine hells would you want to go there?" Althair finished.
"My reasons are my own." She said cryptically, as her expression hardened. "Besides it's not like I'm asking you to go into the mountains with me, now is it? I doubt you could handle it anyway. Like you said, everyone is presumed dead in those mountains. Though, honestly, I don't think I'd lament losing you." Turning back to Kaldin, she gave him a faint smile trying to cool her irritation. "Where are you and the crude fool headed?"
"Do you mind not calling me names?" Althair demanded heatedly.
"Do you mind not staring at my chest!" The exotic female hissed.
"Retract the claws, Kitty – you're not worth my time anyway." Althair lied, while groaning inwardly. She's so worth my time, he thought while doing his best to keep his eyes off of her.
"Good it better stay that way! And don't call me, Kitty. I am not a feline, nor an animal."
"I'll do whatever I please, Kitty." Althair said purposely trying to rile her up now. And it worked too, she hissed and lunged at him. However, she was forced to stop because his good friend blocked her path.
"I said..." The woman began ready to move around Kaldin and attack the imbecilic man.
But Althair cut her off. "You said nothing. I don't know your name and you won't give it... so, until the time I learn your name, you shall be Kitty. Besides you have feline features... kinda."
Another growl erupted from her bow shaped lips, but this time Kaldin interrupted. "To answer your question miss, we're headed to the capital." The dark haired man sighed as the two continued to bait each other. Keeping the two from killing each other... well, the woman from killing his best friend would be rather hard. But, he had to admit, Althair was right. She did have rather feline features, which was odd. And yet her skin held a golden tint to it. He couldn't help but wonder where she had come from? Or what species she was? She certainly wasn't human. Maybe elf? The ears matched... or so he thought. It wasn't like he had ever seen an elf in person. Most had disappeared over a century ago.
Kaldin's answer brought the woman's eyebrows up in an arch of interest. "The capital? Why there? Is there some kind of festival or duel or maybe jousting going on that I am unaware of?"
"Actually, Kitty my dear, your wrong. You see, the King's daughter has gone..."
This time it was the woman's turn to interrupt. "Gone missing and if you find her you could win her hand in matrimony. By the gods, are there not more exciting quests for adventuring fools? Something less, predictable?"
"Actually, I'd personally love to get some royal action, but no. The princess is not up for marriage. You see, she's only thirteen years old, Kitty my dear. The youngest of three daughters, and the prince, the heir to the throne."
A low rumble sounded from her throat as she glared at Althair. Finally she announced after a few moments, "It does seem like we're headed in the same direction. Even though I can protect myself, I'll travel with you. As long as the barbarian behaves. Being alone does get tiresome. Though it is a shame I have to travel with such a fool, though your gentlemanly company Sir Kaldin should suffice quite nicely."
"If you don't stop calling me name's, Kitty..." Althair began threateningly.
The green eyed woman hissed and with liquid grace and speed, moved around Kaldin. A knife appeared in her slender hand as she grabbed Althair by the collar of his tunic. "Or what, Althair? What are you going to do to me?" She began emphasizing his name with dripping sarcasm. "I warned you about calling me, Kitty."
Acting unconcerned, even though the look in her unique eyes scared him out of his mind, "Well, if you would give us your name..." He began to say Kitty but stopped short when a very sharp object pressed against his throat.
"Say it and lose something you hold very dear, Althair." Warned the woman, ready to slice and dice at that very moment.
Kaldin quickly moved forward knowing he needed to intercede. He was surprised to see how deadly and dangerous this woman was and it made him realize that they knew nothing about her. Her beauty had entranced them both. Was she a witch, or maybe an assassin? For some reason his 'feeling' was coming off as good though, and he trusted it. "Please don't do anything rash, miss. Althair speaks without thinking sometimes."
The woman's sparking eyes turned onto Kaldin and she watched as he shuddered beneath her gaze. "I can see that. Tis a shame his brain doesn't make up for his inadequate..." She trailed off and poked him with the tip of her knife in his lower abdomen before releasing him.
This time it was Althair's turn to grow angry. "Inadequate!? How dare you! Let me just say I have pleased many a woman with my so called inadequacy. And everyone has begged for more. Not that you'll ever get the privilege or the pleasure."
Rolling her eyes, she re-sheathed her knife in the cuff on her upper arm. "Thank the gods for that."
Red with anger, Althair gripped her arm causing her to look at him with... was that amusement in those amazing eyes? "No man in his right mind would ever want a woman like you! You're flawed anyway... You're not human that's for damn sure! Either that or your bloody cursed! Besides, you couldn't please the most simple minded of fools."
"Poor me." The woman said with another roll of her eyes and then leaned in close to Althair, taunting him. Her voice a mere purr, but held amusement, as if she knew something he didn't. "Though, let me assure you, dear, I can tell when you're speaking out your arse. Lying is unbecoming." With that she pulled her arm free of his grip, leaving him gaping at her. "We really should be moving. Staying in one place and in the open too long isn't a good idea."
Althair rubbed at his neck ignoring her. He was irritated by the fact that she had pegged him, but he would remain true. Even if she begged him, she would not get any part of him... And yet, for some reason that made his heart ache...
Kaldin, however, looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary... well other than this strange yet beautiful woman willing to travel with them. It was a beautiful cloudless day. But that was liable to change at any time in the forest. Kaldin followed the woman, entranced by her. This was his chance! Maybe Althair's luck really had changed! He glanced back at his still seething friend who was muttering to himself under his breath. A grin grew on Kaldin's face, but he quickly hid it when Althair caught him staring. Maybe now he would finally be able to get the girl? And what a girl... or rather woman! "So—-...?" Kaldin finally asked, falling back into step with his friend.
Althair looked at his friend with irritation blatant on his face. "So, what?"
"What do you think of her?" Asked the dark-haired man, eagerly.
"I'm trying to not think of her, thank you!" Althair growled. "She refuses to tell us her name and yet she can't stand me calling her Kitty! And I'm the idiot?" He hissed. "And she's immune to my damn charm... what kind of woman is she?!" When he saw the smile of relief wash over Kaldin, he arched an eyebrow. Realization then dawned on him. His friend liked the blasted female. He couldn't help it, he would have some fun with this. "Then again..." Althair began thoughtfully. "She is absolutely stunning. She's unique and definitely vivacious. Perhaps I should continue to try with her... I don't want to ruin my reputation now... I always get the woman." He then winked at Kaldin.
"But you just said..." Kal began.
"Forget what I said. That was the anger talking... She's too amazing to let go that easily."
"Perhaps you should, Althair. I don't think she likes you. All you do is make her angry. And then she wants to do bodily harm to you."
"Oh she can do bodily harm to me all she wants." Althair said pervertedly. "She'll warm up to me, Kal... eventually. I'll wear her down. I can't let this one get away." His grin grew wider at the look of despair on his friends face. Clapping Kaldin on the back, he hurried forward to catch up to the woman. He now had a challenge. Who would get the girl? Him or Kaldin? A challenge he couldn't resist.
"So, Kitty, what are you exactly?" Althair asked ignoring the clenching of her fists. "I mean, I thought you were an elf, but elves are gone aren't they? They disappeared. And elves don't have your eyes."
"And how many elves do you know of?" The woman asked her voice once again cold. "Or for that matter met in person?"
"Well, none... but I've heard stories. From what I know, they don't have eyes like you, teeth like you, claws like you... or skin like you. What about you, Kal, ever heard of an elf looking like Kitty here?"
Catching back up after growing slightly depressed that Althair wasn't going to stop trying for the girl's hand, he sulked forward. "No, but that doesn't really mean much, Althair."
"Who's side are you on, Kal?"
With a jolting stop, the golden haired woman glared at Althair. "You really should listen to your friend more. Stories are just that – stories. They can be changed over time... they never remain the same."
"So, are you telling me that you're an elf then?" Althair asked skeptically.
The woman looked at Althair briefly and then turned to Kaldin without answering the other man's question. "Tell me Kaldin, where do you come from?"
"Don't answer her, Kaldin. If she's not going to answer our questions, then why should we answer hers?" Althair growled growing angry once more that she merely overlooked his question. He wasn't sure why her responses or lack there of were bothering him so. It had to be because no one had ever treated him in such a way. That had to be it.
The golden skinned woman narrowed her eyes at Althair, which caused Kaldin to frown. "Well then, I guess its going to be an awfully quiet trip." She said and shrugged at Kaldin before quickening her pace.
Not about to be left back with Althair, Kaldin hurried after the beauty. "I don't care if you know where I'm from, miss. My hometown is Scalay. It's a small farm town to the northeast."
A smile flickered across the female's face. "You are not as mistrusting as your friend. I can assure you, I am not your enemy... maybe his though." She said jerking a finger at the lighter haired man following behind. "Never heard of your town though, sorry. So you're a farm boy then? How'd you meet your barbarian friend?"
"I heard that!" Came Althair's voice from behind.
Both ignored him though. Kaldin smiled in return. "Believe it or not he saved my life when we were kids. Been friends ever since."
The woman looked behind them, back at Althair with an arched eyebrow. "That is rather hard to believe. He seems very egotistical, arrogant, and selfish. But that's just what I've seen so far."
Kaldin sighed, "He's not that way all the time. He does have his good moments. We saved a lords wife from bandits one time. Althair didn't even try anything with her. Another time we helped a farmer find his missing son. We didn't even take payment. Althair's not bad... just misguided at times. He's always had charm and wit and looks..."
At that, the woman couldn't help herself, she began to laugh. It was sweet sounding and both men wanted to hear more of it. "You're too good of a friend to him, Kaldin. I'm thinking he doesn't deserve you." She then shook her head, wrinkling her nose. "I'm assuming that's from most of the female's you have met?" At the man's nod, she continued, "you may find, I am not like most females. I certainly don't find him that way... if anything, you are more charming, witty, and good looking than that ignoramus."
"I get it! I get it now!" Althair called out hurrying forward having heard practically everything. "You're trying to tear apart our friendship! You are devious!" He exclaimed, anger still in his voice from earlier his finger going to poke her in the chest, but he stopped noticing her glaring at it.
"Now who's the crazy one?" The female said coolly. "Why would I do that? Besides, your friend seems far too loyal to you. I don't think you have anything to worry about, your idiotness."
"I don't know why, you're the mastermind! Maybe you're a siren? Luring Kaldin to his death?"
"Oh by the gods! Is the fool always so annoying?" The woman asked Kaldin, annoyance flashing over her smooth toned features.
Althair's eyes narrowed. "Until you stop calling me names, Kitty, I'm going to continue calling you Kitty."
A frown lit Kaldin's face. "Ok, look you two! We have quite a ways to go and if we're to have a decent trip we all need to get along. One, she's right Althair, I wouldn't betray you. You're my best friend. Two, stop calling her Kitty, she's obviously not a feline... maybe an elf or something of the like? And three, miss, it really would help us if you would tell us your name." Kaldin was trying to take control of the situation, now if only it would work.
"I'll stop calling her Kitty, when she tells us her name." Althair said stubbornly.
"I DON'T KNOW MY NAME!" The female finally screamed in anger and frustration. She looked directly at Althair, "Are you happy now?" She practically snarled at him.
Her statement took both men by surprise. She didn't know her own name? Who didn't know their own name? Althair looked at her genuinely sorry. The look of frustration that washed over her face caused his heart to pound achingly. To not know one's name. A sense of identity, was lost. He couldn't even imagine. But, still, how did she not know...? "I'm sorry... I had no idea."
The woman looked at Althair through narrowed eyes, hating that she didn't know her own name. Hating him for her outburst and giving them leverage over her. And then he spoke and surprise flickered across her face for a brief moment. He was actually apologizing? And it sounded genuine? This was a first. "Forget about it. Just don't call me Kitty anymore."
"Well... maybe we can help..." Kaldin suggested, feeling much the same as Althair did towards the woman and her lack of identity. "Maybe..." He began thinking up something on the fly, "we can give you a temporary name, until you remember your name."
"That's a good idea... but what can she be called? Something perfect..."
"Alice?" Kaldin suggested.
"Alice? She sounds like a mad woman."
"Hmm..." Kaldin thought. "What about Mary?"
"That's horrible. Sounds like an old woman or a gardener. Something more... unique, Kal. Something more her..."
Just then a raven flew in front of them. Althair grinned and looked right at the woman and snapped his fingers. "Ravyn." He said. "Spelled with a y instead of an e. It's unique. It fits."
The woman arched an eyebrow. "So you're going to refer to me as a bird rather than a feline?" She questioned skeptically, not sure about this new name. She wasn't even sure she liked the idea of them giving her a name.
"No, no, dear one. You're free as a bird, and besides, if you want to shorten it, you can be called Ray. Like a ray of sunshine or a ray of hope. Happy thoughts, love." Althair said cheerfully. "Be positive for once."
"Fine... I guess it's not worse than being referred to as a walking feline." The strange woman stated rolling her eyes at his words fighting back the irritation that tried to etch itself across her face. "Ravyn...." She tested the name, listening to the sound, "It's not bad, I suppose."
Althair grinned and looked at Kaldin who was frowning. It was clear he didn't like the fact that he hadn't been the one to come up with the name. As if it had been a competition, then again maybe it had been. After all, weren't they both trying for her? Moving closer to Kaldin, he clapped his hand on his friends back. "Maybe next time, Kal." He said with a wink.
Inwardly, Kaldin seethed. He had never been so angry at his friend in all their time together. But he had wanted to gain some leeway with... what were they going to call her now, Ravyn? He had liked the fact that she hadn't been too keen on Althair, but now... was that changing? Of course, because Althair was a lucky bastard. Bitterness began to worm deep in Kaldin's heart. He wasn't going to stop trying though, no matter what, he would try and sway Ravyn.
"It's not bad at all." Kaldin finally said. "It suits you... at least until you find out your real name." Kaldin then thought a moment. "How is it that you don't know your own name? You know where you're headed... You know your surroundings..." Seeing her shake her head, he stopped. "You don't know your surroundings?" He guessed.
The now appointed Ravyn sighed and sat down on a nearby log. "No, I don't. I only know I woke up by the creek you found me at a few days ago. I've been there for as long as I can remember and before that nothing... The only clue I had was a map that said I needed to go to Fangorn Castle, through the Edarth mountains." She pulled the map out and showed it to Kaldin. "A strong feeling told me where I was on the map, and the castle is marked. Thankfully there are noticeable landmarks that should help me get to the Castle relatively easy." She sighed visibly upset by the fact that she couldn't remember things. "I know general things. I supposed every day knowledge. How to use my weapons... stuff like that."
The dark haired man looked at the parchment in surprise. "This is ancient." He said softly. "Most of these places don't even exist anymore." He pointed gently to a spot on the map. "Like here, this is where the elves used to live. They abandoned the city. Nothing there except ruins." He then noticed the frown appear on Ravyn's face. He was bringing her bad news. She had been so sure too, he suspected.
"The elves... I remember elves... like I knew them personally... but I can't remember..." Ravyn groaned as she tried to remember, her head started to pound.
Althair moved over to look at the map as well, but Kaldin tried to hide it from him. "Knock it off, Kaldin. We now have a woman in distress. We need to help her. Now let me see."
With a sigh, Kaldin showed him the map which caused his friend to frown. "Do you know where you got this from?" Kaldin asked.
Ravyn shook her pounding head and nearly collapsed. Both men quickly reached for her, to which she brushed them off with a frown. "I'm fine... a headache... trying to remember." She then paused before shaking her head once more. "It was just on me... along with my clothes and weapons."
Scratching his head, Althair thought on what could have happened to her. "I'm not sure, but this is a mystery we must solve. Ravyn needs our help."
Kaldin ignored his friend while still staring at the map. If most of these places didn't even exist anymore, he wondered if Fangorn Castle didn't exist as well. He had never heard of it, nor had Althair. Where could this strange creature have come from?
Before they could contemplate this any further, a large roar sounded in the distance. All three of them stopped and looked towards the air. A shadow passed overhead and the trio froze not wanting whatever the thing was above to come down and attack them. Althair placed a finger to his lips as if to tell them all to be quiet. They both just looked at him as if he were stupid. The sound of air whooshing over them and then a loud thud caused the ground to shake. Whatever it was had landed! All three had wide eyes as they looked around not sure where the creature had landed.
"Run?" Mouthed Althair.
Kaldin shook his head. And then raised his hands, "Where?" He mouthed.
The trees shifted and moved around them making it hard to tell which direction, whatever the the thing was, had landed. Shuffling and a rustling of leaves sounded to their left, before cracking leaves sounded to their right. Was there more than one creature?
Finally something started to move forward. Trees began to break and topple over, some even appeared to move aside to not be harmed. The trio backed up as something large approached. Suddenly a rather leather looking tree, or was that a foot appeared. It was dark in color, but blended in with the trees. The rest of the body came forward and the group gasped at the beast that was before them.
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