Chapter 4
"Where are we?" Thea whispered looking around.
"This is the Forest of Gaia." Hermes released her and took a step back. "It once grew in Ancient Greece but mortals began to destroy it in their need for self preservation. Under Demeter's order, it was moved to the realm of the Gods where no soul could destroy it."
"Wait, so we aren't on Earth right now?"
"No, we're in the realm of the Gods."
"Can all the Gods move between the realms?"
"No, I am one of the only ones. Many choose to remain on Olympus. Others travel to the mortal realm to have their fill."
"Fill of what?"
Hermes smirked. "Of women."
For some reason, Thea wasn't surprised. She tried to change the topic back to the matter of hand.
"This forest looks familiar." Thea turned, looking at the trees as if remembering old friends.
"You once lived here," Hermes stated. "Back when you were known as Lissandre."
"That name you all keep calling me?"
"Yes. In your past life you were once on par with the Gods themselves thanks to the powers the Elder Gods embedded you with."
A headache started at the base of Thea's skull and she held her head. "That sounds absurd."
"You have no idea," Hermes muttered.
Thea looked at Hermes and for a moment his hair looked longer. She blinked and it was back to normal. "So what the hell is going on? Are you really Hermes, the messenger of the Gods?"
Hermes grimaced. "I always hated that title but that is who I am."
The image of the little blue Hermes from the Disney movie popped into her head. "You're different from what I imagined."
"Why, because I'm not wearing sandals with wings on them?"
Thea glanced at his boots, they looked like something from a steam punk movie, black with silver buckles and she noticed black wings on each of them. Any other time she would have laughed but right now her head was threatening to split open.
Her vision began to blur. "What about my powers? The fire and water -"
Hermes grabbed her shoulders as her legs buckled from the pain. "Are you alright?"
"My head," Thea whimpered. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as the pain intensified, strong arms embracing her as the world went black.
* * * * *
A cool breeze blew across her skin and Thea opened her eyes. She was lying on the forest floor, large trees loomed above her. Lifting her hand, Thea shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun.
The first thing she noticed was her head ache was gone. The second, so was Hermes.
"Hermes?" Thea called, uncertain. "Where are you?"
Thea jumped, hearing faint voices through the trees on her right. Standing up, she headed towards them hoping to find Hermes. Walking through the forest, Thea felt like she was home. Her feet knew where to step, lifting higher to step over unearthed roots without Thea having to look. The smell of pine was stronger and Thea breathed deep, finding the smell oddly comforting.
A deer crossed her path and Thea froze, not wanting to scare it. It paid her no heed though and kept walking as if it hadn't seen her. Strange, Thea thought. Maybe it wasn't used to humans so it didn't see her as a threat.
The voices began to grow louder and Thea crept closer, hiding behind a tree when she saw movement. She recognised Hermes voice.
"You've been summoned, Lissandre. Not even someone such as yourself refuses a summoning from the Gods."
Thea moved around the tree, wanting to see who he was talking to and her blood ran cold when she laid eyes on her. In a cream white dress, revealing way too much leg and cleavage in Thea's opinion, was a mirror image of herself.
Her dark brown hair was longer, reaching her waist and small wreath of Daisies and thistle flowers adorned her head. Though they seemed identical, Thea felt this woman was prettier than herself. The one distinguishing feature was her eyes. They were not blue like Thea's but a vivid green.
So this must be Lissandre, Thea thought. Was she dreaming right now? It all felt so real.
Lissandre turned her head away from Hermes with an air of indifference. "Please, I answer no one's summons but that of the Elder Gods. I won't be ordered around by an insolent God who throws a bit of lightning when a woman refuses to open her legs to him."
Hermes face was a mask but Thea could see corner of mouth twitching in what she thought was annoyance. His appearance clarified that she was dreaming. His hair was longer, down to his shoulder blades, straight and black. The shadow of a beard was absent and Thea thought he looked younger, more innocent. He wore a white toga and Thea could clearly see his toned body, noting the hard contours of his chest were still the same.
"You can tell Zeus that when you meet with him. Zeus has got plenty of women without needing to lower himself to the likes of you.". His voice was colder than Thea had ever heard it. He gazed at Lissandre with disdain and Thea thought of his attitude towards herself. It made sense why he didn't like her that much already. If he hated Lissandre, he probably expected Thea to be the same. He must really hate me, she thought.
"Now, Hermes," Lissandre patted her hair, "he lowered himself to your mother's level and I think I'm not so low as her."
Thea smothered a gasp which escaped her lips. They didn't notice though. Hermes hand flexed with anger and even Thea was wanting to tell Lissandre to put a sock in it. Now she definitely knew why Hermes didn't like her. Lissandre was a bitch!
"You are being summoned," Hermes ground out, "because it is time. The war is coming to an end and you must play your part."
Lissandre walked away and Thea stared in wonder as flowers bloomed in her wake. "And what if I choose not to?"
Hermes moved closer to Lissandre, sneering in her face. "You choose not to, all I have to say is this; Our great Mother created you for this sole purpose. I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to remove you should you fail her."
He snorted and moved away. "Honestly? I hope she does. The fact that we even need a mortal to fight our war disgusts me."
Lissandre raised an eyebrow. "Well, if it disgusts you so much then I best do my part. I would hate for you to feel content, little messenger. Perhaps my friend and I can play some more games with you before the final battle?"
Hermes looked thunderous as a gust of wind passed through the clearing. "Hold your tongue before I get Artemis to remove it for you."
"So angry, Hermes," Lissandre smiled sweetly. "With your obvious distaste for mortals, you should be thanking us for getting rid of that girl. Or were you not finished playing with her?"
Hermes refused to answer, instead grabbing Lissandre and they both started to fade away with the wind. Lissandre turned at the last moment, eyes meeting Thea's with amusement as the forest melted away.
Time for you to wake up child.
* * * * *
Thea opened her eyes, groggy and confused.
Hermes held her, one arm around her waist, the other cupping her head. His eyes were concerned. Thea remembered the coldness in his eyes as he looked upon Lissandre. Not thinking, she reached up, brushing a stray strand of hair from his eyes. Hermes froze, his arm tight around her.
"You look better with short hair," Thea murmured.
Confusion melted into realisation and Hermes grinned. "I always hated having long hair. So you remember me now?"
Thea shook her head and Hermes confusion returned. "I had a dream. You were talking with Lissandre, summoning her to war. She was talking about playing games with you and a mortal girl, I think."
A shutter fell over Hermes eyes and Thea shrieked as he let her go and she landed with a thud on the hard earth. "What the hell, why did you drop me?"
"That wasn't a dream, Thea, that was real. You're remembering your past life."
"I thought it might be real. I felt like I was really there..."
"You were only an observer. We would have known you were present if you had actually been there."
Thea thought of the deer who didn't seem concerned by her. She remembered Lissandre's words at the last moment but something inside her told her to keep it quiet. "I guess, that's still no reason to drop me!"
"Sorry," he muttered. "You both look the same and mentioning her just made me angry."
"Who was the mortal girl? What did Lissandre do to her?"
"None of your business!" he growled.
Thea glared. "Fine!" She remembered Lissandre's words and felt guilty. "Sorry."
"For what?"
"For prying, and for being a complete bitch in my past life."
A small smile tugged his lips. "You picked up on that?"
"Aliens on Mars could pick up on that, Hermes."
He smiled. "So you're starting to believe me now?"
Thea rubbed her hip where it had hit the ground. "You have no idea how much I want to pretend this isn't real, but it's hard when something within me tells me this feels right. Also the pain in my hip because you dropped me means it's real! The teleportation thing was pretty convincing too."
"You know, getting from the kitchen to here?"
"That is not teleportation," he argued. "I travel using the wind and air currents. The air is the same here as it is on earth so I can use it to travel between the two realms."
"Do the wings have something to do with it?" Thea pointed at his boots.
Hermes rolled his eyes. "They simply speed up my travel, nothing more. The rest is all me."
The suggestive tone in his voice had Thea rolling her eyes. "I'm sure. So what about these abilities I'm meant to have? How do I stop them going haywire again?"
Hermes walked over and pulled Thea up from the ground. "All in time, which we sadly have little of. You need to do more than control them, you need to master them so you can send Cronos back to Tartarus."
"So that part was real?" Thea said with dread. "You can't be serious? Didn't he eat his children?"
"I'm deadly serious and yes, he did eat his children. Hades had an awful time of it Zeus told me."
Thea poked his arm. "Speaking of Zeus, I did my research and everything I've read says it was Zeus who sent this guy to Tartarus."
Hermes snorted. "No, that's what humanity was led to believe. It would be shameful for the Gods to admit it was a mortal woman who did their dirty work for them."
"So Lissandre was mortal? Why wasn't she immortal like the rest of you?"
"Aye. Gaia created Lissandre, making her mortal so she wouldn't attempt to overthrow the Gods. Her power was for a single purpose and once that purpose was fulfilled, she would be able to live her mortal life to the end of its days. It was too dangerous to let her live an immortal life with the powers she possessed."
"So I was made, like some crazy Frankenstein experiment?"
"Franken - what?"
Thea waved her hand. "Never mind."
Hermes groaned. "This is going to be painful. Your ignorance is almost as annoying as Lissandre's narcissistic personality."
Thea shoved him away. "Okay big guy, first of all I am not Lissandre! So stop comparing me to her. I am Thea Gibson. I don't know what Lissandre did to you but it wasn't me. So get your head out of your arse and just for the record, I would have slapped her so hard if she'd had a go at my mother. Secondly, you're the one that needs my help remember? So explain or I go home and try to figure it out myself!"
Hermes stared at her like she'd grown two heads. "You say you're not Lissandre but you bear the same soul as her. Who's to say you won't become like her one you regain your memories? I also hate to tell you but you're not going anywhere without me for some time. Not until you master your powers."
"You still haven't explained what they are!"
"Then lets remedy that now."
Hermes grabbed Thea and yanked her against his chest. Thea felt her stomach drop again but this time she knew what it meant. "Where are we going now?"
"Olympus." Hermes spoke as the air blew around them. "My patience is beginning to wear thin and I'm going to need help catching you up on everything. Fortunately I know someone who loves to talk a pretty face."
Thea scowled and gripped his waist as the forest melted away. Her patience for him was wearing thin too.
A/N: A big thank you to everyone who is reading this story, don't forget to comment if you like it ^_^
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