Chapter 20
“Why didn’t you come to me straight away?” Hermes asked as he leaned against the balcony railing.
“I don’t know. I was more worried about Hades being pissed that I’d iced his room.” Thea touched his arm briefly. “Why do you think he keeps appearing in my apartment? Is he hanging around town waiting for me or something?”
Hermes shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. Just to be sure though, I’ll go and check it out today.”
“I’m coming with you.” Thea moved to follow him and he spun back around, grabbing her waist.
“No way, you stay here.”
“What? Why? You don’t think he’ll even be there!”
“But what if he is?” Hermes murmured, pulling her close. “I can handle myself in a fight but what if I can’t protect you?”
“I can defend myself, you know?” Thea rested her hands on his chest, giving him a little shove. “I want to go back for a day, anyway. Being cooped up down here is suffocating.”
“Let the girl go home, Hermes. I’ll keep an eye on her.”
Hermes cursed and pulled Thea closer as she tried to move away. “You still haven’t learned how to give people privacy after all these years, Artemis.”
“If you want privacy then go somewhere more secretive.” She folded her arms. “So when are we heading off to check the apartment?”
“Who said you were coming?” Hermes raised an eyebrow.
“Of course I’m coming. You were just bitching that you wouldn’t be able to protect Thea by yourself. So I’ll come and pick up your slack.”
Hermes grabbed Thea’s hand and pulled her past Artemis. “You can come if you want but Thea still stays – Ow!”
Thea slapped him across the head. “I’m coming! Artemis said she’ll look out for me, so this is happening.”
“Women,” he muttered, eyeing them both. “Fine. You stay with me or Artemis at all times. No wandering off.”
“I can do that. So, when do we leave?”
“As soon as you’re ready.” Hermes looked at her damp clothes. “Do you want to get changed?”
Thea pulled on her shirt and sighed. “No, the rest of my clothes are still frozen. I’ll change when I get home.”
Artemis went to grab her things and they went down to the main hall to wait for her. Thea moved anxiously on the spot, her fingers tapping against her thighs. She was more than excited to be going home. Even if it was only for a few hours, the thought of being in her apartment — somewhere normal and familiar — made her insanely happy.
Hermes grabbed her hands. “You really want to go home, don’t you?”
“I really do.”
Pulling her forward, he pressed a light kiss to her lips. “Sorry you’ve been cooped up all this time. We just want to make sure you’re kept safe.”
Thea freed her hands and wrapped them around his neck. “I know you’re all worried about making sure I’m still alive to take care of Cronos –“
“Thea, that’s not what I meant,” Hermes sighed.
She flicked his ear. “Let me finish. I know your concern is more than about Cronos. I just don’t like to be confined all the time. And my apartment has been my home for years. I miss being somewhere where I feel safe and familiar.”
“You saying you don’t feel safe with me?”
Grinning at his insecurities, she yanked on his hair. “I do, I just miss my home.”
Hermes pressed her closer. “You have a thing for hurting me.”
“I feel pain is the only way to get through to you sometimes.”
“I can think of other ways you can get through to me –“
“I’m coming downstairs! Stop the canoodling before I reach the bottom!” Artemis called from the floor above.
Thea tried to pull away but Hermes pulled her back. “She’s not at the bottom yet.”
Rolling her eyes, she pushed away from him as Artemis descended the final step. “Good. I’ve had enough of your googly eyes to last a lifetime.”
Hermes grabbed Thea’s hand and they walked out the front door. She heard Artemis mutter, “Disgusting” and bit back a smile. She wasn’t normally a touchy feely type but she liked that Hermes wanted to hold her hand all the time.
Persephone and Hades were out in the Elysian field that morning so they headed off without waiting to say goodbye. They flew over the fields to Acheron River, Artemis gripping Hermes like a vice. Thea guessed she wasn’t a fan of flying. Cerberus was sleeping and they managed to sneak past him. Artemis seemed disappointed that the large dog was sleeping; her hand, which had been hovering over a dagger on her belt, fell limp at her side.
Charon was waiting, a foul look on his face, and he muttered under his breath as he rowed them across the river. Hermes kept a hold on Thea, his thumb absently rubbing along her hand — which helped distract her from the knowledge that there were souls in the water below them. She let him pull her out of the boat and once they were all on the shore, he grabbed Artemis before she could break his arm again.
“All right, let’s go.”
She felt the familiar lurch and grabbed Hermes’ shirt, not used to only holding his hand, and buried her head in his shoulder, feeling dizzy from the blur of colours. She stumbled upon landing and Hermes let go of Artemis, steadying Thea.
“Welcome home,” he said softly.
She opened her eyes to the familiar sight of her living room and couldn’t stop the grin stretching across her face. She looked around, trying to see if anything had been touched, her first concern Cronos. Artemis was already moving around the apartment, checking doors and windows.
“I can’t sense any residual energy. I don’t think he was here.”
Hermes left Thea in the living room and checked her bedroom. “You’re right. I think he was just appearing in your dream.”
Thea ran her hand along a framed photo of her parents. “I know I’m meant to find that comforting but strangely, I don’t.”
Artemis slapped her back and Thea stumbled into the couch. “Stress less, Thea. Just be grateful the bastard wasn’t here.”
“Yeah, I guess. So, do we have to go back now?”
“Nah. Hermes was telling me about that Game of Thrones show and I want to watch it. Show me how to put it on.”
“Oh, okay.” She turned the TV on and put on the first episode, showing Artemis how to put the next episode on when the first was finished. “You do realise you won’t be able to watch them all in one day?”
Artemis collapsed onto the couch, putting her feet on the coffee table, and Thea’s jaw clenched. “Then you better give me a key to your apartment because if I like it, I’m going to be breaking in to watch the rest.”
“Wonderful…” She looked around. “Where’s Hermes?”
“Didn’t he go into your room?”
“Crap.” Rushing into her room, she pulled up short when she saw Hermes lying on her bed. “What are you doing?”
His eyes drifted to her. “Getting comfortable. We don’t have to head back for a while so I thought we could hang out here for the day.”
“Uh, not happening, Hermes. We can hang out here but not to do what you’re thinking of.”
He leaned up on his elbows. “You’re torturing me on purpose, aren’t you?”
“How is this torture?” Going through her wardrobe, she grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.
Hermes got up to follow her. “Oh great, a shower –“
“I can handle the shower on my own.” She stopped him, hand raised to keep distance between them.
He pouted and she struggled not to laugh. “I’m going to see you naked sooner or later. Why can’t it be now?”
“Because I’m not ready for you to see me naked. Anyway, I’ve missed my shower and I want to enjoy it without any distractions.”
“I won’t distract you –“His mouth shut as she raised her eyebrows. “You’re right, I would. All right, well, hurry up.”
Just to be safe, Thea locked the door, not trusting Hermes to behave himself. Stripping off, she stepped into her shower, sighing as the water pressure hit her. The showers at both Poseidon’s and Hades’ homes had been nice but there was something about her own shower she loved the most. She wanted to stay under the jets for as long as possible but the thought of Hermes snooping around her bedroom entered her mind and she rushed through the shower, scrubbing her hair as fast as possible. Stepping out, she quickly dried and dressed, rubbing her towel through her hair.
Unlocking the door, she caught Hermes leaning over her dresser. “Freeze!”
He did as he was told, hand hovering on the knob of her drawer. Rushing in, she shoved him away from the drawer. “What have you snooped through?”
“Nothing, I was just starting.”
“Don’t lie! What have you seen?”
He raised his hands, unable to stop the grin on his face. “Nothing, I swear.”
She pushed him. “Tell me!”
He grabbed her as he fell backwards and she fell on top of him, slapping his chest. “If you’ve been through my underwear drawer, I swear –“
“Underwear drawer!” He groaned, slapping his forehead. “How could I forget?”
His eyes twinkled and she laughed, trying to hit him again but he grabbed her wrist. “No more hitting.”
“Would you two keep it down?” Artemis snapped. “I’m watching a show here!”
Thea laughed and curled over, burying her head in his shoulder. Hermes rolled her onto the bed beside him and sighed. “Damn, Artemis, she’s a mood killer.”
Thea folded her hands under her head. “How about we go for a walk? I want to see if anything has changed in two months.”
“I guess it’s better than having Artemis yell at us,” he muttered.
Rolling off the bed, she pulled him up. “Suck it up, princess. You’re acting like a little kid who’s not allowed to have his cake.”
“I don’t care, I really want my cake.”
“I’m the cake in this scenario, aren’t I?”
“How’d you guess?”
She rolled her eyes. “Come on.”
They walked out the front door, leaving Artemis to the show. Grabbing her hand at the bottom of the stairs, Hermes led the way. Stepping out the front doors, she felt her body relax at the familiar scents of the bakery down the road. They walked in silence and Thea looked around, wanting to take everything in. After walking a few blocks, Thea noticed that nothing had really changed. Everyone was still doing what they always did and Thea felt strange. She’d been away from the world for two months and the world had kept moving. Part of her knew she was being silly but it felt weird after everything she’d seen. They had no idea what was happening between the Gods.
Hermes squeezed her hand. “You all right, Peaches? You look sad.”
“No, I’m okay. Just thinking how no one has any idea what’s happening with Cronos.”
“It’s better that they don’t know. Do you wish you were still ignorant of it all?”
“Hmm, no, I don’t think so. I mean a lot of this has sucked but there have definitely been positives to meeting you and the other Gods.”
Hermes kissed her hand, grinning cheekily. “You’ve got the best positive standing right in front of you.” She snorted with laughter and he smiled in return. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just that all these sweet talk and gestures make me laugh! I know you’re being nice and everything but I can’t help it.”
He shrugged. “I can be a jerk if that works for you?”
“No, no, I’ll suffer through the sweet talk. Just try to keep it to a minimum and we’ll be fine.”
“If the sweet talk doesn’t work then I’ll just use my actions.” He spun her around as she laughed –
Looking up, she saw Sharon standing near the street corner. “Sharon!” Breaking free, she walked over and gave her a hug. “How are you?”
“I’m great.” She pulled away, giving Thea a once over. “Wow, look at you! You look fantastic. Going for a holiday was really good for you. And I see you brought a new man home. Introduce me!”
Hermes walked over and took Sharon’s hand, kissing her knuckles. “I’m Hermes. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, what a gentleman! And such a godly name too.”
Thea tried to cover her snort with a cough and Hermes glanced at her wryly. Sharon finally tore her eyes away from Hermes. “So, are you back for good, Thea?”
“No, we just stopped by to pick up some stuff and then we’re hitting the road again. How is Matt? Is the bar doing okay?”
“It’s going really well; he’s finally got those new girls trained. They aren’t at your level yet but they’re getting there.”
“Great. Make sure to say hi to Matt for me. I know I said would get in contact with him but things have just been happening –“
“Oh, don’t be sorry about that! Matt will understand. You have your own life to live after all and with a handsome man to boot.”
“Don’t call him handsome, Sharon, it just goes straight to his head.”
“It’s all true,” he grinned. “But please continue. I believe you mentioned something about being godly?”
Sharon laughed. “Oh dear, you’ve got your hands full with this one! I would love to catch up more but I have to go and pick up some stock for the bar. I’ll talk to you next time. And you look after her, Hermes. She’s a special girl.”
“She most definitely is and I will. Nice to meet you again.”
Sharon gave Thea a final hug and she crossed the street. Thea watched her go, feeling guilty for not getting in contact in so long.
“She seems nice,” Hermes commented.
“She is. Matt and Sharon were always good to me. I owe them so much.”
“Do you still want to keep walking?”
“Yeah, let’s go down to the lake. I used to like sitting there.”
They continued down the main street, cutting across to the small lake in the town centre. The locals called it a lake but it was essentially a large pond. The water was still and she gazed at the reflection of the trees and buildings in the water’s surface.
They fell into a comfortable silence and she leaned into Hermes, enjoying the peace. She remembered the last time she had come here with Shae. They’d been discussing Shae’s man troubles; she had always seemed to have an abundance of them. She wondered if her soul was already in the world, starting her new life. Defeating Cronos would be worth so much more knowing she was keeping Shae’s new soul safe.
Hermes asked her about her childhood and she held nothing back, answering all his questions. She made him laugh as she retold how she had spent two weeks pretending she was a teenage mutant ninja turtle.
“Why would you want to be a turtle?”
She spun around, hands pressing on his chest. “They weren’t just any turtles, they were ninja turtles! I thought they were the coolest thing ever. Stop laughing at me!”
Hermes traced her arm, still chuckling. “Aren’t most girls meant to like girly things, like dolls and tea parties?”
“Apparently, but I when I was young, I spent a lot of time with my Dad before he died, and mum had always been a bit of a tom boy so I didn’t have the most feminine upbringing.”
Hermes stomach chose that moment to be heard and she grinned. “Hungry much?”
“I could eat.”
Thea looked at her watch. “We’ve been sitting here for nearly an hour. Let’s go to the café across the street. They make good sandwiches there.”
They walked across the street, heading towards the café. Thea glanced at Hermes as he mumbled a curse, his hand snaking around her waist. “Hermes, what -?”
A man stepped out from a shop and she understood Hermes’ annoyance. “Hi, Josh.”
He still looked the same; blond hair swept back from his face, the smile which highlighted all his facial features. She took it all in but this time, she didn’t get heart flutters. It just felt like she was seeing an old friend and she was relieved her feelings had faded.
He stepped towards them, eyes moving over Hermes warily. “What are you doing back here?”
“We just came back to check on some things,” Thea said, as she tried to loosen Hermes’ grip before it cut off her circulation. “We’re heading back to Hades’ later this afternoon.”
“Yeah,” she said awkwardly, realising how crazy she must have sounded. “You know, the Underworld and all that?”
“Yes, I’m familiar. I’ve been doing a bit of research since you’ve been gone.” He looked at Hermes. “Have you been keeping her safe?”
He pulled her close and Thea felt awkward, trying to push away. “Yes, I have. She’s always going to be safe with me.”
Josh’s gaze sharpened, honing in on Hermes arms around her waist. “I take it you’re doing more than keeping her safe?”
Hermes opened his mouth and Thea elbowed him. “Don’t start,” she warned him. “Hermes and I are together now. It’s only a recent development; I’ve been spending a lot of time learning how to use my powers.”
Josh waved his hand. “All the wind stuff?”
“And other things.” Hermes still refused to let go of her and her patience started to wear thin.
A man walked out and called out to Josh. “Come on, Cooper, we got a meeting to get to.”
Josh waved him on and turned back to Thea. “I have to go. My offer still stands; if you ever need my help, don’t hesitate to call.”
Hermes grip tightened and Thea ignored it. “Thanks, Josh. I hope I don’t have to and that this is all over with soon.”
“Bye, Thea.”
She waited until he’d gotten into his car and driven off before turning around and hitting Hermes. “What the hell, Hermes?”
“I don’t like him,” he scowled. “He still has a thing for you.”
“Bloody hell, no he doesn’t. Are you really that insecure?” Hermes scowled and turned around. “Where are you going?” she called.
“Back to your place. I’ve had enough walking.”
Rolling her eyes, she followed him. They walked back in silence, Hermes obviously pissed. She reached out and took his hand, smiling when he entwined his fingers with hers instead of pulling away. They made it back to her apartment in record time with Hermes taking long strides, dragging her along. He still seemed pissed and she wondered if maybe she’d gone too far. Lissandre popped into her mind and she wondered if that had something to do with it.
They walked up the stairs and she tugged on his hand. “Are you still pissed at me?”
He grunted and she sighed. Walking into her apartment, she saw Artemis hadn’t moved from her spot. She took a look at what episode she was on. “You’re nearly half way through the first season?”
Hermes moved to sit on the couch but Thea yanked him back.
“This show’s all right,” Artemis said, eyes never leaving the screen. “I recognised Sean Bean; I saw him in that Lord of the Rings movie Hermes showed me. Isn’t he the actor that dies in everything?”
“That’s the one,” Hermes said, avoiding Thea’s gaze.
“So does that mean he dies in this one?”
“You’ll have to wait and see. I’m going to lie down for a little while,” Thea announced, giving Hermes a meaningful glance. “My sleep wasn’t exactly restful last night.”
“Fair enough,” Hermes said, yanking his hand from Thea’s, “We’ll wake you when it’s time to leave.”
She stared at him, wondering if he was an idiot. “Fine.”
Turning around, she walked into her room, shutting the door and pulling the curtains. “Bloody idiot,” she muttered.
She was going to try and apologise but he was either too stubborn to accept it or too stupid to realise what she had meant. Kicking off her shoes, she collapsed on the bed, her body sinking into the mattress. If it was possible, she had missed her bed more than her shower. Grabbing her pillow, she curled onto her side and tried to relax enough to sleep.
Thoughts of Cronos filtered through her brain as she began to drift and instantly she was wide awake. What if he came to her again and realised she was in her apartment? Would he try to attack her? Biting her lip, she sat up, all thoughts of sleep forgotten. She wanted to go out and ask Hermes to come in and stay with her but her own pride held her back. She didn’t want to admit she was scared.
After sitting on the edge of her bed for fifteen minutes, a knock a sounded at her door and Hermes walked in.
“Bathroom,” he said, walking through and shutting the door.
Thea sat back on her bed, leaning against the headboard, trying to think of how to make him stay. The toilet flushed and after a moment, he walked back out. She bit her lip, thinking she would have to just come out and ask him when he paused, taking in her expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said automatically and winced inwardly.
“Why aren’t you asleep yet?”
“Just excited to be home,” she lied. “Taking it all in and everything…Are you still mad at me? I was just being stupid before. I’m sorry if I went too far.”
Hermes watched her for a moment. “I know, but you were into him before all this started. How am I meant to know if you don’t still have residual feelings for the guy?”
“I don’t. And if you don’t believe that, then I guess all I can ask is that you trust me.” He nodded and headed for the door. “D-do you want to stay for a little while?” Thea asked, feeling hesitant.
“You can’t sleep, can you?” he asked quietly, hand on the doorknob.
She shook her head, deciding to tell the truth. “What if he figures out I’m here?”
Hermes shut her bedroom door and walked over, climbing onto the bed. “Lie down.”
She did as she was told and Hermes folded himself behind her, holding her in his arms. “If you’re afraid, just say so.”
“Thank you and sorry about earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it. You were right; I was being insecure. It was pathetic. Let’s just forget about it, okay?”
“Hmm.” Thea started feeling drowsy and buried deeper into her pillow. Hermes kissed the nape of her neck.
“Go to sleep. I’ll wake you when it’s time to leave.” Feeling safe in his arms, it didn’t take her long to drift off to sleep.
* * * * *
“—time you guys got back.”
Thea drifted between sleep and waking, hearing Artemis’ voice. She felt Hermes reply resonate through her back. “Let her sleep a bit longer. What news did Apollo have?”
“The Titans are gathering at Olympus. I don’t think we have much more time left. She needs to get to Apollo to finish her training.”
“I don’t want to rush her, Artemis.”
“Really? Or you just don’t want this to end? I know you, Hermes. You’re afraid she won’t want anything to do with us once this is over. She may have said otherwise but with Lissandre’s soul, who knows what will happen.”
Hermes hold on her tightened briefly. “She isn’t Lissandre. She won’t do something like that. I just don’t want to rush her with this. We’ve thrown a lot at her these past two months.”
Artemis grew silent. “You really like her, don’t you?”
His one word response made her heart skip a beat.
“Just be careful,” Artemis said quietly. “I don’t want to have to kick her ass.”
Thea pretended to stir and she heard the door click shut. Hermes brushed her hair from her face. “Thea?”
“We should be getting back.”
“How long have I been asleep?”
“The entire afternoon. You can sleep when we get back.”
Stumbling off the bed, she stretched. Leaning over the bed, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for staying with me. It’s the best sleep I’ve had in ages.”
“My pleasure, Peaches.”
“Did you get any sleep?”
He shook his head. “I wasn’t tired.”
“You didn’t just watch me, did you?”
“Of course.”
“Creepy,” she muttered, grabbing her shoes.
He grinned. “I spent the entire time hyperventilating in your ear.”
“Okay, that is disturbing. Why ruin it?”
“Because it’s fun.”
Smiling, she pulled him off the bed. “Come on. We better get back.”
Rubbing her eyes, she tried to flatten out her hair. When that didn’t work she tied it away from her face. Artemis was back in front of the TV, starting the first episode of season two.
“Are you staying here?”
“Yeah, I don’t have anything else to do tonight.”
“Okay.” She walked over to her door and pulled out some keys, unlooping one from the ring. She placed it on the coffee table in front of Artemis. “This is the key to my apartment. Feel free to come and go whenever you want.”
“Thanks. See you soon.”
Hermes grabbed her from behind and her stomach lurched as her living room melted away. They appeared by the river and Hermes let her go. “Sorry we couldn’t stay, but it’s not safe to stay too long in the mortal realm.”
“That’s okay, I understand. Thanks for letting me go.”
“I think you have Artemis to thank for that.”
“Oh yeah. I’ll thank her next time I see her.” They crossed the river with Charon — who was silent for once — and Hermes motioned for her to fly over Cerberus. Thea was still half asleep and Hermes sensed she wasn’t in the mood to talk. When they got back, the castle was quiet and they found Hades waiting in the main hall.
“Welcome back,” he said calmly. “How did everything go?”
“He wasn’t there; false alarm. I think it’s about time we headed off to Apollo tomorrow though. Sorry to rush you, Thea, but we are running out of time.”
“It’s okay. I’m just learning little things at the moment. I don’t think I need to know how to grow a flower to put Cronos back in Tartarus.”
Hades nodded. “I will see you in the morning then. Persephone has already retired for the night. She will want to see before you go so make sure you wait.”
Thea nodded. “I’m heading off to bed too. Goodnight, guys.”
Leaving them in the main hall, she went back to her room. As she was opening the door, she remember that her room had been frozen and cursed. She’d completely forgotten. She was surprised to discover that the ice was gone and it looked as though nothing had even happened. Getting changed into her shift, which smelt freshly laundered, she collapsed on the bed, hoping to fall asleep again straight away.
Hermes’ words were filtering through her brain this time though, and she felt herself grin stupidly into her pillow. It was ridiculous that one small word made her feel like she was experiencing them for the first time; as if the first time a boy had said he liked her lost all its special meaning.
Overthinking, she wondered if she should tell him how much she liked him too. Their relationship had only just begun but she felt like it had been building for the last two months. She didn’t want to sound corny but she wanted to tell him at the same time.
She shot up, hearing her doorknob twist, and stared stupidly as Hermes snuck in the door.
A/N: Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy, next update will be Friday as usual ^_^
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