To be..
A week had passed since we arrived in Portland Oregon and I was beginning to believe this could become my second home.
I had fallen in love with the place and the people as Aaron showed me around the sights and took me on little adventures daily.
"Here you go." He smiled passing me a new memory card.
I laughed "You know this is a sign that I've taken too many pictures."
"There is no such thing, besides I don't think there are any copies of one photograph so each one is amazing..." He trailed off.
"Uh, how would you know? Unless you've been looking?" I asked as he gave me a guilty smile.
"I couldn't help myself, you were all cuddled up last night and I just wanted to take a peek. You're really talented you know that?"
I rolled my eyes "Uh huh, sure."
"You are, the sooner you realise the better." He smiled kissing my forehead.
A warm feeling washed through my body as I looked up at him before kissing him. "Have I told you how much I like you?"
He chuckled "I think so. But I'll never tire of it."
"Good." I replied zipping up my case and lifting it off the bed.
"All packed my little bunny?" He asked.
"Yup. Let's go hunt ghosts! Or not.." I added causing him to laugh.
"It's not that scary,"
"Oh sure, you totally peed your pants once." I answered.
"I've only had a slight accident... Once. And that was unavoidable." He replied making me cackle behind him as we left the hotel room.
Today we were off to California and whilst I was super sad to leave Oregon, Aaron had promised to show me even more of America and promised that we could come back.
Getting into the hire car, I set up my little area in the passenger seat and awaited my man as he came out with his bag on his shoulder.
"Reseda here we come!" He cheered pushing his bag into the backseat.
We kept the conversation light and playful amongst each other, Aaron had given me the information pack put together by Maria who was filling in for Cece whilst she was away. Testing each other out on facts, I also checked for things to do in California and places to stay.
We were mid conversation when the phone rang, pausing my thought, I pulled the phone out to see my case workers number. Swallowing back the anxiety I answered.
{Aaron POV}
I watched as Luna's face went pale, as she listened to whoever was on the other line. My eyes drifted to the marks on the side of her face and the finger mark bruises left by him on her neck.
My mind twisted in anger at the thought of him harming her. Luna was a small little thing, cute as a button and harmless to anyone. She wouldn't report Mark despite giving her chances because she believed it was her fault and she believed he would change. He did change, he got worse and Luna was still in the firing line.
I reached over and placed my hand on her leg making her eyes whip over to me.
"No, no. I'm here I just-... So what now?" She asked putting her hand over mine for comfort.
"Right. Okay. Yeah I understand. Thank you... Bye." She hung up and sighed looking over at me.
"You okay?" I asked worried.
"Uh, could we maybe stop before the airport? I kinda need some air."
I looked for a rest stop and pulled over stopping the car.
"What's happening?" I asked her gently.
"Mark, he uh, he broke his bail conditions. So they have taken him back in, he assaulted a police officer and with my case as well, they took him to court this morning." She answered.
"He got 3 years and a $15,000 fine."
I blinked "Woah."
"He got the jail time because Nevada law states that strangulation carries a jail sentence. It was his second offence of battery in 7 years. That on top of the police officer.." She trailed off.
"And how do you feel?" I asked seeing her upset.
"I uh- I don't really know. I little overwhelmed, I mean.. Aaron did I cause all this?"
I shook my head at her question instantly "No, no you didn't and you can't think that either. Mark was a sadistic monster who preyed on hurting you, look at you Luna. So you may have a little bite in that body of yours but you wouldn't harm a fly and the state of your body... It breaks my heart and I blame myself for leaving you that night, I should have waited.."
"It's not your fault though." She replied.
"And it's not yours either. Look at me? Mark isn't mentally sick, he knew what he was doing every time he hurt you okay?"
She nodded lightly "But if I-"
"No." I interrupted making her grumble. "You are not to blame. We are not to blame for his actions. He's gone, in a prison cell for the next three years and hopefully when he comes out, he will have a change in attitude.."
"I don't know if he is just serving three years. His case with the police officer is still going apparently."
I thought about it before looking at the road "So he could be inside even longer?"
"I guess.."
"Would it be evil if I hoped he stayed in there for good?" I asked.
She shook her head "I hope not, because that's all I've been hoping for."
We sat in silence for a while before Luna relaxed against the seat "I feel like I can breathe again."
I smiled gently "That's good. This is just the start for us, yeah? Me and you. Against the world."
She smiled nodding "I like that idea."
"Then that's what we will do." I leant over looking at her lips.
"I like you Luna."
Her eyes twinkled every time I told her and she giggled softly "That's good, because I like you too.. and when these bruises go and I don't feel so fragile. I'm gonna show you exactly how much I like you."
I grinned before stealing a kiss. "To be continued Miss Kasper Clarke."
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