The man needs a thermostat
If you thought I had come home and locked myself away, licking my wounds. You'd be right.
It wasn't even 7.30pm and I was sat in bed after taking a bath to ease the pain in my tummy. My hair was still damp and only brushed. I didn't have time nor did I care about drying it.
I didn't know how long I had been sat in bed, staring out the window at the trees that blew in the wind whilst I was wrapped up warm and cozy wasting the light of the day. My mind toyed with the idea of getting a dog, or a cat. Based on the fact that I had decided within myself, that I clung to Aaron in such a short amount of time because he gave me love and attention. Although now I knew love was too strong of a word, but he did give me some attention. Cared for me enough to make sure I was happy and alright.
Well a dog could love me as well.. But the idea of getting a dog to fill my lonely heart felt somewhat selfish of me, considering I was only debating the thought because I was still sore on the rejection list, I was also still confused by the odd behaviour of Aaron. Maybe this was his norm? That the man I had laid on the couch with watching an old film really wasn't the man I thought.
Maybe I didn't know the real Aaron at all?
He was a riddle, an enigma.
Now I was just aimlessly staring at a bird across the street, sat on top of an aerial braving the cold and the wind.
Such a strong little bird.
I'd never been caught up like this on a guy and I knew why, they had always said what the problem was. Aaron just gave mixed signals and riddles.
My phone buzzed on the side making me roll my eyes away from the little bird to look at it. But the time I looked back, the bird had flown away leaving me with nothing to look at...
As my phone went again, I leant over and grabbed it only to cut the call and push it back down.
I don't answer withheld numbers.
Twenty minutes later there was knocking on my door. I sat there in bed waiting for the knocking to stop when a voice called through my home.
"I'll stay here all night!" Maria yelled.
Rolling my eyes, I slipped off the bed carefully and answered the door.
"You look like crap." She announced.
"Thanks. I was at work early, come in." I stepped aside letting her in and closing the door behind her.
"How are you?" She smiled with bright eyes.
This is where I felt envy, the bright eyes, glowing skin and happy face. She was full of love and received it back, even a blind man would see the love Zak gave her. Kinda made me sickly jealous...
Why couldn't I have that?
"I'm okay considering I look like crap." I retorted before winking. "How are you? Theo?"
"Good, we are all good. So you getting ready?" She asked.
"Tonight? I just dropped Theo off to Zak's mo- you've forgot."
I gulped.
"N-no." I laughed nervously.
I had. I had so forgot..
"You did, come on. Don't bail on me, I really want to show you Desire, you'll love it. I promise it's the best place to be in Vegas."
I shrugged "I don't feel up to it, I'm real sor-"
"Is this because of Aaron?" She interrupted folding her arms with a tweak of her brow.
"No..... Maybe."
"Oh Luna." She huffed walking off into my home and sitting down on the couch.
She frowned looking around at my living room before looking at me "Were you in bed?"
"No." I answered too quickly.
"Oh my god, you were. Okay you shouldn't be in bed unless there's a hunk taking you to it..." She paused going off in her mind. No doubt thinking of Zak.
I waited and sure enough a smirk filled her face before she snapped back to me.
"Get ready, find something to wear, I'm going to get ready, and I'll pick you up. No excuses."
"I don't-"
"Is there a handsome man in that bedroom waiting to rip those unicorns shorts off?" She asked standing up.
I shuffled. "No." I mumbled becoming familiar with this word.
"Then you have no excuse but to pull your depressing ass from your head and get ready."
"I am really beginning to dislike this conversation." I replied.
She grinned "Good, now get ready." She smiled walking out the room towards the door. "Oh present from my gorgeous husband." She said pulling out a bit of paper.
I unfolded it to see a check.
My eyes widened before I blinked. "W-what is this?"
"Your services for The Domes."
"Maria I don't want this, what the hell?" I frowned trying to hand it back.
"You'll have to give it to Zak. I had instructions too you know."
"But this is way too much. Like I don't earn this in a month!"
Maybe even 2 months!
"Well enjoy it or return it to my husband. Either way you'd be pretty stupid to turn that kind of money down."
"Okay fine, but I'm only coming to give this back to Zak."
"Fine." Maria smiled happily. "Oh, and FYI, Zak will never accept it."
"SEE YOU SOON!" She sang closing the door behind her leaving me with a check for $2000.
If I was unqualified and they paid me this for 2 days worth of work, what the hell did they pay a qualified photographer?!
I stuck the check on the mirror and took in my haggard appearance. "Fine, I'll take on Zak Bagans myself."
I was mad.
Seething in fact!
I'd made a choice and now it had backfired in my face. I had text Aaron...
I know, I know. But these were his friends. Maria, she was his best friend and I was now what? Friends with them too?
Admittedly I found them all amazing but I didn't want to look like one of those desperate women who couldn't let go when they got rejected.
I think I was beginning to look like one.
So I text Aaron to ask him if it was okay that I went.
His reply 'Why should I care what you do?'
Yet again showing he was more of a headfuck than a civilised person.
He cared enough to go into my work and speak to my boss, which I was going to corner Zak about.. The squealer.
But Aaron made it sound like I wasn't anyone important or held any significance to him, despite his actions.
So now I was sat in my lounge waiting for Maria to show up, because I was either having it out with him tonight? Or I'm moving on and to make sure that happened. I dressed to impress.
I had pulled my hair up into a high pony tail and had put on some make up, giving myself smoky eyes making the colour in them pop. With money stuffed in my clutch along side my keys and ID. I was ready.
As soon as the door knocked, I was up. Pulling the check off the mirror, I folded it up and opened the door to see Maria's jaw drop.
"Whoa, you look hot!" She beamed.
"It's not too much?" I asked suddenly conscious seeing her.
"Hell no! Damn girl."
"Says you! I'd marry you!" I laughed taking in her outfit.
Her hair was down and curled slightly as her eyes sparkled.
"Zak's in the car. Come on." She giggled looping her arm in mine as I stepping out to lock the door behind me.
"Are you cold?" I asked.
"No, I'm just worried I'm gonna fall on these clay tiles, and if I'm going down.."
"Then so am I." I laughed seeing her walking carefully along.
"Damn right."
We hopped into the car where I grinned at Maria as she got in and flicked on the interior light.
"This is yours." I spoke handing him the check.
"No." He answered flatly.
"Zak take it and spend it on Theo." I ordered.
"Listen. And I mean it." He spoke turning giving me a serious look, so much so that I sank back in the seat.
"I earn that by just showing up at a location, that's before I even do anything. Now I'm going to say this once." He spoke lifting a finger to me.
"You will accept that check based on the grounds of; one- you had to take time off work, two- You entertained Theo, Three- you eased my worry about having Maria back in work. I've already mentioned it to her. Four- you did your job with the most professionalism I've seen and still delivered despite the fact that one man was a complete and utter asshole to you throughout the trip. Now put it away."
I found myself complying and putting the check away without a struggle.
He smirked turning back to Maria, "And this is why I am the boss."
She grinned before giving him a kiss.
"Well I'm still not happy," I replied in the back pulling on my belt. "It's far too much."
"Luna I did not write the check, I simply received it and passed it on. If you accepted the position however..."
"I'm under qualified, we both know that."
His eyes flicked to the rear view mirror "According to who? Aaron?"
I bit my tongue and looked away "Look, I know those two days weren't easy, but you really did fit in with the team. Besides, you don't want to work on the checkouts forever do you?"
My eyes flicked to him "You told Aaron."
"Yeah, and why? Because he almost busted the door in at the hotel. Look I don't know what's going on at your work bu-"
"He almost got me in trouble with my boss."
"Really? Because some guy is putting his hands on you? The last man that did that, I busted his nose." Maria answered.
Zak must have seen my face as I looked between them. "I don't keep secrets from my wife. If anyone can understand Aaron, it's Maria."
I scoffed "That man needs his head checking or a bloody thermostat fitted. He's blowing hot and cold all the time."
She laughed "All you gotta do is tell him straight, ask him what he wants and if he tries to play it off as nothing then babe, move on."
I frowned gently "Yeah. Just kinda liked the jerk that's all." I mumbled looking out the window.
All that was left to do tonight was confront him or move on and both options seemed pretty scary to me...
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