Room plans
The uneasiness and unwelcome feeling didn't end in the parking lot as Aaron stormed after Zak who seemed quiet pleased with himself.
The hotel staff even sensed an issue and lent us a conference room, adding that it was sound proofed..
They must know shit was about to get big.
"Let's sit down, Aaron remember we have Theo here too." Zak warned him.
It was the first time I saw the protective side of Zak, the fatherhood came out in him and he wore that look well as his hand held Theo's back.
"Maybe.. Maybe I should just leav-"
"Yes!" Aaron interrupted Zak.
I struggled to understand why he was so defensive against me. But my eyes locked with Maria as she narrowed them at me as if it was a challenge.
Looking to Zak who's eyes almost reflected her, I made my decision and stood still. I saw the corners of Maria's lips twitch into a smile.
"You had no right!" Aaron began slamming his fist down on the table. The noise bounced off the wall and Zak instantly glared at him.
"Don't." He warned him again.
"Zak calm down.." Maria whispered gently rubbing his shoulder.
"Were you in on this?!" Aaron asked her.
"Maria knew nothing of it, I approached Luna. After Ash's departure, we need a photographer Aaron. This isn't and hasn't been about you."
"Bullshit! Don't sit there and lie to my face. There's a thousand photographers in Vegas, qualified and good at their jobs! Don't tell me they were all busy!" He spat.
I lowered my head trying not to let that comment sting. It was his polite way of saying I'm not good enough... No?
"Aaron." Maria bit and I shifted on my feet uncomfortably.
"You know why Zak! The same reason you do the things you do!"
"Did Aaron! Why I did them and I was wrong to do them!" He fired back.
My eyes went to Theo and suddenly I couldn't bare it anymore.
"Stop, I'll.. I'll go, okay. If it's so bad me being here, I'll go back to Vegas."
"What?!" Both Maria and Zak asked instantly.
"Good! Look if you've got your passport I'll pay for a flight, whatever you want..." Aaron said standing up.
"You're not going anywhere." Zak declared.
"Stop arguing, I'm really not worth all this hassle okay? Not when you have a child here. I'll go. Thank you for giving me the opportunity though." I smiled quickly at Zak before looking over at Aaron.
He looked away from me causing my emotions to build up faster than I wanted.
"Bye guys." I finished quietly turning to leave when Zak spoke again.
"You are staying, it is final. We need a photographer. You can take photos. I know that."
"No Aaron. Shut up! You're gonna fall in line with this! We've had too may people coming in and trying to fix this and it doesn't work! Luna is here, we have a photographer right here, right now! And as for your comments about being qualified, I think you owe her an apology, her work is a thousand times better than half the people we've had try and fill Ash's position! You want to kick off, fine let's do it. But we need a still photographer, the channel keeps on at us, so it's Luna? Or we all go home unpaid because you're being a fucking child? Make your choice?" Zak asked Aaron.
The atmosphere was on knife point as nobody in the room spoke. Billy and Jay seemed to agree with Zak as they nodded throughout his rant back at Aaron.
The chair was pushed back and Aaron nudged me as he stormed out the room slamming the door behind him.
I realised a shaky breath and looked at Maria who blew her own cheeks out.
"Right, let's go and sort rooms. We all good here boys?" Zak asked them.
Jay nodded giving me a friendly smile followed by Billy.
Standing at reception, I didn't really know what to expect. In all honesty I had my card in my hand ready to pay for rooms when Zak sniggered.
"What are you doing?"
"Paying for my roo-"
"Oh sweetie, we don't pay. The channel do, seeing as you're part of the team. This trip is free. Put it away."
I frowned looking at my card "Really? Like food as well?"
"Perks of the job." He replied simply as they began issuing keys.
As if things couldn't get any worse, Zak revealed another set up..
"Our key." Zak smiled passing the key to Maria who had Theo in her arms. "Cot in the room for our little dude."
"Two singles.." The card went to Billy who seemed to team with Jay.
"One single.. and a double." Zak answered holding the cards between his fingers.
"Ah shit." I whispered under my breath as I read the situation quickly.
My eyes went to Bacon and Aaron who were trying to work out the best option. It was clear Aaron didn't want me anywhere near him but if I took a single, then it left them both sharing a bed.
If he took a single...
"Fucking hell. Give her the double." He grumbled.
Zak handed me the key as I chewed my lip. "The hotels fully booked.. So who's in with Luna?"
Aaron shot a glare towards Bacon who lifted his butt up to grab his phone. "you're not bunking with her!" Aaron snapped.
"Bro take it easy, you'll have to then."
"No I'll sleep in the RV." Aaron replied.
My patience wore out fast and before I realised it, I had thrown the card at Aaron, told him to grow the fuck up and was sat outside in the cold.
Why was he acting like I'd done something wrong? Treating me like I had the bubonic plague?!
A low whistle sounded as Bacon stepped outside the hotel lighting a cigarette.
"You okay?" He asked sitting down beside me.
"Fine." I replied wiping my face quickly.
"Then why you crying?"
I scoffed "You need tear ducts to cry."
He sniggered "You're a funny one. I like that, fiery temper too."
"I'm sorry about that. I just don't get why I'm being treated like I have Black Death? I thought he knew I was gonna be here."
Bacon hummed in response as he took a drag of his cigarette blowing the smoke away.
"This things are bad for you." I mumbled.
"So is beer, money and women. But I love them all equally." He responded making me laugh.
"There we go, that's what I wanted." He nudged me playfully.
"So.. Am I sleeping in the RV?" I asked.
"Nope, nobody is. We are all staying in the hotel."
"Am I in with you? Cause I gotta ask... Is that beard 100% real? Cause it's awesome."
Bacon chuckled nodding his head "100% homegrowth. And no, we aren't bunking together. Someone was very adamant that I took the single.... I did try and convince him otherwise."
"You wound him up?"
"Of course. That's why I'm here. He's too protective and possessive to let you bunk with me, not that I'd do anything obviously."
"No, no. I get it." I replied.
"Listen, he's probably got an attitude, just take everything with a pinch of salt." Bacon suggested.
"I will, try to at least."
He smiled stubbing out his cigarette before dropping it down the drain. "Come on then. Before it rains like a mother."
We headed and into an elevator, thankfully Bacon knew what room and took me to it before he headed down to his.
Before I could knock the door swung open and Aaron let me in. I almost slapped my own head seeing a pillow and blanket laid on the floor for him.
Was I really that bad?!
I had avoided going to bed. In fact it was 1am, I was in the bar and drowning my sorrows in a flat coke laced with vodka.
I found my weakness, vodka wasn't a friend and I was feeling a little sick after 3.
Turns out I can't drink.
"Work hard, play hard huh?" Bacon asked.
"He's sleeping on the floor."
The sound of his drink choking him happened. "Yeah, he's serious about not sleeping beside me, it's.. it's embarrassing. What if I have an ugly sleep face? Or drool? Do you think it's that?" I asked him.
"I doubt it, you have a lovely face."
I smiled tiredly "You're just saying that.."
"Come on, let's go to bed, tomorrow is busy."
"Are you trying to pick me up Mr Back Bacon?" I asked.
"Would I do that?" He asked playfully as I got up off the seat and headed up to bed yawning.
"You know what?" I asked as we got into the lift.
"I'm jealous. J-e- l-.. Us." I nodded.
"Of what?"
"Maria. Hmm. She has Zak and Theo. Oh that little boy.." I sighed.
"How much did you drink?" He whispered.
"Three vodka and cokes. Maybe some honesty potion."
"They are so in love. I want that... I do."
"With Aaron?"
I hissed.
"Pleugh. He hates me. That's clear. Like a house elf he's asleep on the floor."
As we got off the lift, we high fived and headed to bed, using my key, I swiped back in to see Aaron on his phone.
"Where the hell have you been?" He asked.
I scoffed "Like you care."
"I- Luna don't make this difficult."
I rolled my eyes and headed to bed ignoring him. Opening up my bag, I grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. After changing and brushing my teeth, I flung myself down on the bed.
"Is that my top?" He asked.
I looked down to see a black top.
"No. Why would it be yours?"
"It has Darth Vader on the back."
"Just asking.. Have you been drinking?"
"No." I replied giving him a sour look.
"So the top isn't on back to front?"
"No Inspector Clouseau. I just wear all tops like that. In fact they are warmer."
I heard his laugh and rolled on my stomach hiding my face from him.
"Goodnight Luna."
"Yeah, if it was good."
The alcohol had worn off, mainly because I'd found food. Saltine crackers to be exact and had been nibbling away before I heard Aaron coming to bed.
By the time he crept in, I was fake asleep. In the dark, I watched him get onto the floor and groan.
I watched him for nearly an hour, toss and turn before he would sigh.
"Just get on the bed and stop being a martyr."
"Thought you were asleep?" Aaron questioned.
"Someone can't stop sighing. I won't pounce on you. Don't worry. We can even have a pillow wall, stop my wandering hands."
He muttered something under his breath and rolled onto his side.
"What have I done?"
He didn't say anything as he put his phone down.
"You just left... I called, texted. If I did somethi-"
"It wasn't you."
"Then what as it?" I asked.
"I can't explain it.. Just understand things are better this way. Now go to sleep." He replied.
"But I can't go to sleep, I don't unde-"
"Just go to sleep Luna." He ordered.
"I wish you were mean to begin with. Maybe I could understand you being mean now.. But I don't get it. I don't think I ever will." I sniffled before rolling away from the edge of the bed.
I curled up on the bed trying to shield the fact I was upset and trying to stop myself feeling so hurt.
I was struggling to believe that I saw a glimpse of a happy man for a couple days, and now?
Now he was a complete stranger and a horrible stranger too..
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