"If there's ever a house, that I didn't want to go inside of? It would be this one." I announced beside Maria who nodded.
"I know, I left Theo with Zak's mom today. Probably tonight too, I just have a feeling you know? So I'm running with it."
"Gosh don't I ever?" I replied.
"It just looks creepy as shit too," Maria added.
"I'm with you."
We were in the RV, knelt on the couch looking out the window at the Reseda house. Reports of multiple suicides as well as drug taking has happened in the home, infested with a demon or two.
I for one was not enthusiastic about this one after Aaron explained to me in great detail of what was really going down.
Now? Now I was scared. Maria's info pack seemed to be a buffer, maybe a taster, now I was faced with the shit hitting the fan.
"Come on, we better show face." She grumbled getting up and collecting a folder.
"If I get grabbed by something? I'm out of here." I warned making her laugh.
"You'll be fine, just don't show fear. And I know, easier said then done right?" She questioned making me nod.
Whilst the crew did their interviews and walk through, I fixed up my camera and did a few practise shots before changing up some settings.
Hands grabbed my hips "Boo!" Aaron whispered in my ear making me smile,
"Hey you." I turned in his arms to see his face.
"Hey yourself. You okay?" He asked moving my hair out of my eyes.
"Yeah.... No. This house gives me the creeps." I replied honestly.
"I know, it gives me the chills. It's scary in the day, with all the energy, it sets you on edge, makes you all nervy. I'm a bit concerned for night fall though."
"Yeah I know.. Maria didn't even bring Theo. Like who else can I hide with now?" I questioned.
Aaron looked around before looking at me. "Between us? Zak was fretting about even having you two both here. He's not happy about anyone being inside alone, which is why, I am your tour guide."
"A tour guide? You mean a second hand right?"
"Same difference.. I think." He contemplated before fixing a smile.
"Are you sure you're okay with going into the house again? I don't want to overload you."
"I'll be okay, you however..." he paused to pull a chain from his pocket.
"What's that?"
"Rosary and yes you are wearing it. That's some powerful shit inside there and you're not going in without one." He informed me looping it over my head and setting it down against my chest.
"Well okay then." I replied staring down at it.
We both took each other's hand for some support and made a few steps towards the house before Aaron stopped me.
"Lu, if I come back from this one different... You'll stay with me right?"
My brows furrowed together "Of course I will. Why do you need to ask me that?"
"I- just... I don't know. It's some powerful shit that's all."
"Then it we kick its ass back right?"
He smiled gently "it doesn't work quiet like that."
"Give me some peace of mind Aaron for crying ou-"
"Yep! We kick its ass!" He declared giving me a reassuring squeeze of my hand.
But by the time we got to the door, I had another trail of thought. Removing my hand from Aaron's, I turned to face him.
"What's the matter?"
"I'm going in alone."
"What?! No you're not, Zak sai-"
"Then Zak can come and drag me out. I'm going in alone. You're gonna stand right here. You're gonna wait for me and not be exposed to even more of this energy unless absolutely necessary."
"It's made Zak feel sick Lun-"
"Do you trust me?"
He paused "Of course. But this isn't some-"
"Then trust me." I replied opening the door.
"Luna. I want to protect you dammit!"
"And you can... Outside the house. Stay there." I ordered looking towards the house.
"Hello?!" I called out waiting for some backlash. "I'm coming in to take some photos, I hope you don't mind. I won't be in here long."
"You're trying to reason with a demon or three for fuck sake!" Aaron hissed.
My head snapped around to him "Your negativity won't help! Shut up or go to the RV!" I bit making him grumble under his breath.
Turning my back to Aaron, I stepped in and made my way slowly around the house, the occasional sound of my
Camera clicking shots and the constant noise of my lungs taking in air kept me calm enough.
Stepping into one room, I paused feeling sick to my stomach. My hand found the wall as I paused waiting for the atmosphere to shift.
"I won't be long..." I whispered to myself before preparing the shot and taking it.
My hands flailed at my face as I felt cobweb across it, but after a mini panic, I realised no spider could build a web that fast and put it down to the other occupants in the house.
"You're gonna let me do this okay? Then I'll leave you alone. I'm not taking anything. I just need photos." I informed them.
Silence ensured me to keep going until my last picture. As I stood up from the crouch position, I felt pride. I had done it!
Looking at the shots I had, I made my way back to Aaron who was stood on the other side of the storm door waiting for me.
"Got them all. Thank you." I spoke looking back at the house as I reached the door.
Stepping out, I gulped seeing Aaron. But I didn't gulp at him, no. I gulped at the shorter person, with brown hair and a pair of folded arms.
"I can explain." I began.
"Good, RV. Now." She ordered.
"You snitch." I whispered to Aaron giving him a sly elbow when he sniggered.
"Don't elbow me, you went in alone. I told you not to."
"Yeah well now I'm in trouble." I muttered stepping up into the RV.
I found Zak with his head resting against the table. Maria returning to his side and rubbing his back soothingly. Just the sight of those two made my heart swell, she was truly his soulmate.
"Got her." She whispered making Zak nod and lift up his head slowly.
"I'm sorry! I just wanted to do it alone, I don't want Aaron being over exposed if it's unnecessary-"
"Stop." Zak ordered making me fall silent instantly. "That... was reckless, dangerous and idiotic."
I lowered my head nodding.
"But also how we do things on GA." he added making me look up.
"I don't want you doing that again, so let this be a warning. I will make you stay in a hotel room with Theo if I have to."
I smiled slightly.
"Even that's not a punishment, look at her. She loves the kid. Right we'll do that again and you're gonna stay in Vegas."
The smile disappeared instantly. "that's mean."
"I'm a mean boss." Zak replied looking pale.
"Maria.." Aaron spoke beside me.
Her hand went to the bottle as she pushed the water to Zak's mouth telling him to drink. He complied with her instantly making me smile at her.
"Basically, you pull that shit again, you're staying back in Vegas. Demons aren't a joke, got it?"
I nodded "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry, just be more aware of what happens. Aaron should tell you how bad they are. You should know too."
"I know, I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
"Good." Zak struggled coughing as he set the bottle down. "You can't reason with demons Luna. You're a smart girl. But don't be stupid."
"Got it."
"Good. Now let's get shit sorted. We are both RVing tonight." Maria informed me.
"Well seeing as Zak needs me, and you have no fear, we are staying outside all night."
I looked at Aaron who was about to disagree with the idea but Maria gave him a knowing look making him shake his head.
"This is bullshit!" He snapped storming out the door.
"Knew that was gonna happen.." She sighed rubbing her forehead.
"Do you want me-"
"No, no. I'll go. I think it's better if we both stay here and support the guys tonight. Okay?"
I nodded in agreement.
Taking my camera off, I placed it down and went to the couch kneeling back on it to look at the house.
If it was scary in the day, what the hell was it like at night?!
A/n: Howdy lovelies! I know it's been a while since I updated but I hit a block, hence why my Zak fanfic has been getting flooded. But I worked through this one slowly and got an update to you all. Sorry about the wait!
Hope you enjoy! Love to you all!
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