Mines of the mind
The dirt crunched beneath my feet as I stepped out the RV onto the dry dusty ground.
"Man look at this!" Zak grinned looking at the dome like structures.
"This is awesome." I whispered to Maria who wore the same expression as Zak.
"Great right? Can you believe this is our jobs?"
I simply smiled as it reminded me that I had a decision to make regarding my status here.
"You gonna be okay Bacon?" Maria asked as he sat on the RV step.
"Hell yeah, me and Theo will go hang at a strip club." He teased.
"He should sleep the whole time, it's pretty cool in there and he was up early. He was slapping Zak's face to wake him up." She answered making me giggle.
"Probably from his snoring." Bacon replied.
"Hey I can hear you both." Zak joined in.
"I wish you would hear that, it's like a train sometimes." Maria joked as he came over and began playing around with her whilst we waited for the owners.
I watched them for a few seconds before I felt like I was intruding on a moment and moved away just catching the tail ends of an "I love you."
They were a perfect couple, both supportive and understanding of one another, I hadn't known them that long either, and I know people say behind closed doors is a different story? I couldn't believe it wth Zak and Maria. In fact I wouldn't believe it.
"You alright?" Bacon asked seeing me stood awkwardly beside the RV, whilst Aaron Billy and Jay were talking amongst themselves.
I nodded "Fine thank you."
"Damn you're too polite. Hey sounds a bit forward and all but when we get back to Vegas, we're all having a night out for Maria's birthday, you should come along."
I pulled a face "I don't know.."
"Nonsense, I won't accept no." She replied hearing us.
"Won't I be intruding?" I asked.
"We're going to a club, where I used to work in fact, trust me you'll love it." She smiled as Zak wrapped his arms around her waist burying his face into her neck.
"Yeah. Uh okay. I'll have to make sure I'm not working the late shift, otherwise that will be a bummer."
"Good. Be nice to have some female company." Maria responded swatting Zak's arm as he bit her ear with a mischievous look on his face.
"I hear you on that." Bacon muttered making me laugh.
"Oh suck it up. Use the charm and that magic beard power." I replied as he chuckled.
Whilst the crew chatted amongst themselves about how they would do their lockdown, I planted my butt by Bacons feet on the step and leant against his legs.
"Hmm. What do you do when they are in a lockdown? Do you have to stay outside all night?"
He shook his head "No, sometimes I go back to the hotel, or hang out at a bar until I get a text to bring them back to the hotel."
"Oh right, I thought you were gonna say you wait in the RV all night."
He chuckled "Some nights I do that too."
"Now that must suck." I replied suppressing a yawn.
"No I keep myself entertained. Helps having a phone though, especially with Snapchat and Candy Crush."
I nodded understandingly.
"Hey guys, and ladies of course. The owners are here. Luna if you wanna get yourself set up."
I stood up instantly with my camera at the ready.
"Good luck." Bacon whispered making me smile.
"Thanks. See you soon."
Once the owner came over, I kept back whilst they began filming and doing paperwork. Maria seemed to have it all going on as she explained what each form was and why it had to be signed.
"Before I release you all. I have waivers for you all to sign regarding the structure of the building and falling debris. I have enough for each one of you, so if I could..." The owner trailed off handing out his own forms for all of us to read.
Standing quietly on my own, I read my form and understood the terms and conditions when I felt a presence. I paused and looked up to see Aaron next to me.
He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again and decided to look at me instead.
"Thank you.." He spoke eventually making me look up at him. "For stepping in and doing this.. Photographing whilst Ash isn't here. It's good of you. But Ash will be back soon and will want her job back."
I tried not to frown at his comments, I had already spoke with Jay, he confirmed Ash wouldn't be back.
"I know," I replied. "And I've already said I am willing to step away as and when she comes back. That I'm not replacing her."
"Good." He smiled quickly. "That's good because we both kinda know you're not cut out for this."
I scoffed "Wow."
"Luna you know you're not. You were crying over Theo pulling your hair. He's a baby. You need to get over yourself."
I felt as though I had bit through my tongue from the amount of pressure I had it under at this moment.
I couldn't hold back..
"Theo didn't make me cry! It was you! You're a spiteful, self centred Asshat! I wish I never set my eyes on you Aaron Goodwin! How can you pick people up and drop them as if they are nothing?!"
"Hey!" Zak snapped making me look down. "What the hell is going on?" He asked.
"Nothing. Just making sure Luna knows what she's doing and where she stands." Aaron grunted before stomping away.
I took a shaky breath watching him leave, my mind was all jumbled up and all I wanted to do was understand why he changed so fast. Nothing made sense!
"Lu?" Zak asked quietly.
"I'm sorry. I-"
"What did he say?" He asked.
"N-nothing. I'm sorry for reacting so bad."
He rubbed my shoulder before looking towards Aaron. "He doesn't make things easy."
"No. Not at all."
"Listen, take a few minutes to compose yeah. Pick up some rocks and throw them if it helps. Not at Aaron though, as annoying as he can be, I kind of need him." He smiled.
I nodded "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." He turned to leave when I spoke again.
"Why did you really ask me here? Was it for him?" I asked tweaking my head to Aaron.
"Not at all. We needed a photographer, yeah he's right, there's hundreds if not thousands in Vegas. But we aren't just anybody, we have to live along side these people. I saw your photos on Aaron's fridge, I liked them. Really liked them. And sure you haven't got all the paperwork but if you're this good self taught? Then damn."
"I'm really not that good." I exhaled.
"And that's where our opinions differ. You're talented with an eye for detail, don't listen to the lights of him.."
"That's not what he was getting at." I mumbled.
"No, he was getting at you being upset. I heard him. Luna, you seem like a real nice person, which makes me wonder why you have those on your arm.." he gestured to my bruised arm I had covered with a hoody.
"Because I like the wrong people?"
"Does Aaron know about that douchebag?"
"No. He won't either because he can't stand to have a civil conversation with me."
"Luna?" Maria spoke making me give a lopsided smile.
"Him again." Zak said to her causing Maria to lift her brow.
"I swear his skull is thicker than a piece of timber. You okay?" She asked standing to my side.
I nodded "Yeah, sorry. I bet you're both fed up already of sorting me out." I laughed gently.
"Don't.." Zak frowned.
"I'm fine really, I uh- We should probably get on and do this yeah? Got my camera ready boss."
"He has a lot to answer for."
Zak spoke to Maria. She tweaked her head slightly "I'll talk to you later, if I'm
not clipping Aaron behind the head."
"I'm going to get some water. Excuse me." I smiled walking away sensing I was in their way too.
I rounded the RV and got too the storage unit at the back where the cooler was shoved when we arrived. Crouching down I retrieved a bottle of water when a hand seized my arm dragged me away and around the side. With a shove I was against the RV.
"So you're gonna run to them every time?" Aaron asked annoyed.
"What did you say?!" He growled as I whimpered at his fingers digging into my arm.
"You're hurting me. Aaron please?"
"You're going between them all, Zak, Maria and Bacon. All making them believe how I'm making your life difficult. I'm trying to help you here!"
"How?!" I snapped back before gritting my teeth as his fingers dug in tighter.
"Stop trying to work your way in!"
"I'm not." I struggled trying to get out of his grip. "Please let me go and I'll just get on and stay out of your way."
"You don't get it. Do you?"
"I do. I get it. Please let go." I whispered pulling at his fingers.
He pulled his hand away looking beaten "I can't have you here. I-... Just believe me when I say it's better this way."
"What is? You're confusing me so much. Help me understand what you're so afraid of here?" I pleaded.
He held my face between his hands and pressed our foreheads together "I'm trying to look out for you. You don't understand, it's for your own good."
My hands held onto his top wanting to keep him by me, I wanted to be in his arms and laughing again. Not in this no mans land treading over mines trying to understand him.
His lips pressed a kiss on my forehead gently.
"Just refuse the job when we get back to Vegas. I can't see you all the time. I- you need to forget we even met."
He spoke.
"What? No I didn't mean what I sai--"
"I'm doing this for you. Believe me." He pulled away leaving me stood at the side of the RV alone with a bottle of water in the dirt.
I snatched it up and walked forwards until I saw rocks, placing my bottle down, I decided to take Zak up on his offer of throwing rocks.
Even if I wanted to throw one at Aaron's head for being the most indirect a-hole out!
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