Luna Labyrinth
I had questions.
I had a lot of questions starting with why he was in the store?
What was he here for? No who was he hear for?!
In fact the questions had been circling my mind most of the shift as I stood with Andy trying to concentrate on work when all I wanted to do was look at the security camera wondering if he was watching us.
I had tried to fish for an explanation as to why the business but not lawyer man Alec Williams was in the shop. Why was he here?!
It seemed Andy had answers but played his cards to his chest leaving us all at a loss! It infuriated me madly as I kept my fist hidden and clenched.
Mark had came in with a sadist smile ready to pounce but changed as soon as Andy stayed at my side as we worked through forms and checked supplier orders. There was plenty to do here, but the urge to run upstairs and ask what the hell was building too strong.
I was writing out the discrepancies of a delivery on the invoice when I smelt the familiar whiff of mint. My mouth watered a little before I turned to see Alec leaning on the edge of the shelving watching me.
"How about lunch and dinner?" He asked with a playful smirk.
I kept my face flat trying to suppress the smile.
What is it with me and Men lately! I'm never this popular!
"What are you doing up there?" I asked clicking my pen in annoyance.
"Honestly, watching you on the cameras. You are rather distracting." He answered casually fixing his tie to his chest.
I swallowed the bundle of nerves as he did it.
"Did you know I worked here?" I hissed.
"Work here? Luna you told me you were a photographer."
I blinked.
"I-I am. I just do it part time.. I've been offered a full time placement."
He smiled "That's great news."
"Hmm." I replied looking at the papers in my hand.
"You don't seem happy about this? Why is that?" He queried.
Before I could answer, Mark came around the corner with a sick smile, I lowered my eyes instantly to his appearance and looked at the floor intently.
"Who's this then Lu? Your new fuck buddy. Gotta say that's three in the last week." Mark laughed making my face burn red.
You couldn't say there was anything remotely interesting going on with me and Zak besides arguing over payments. Aaron- well he's another stor-
"Three? What the hell are you going on about?" I asked annoyed.
"So many she can't keep up." Mark joked but was met with a flat look from Alec. "Steroid and baldy. Now this suit."
He must have been in when Aaron spoke to Andy...
"Excuse me, I-"
"Yeah yeah whatever pal, you don't need to explain yourself to me." Mark waved him off making my eyes widen as Alec's jaw clenched.
"Anyway as I was saying the other day, you are-"
"We were actually talking." Alec spoke making Mark pause. Anger flashed across his eyes but he directed it at me, causing a gulp.
"Well as you can see, your conversation is over. So why don't you do one?"
"Aggressive behaviour and offence language used." Alec spoke calmly.
"You what?" Mark asked spinning to see his face properly.
"Should probably refer to your staff training guide, after all if you can't hear me two feet behind you. How are you suppose to hear a forklift? Do you use the correct safety equipment?"
"What did you just say?"
Alec stuck his hand out with a smile that unnerved me. "Alec Williams. HR. And you must be?"
"Why are you here?!" Mark bit before glaring at me with fiery eyes.
"I'm just making sure everything runs smoothly. Now, if you excuse us."
Marks hand brushed my cheek gently making me stiffen hard "I'll see you later sweetheart."
I could see the underlying threat in that and only relaxed when Mark went out the fire exit.
I relaxed visibly against the wall taking a small breath of air.
"Who's the douchebag?" Alec asked stepping towards me. When he reached for me, my mind pulled my body back shocking us both.
"D-don't touch me... I-- sorry." I rushed past him racing up the stairs and throwing myself in the restrooms. Getting into the cubicle I locked the door and slid down against it.
It was only when I looked at my hand I noticed the trembling. I wondered if Alec has seen that.
"Luna?" A small voice spoke. I lifted my head up from my arms to Leah's voice.
"Are you okay sweet?"
"Uh huh. Just uh. Long day and a headache." I lied.
"I got some headache tablets?" She offered.
"It'll be okay, thank you though." I replied through the door.
"Your welcome."
I stayed there as the hand dryers went off, and the door opened and closed.
This is absurd, Luna you can't hide in here all day.
Getting frustrated with myself, I got up and unlocked the door. As I stepped towards the mirror to fix my hair, my eyes travelled to the person stood in the cubicle door way.
I gasped and spun to see Alec there.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I hissed.
"Coming to check on you. I know that reaction downstairs wasn't because I wanted to touch you. It's because he touched you..."
I looked away and swallowed down the bile. "I- I have no idea what you are talking about."
He nodded "Hmm.. Sure you don't. So if I get him and you sat in a meeting alon-"
"No." I interrupted making his eyes narrow for a quick second.
"I'm here to staffing issues Luna. You are staff. He is an issue." He replied sternly.
"And you're also stood in a woman's restroom. Most men would be getting thrown out about now." I retorted.
He smiled gently "There's a still a little fight in her. So.. who is he? To you I mean."
"An asshole." I grounded out.
His eyes flicked to my stomach before a hard look came across his face. I realised I had been rubbing my stomach absentmindedly. I pulled my hand away quickly.
"Did he hurt you?"
I scoffed "No why would you thi-"
"Don't! Lie to me." He growled. "My job is to find the liars and the truth. Don't step over that line and defend the accused."
"Accused would mean there needed to be an act or crime committed. Seeing as there is none, the accused cannot be accused." I retorted.
He pulled his hand over his face in frustration. "You know, I'm not a fucking idiot. Now I'm here to find out what's going on. And believe I will."
"Good for you but nothing is going o-"
"STOP IT LUNA!" He shouted.
I jumped in reaction and only looked to see his face looking broken. It was then I realised I had flinched and shielded my stomach and face expecting a blow.
"You think I'd hit you?" He asked.
"I- I don't know you."
"Exactly but you thought I was going to hit you. And I know it's something to do with him as to why you are like this.. Don't deny it, it's written all over your face."
He crossed the restroom and lifted my chin gently. "And if I find evidence, which I know I will.. Then I will do everything in my power to make sure a federal lawsuit is brought against him. Do you understand?"
I leant into his hand feeling the warmth of his palm. His thumb traced my lips gently "You're a labyrinth that I want to get lost in Luna. Whether I know you or not... I want to get to know every part of you."
"D-didn't your mom ever tell you that what you want, you don't always get?" I asked repeating the line from this morning.
He smirked "I always get want I want. In one way or another."
My eyes fell closed at the smell of mint and his cologne. I wanted to bury my head back into his neck like I had done this morning when everything felt so temporary and simple. But now the afternoon was set in play and it felt complicated and permanent.
I felt Alec's nose brush along my skin until his lips were touching my forehead "Keep safe Ms Luna."
By the time I opened my eyes, the warmth had been replaced by the cold. If I could visually picture myself, I'd be a small chess piece on the board. Whilst three large dominate pieces crowded me for all their own reasons.
Mark was for personal gain and to inflict pain.
Alec was for results and to protect me from the harm.
And Aaron? He was still the enigma who I couldn't crack. He was still the one I wanted to get through to and find out what happened? Then maybe I could just move on from him and all this mess.
So this was how it was going to play, three men and a little lady, no pun intended on the film title. But that's how it was. And my conclusion to all the chaos that I could feel brewing? Well it was simple. It was a short word, 4 letters.
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