J- for Jealous
Whoever made early morning house visits should be shot.
I roll back slightly to see Alec asleep, supporting a pair tightly black boxers that left little to the imagination. He had stayed over after we went to dinner last night, not only was I treated to lunch, but dinner too.
"Luna get them to stop." He groaned pulling the pillow over his head at the sound of hammering on my door.
I giggled and crawled out from the bedding. Last night we had dinner, coming back here for a few drinks, only that turned into a few and from the state of someone else this morning, he was not a fan of tequila. Pulling on my satin robe, I tied it and found a claw clip, pushing my hair up into it, I made my way downstairs to the front door.
I opened it up slightly only to pale.
"Are you gonna let me in or what?" Aaron grunted.
"A-Aaron." I stuttered shooting a look at the staircase.
"Yeah, come on Luna it's cold." He moaned.
Seeing his goose-bumped arms, I internally groan and let him in. His body filled the small hallway as he shuddered adjusting to the heat.
"Hey." He smiled.
"So I tried to ring you yester-" he paused as his eyes landed on Alec's jacket.
"I- have you got someone here?" He asked as my face began to burn red.
"Yes but it's not wh-"
"Forget it." He snapped reaching for the door.
"Aaron let me-"
"I don't want to hear it." He grunted. I threw myself against the back of the door keeping it shut.
"Luna move." He demanded.
I shook my head in defiance.
"Move right now." He ordered.
"Let me explain-"
"Explain what? That you're sleeping with another guy. Forget it! Now move or I'll move you myself."
"Plea- owh!" I cried as he pulled me away from the door. The size of his hands had engulfed my wrist and I was unprepared for the hard tug that made my wrist click.
I held my wrist against my body as he stopped looking worried at me. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He spoke quietly.
"But you keep doing it! Just get out!" I shouted pushing him out and slamming the door behind him.
I pinched the bridge of my nose to trying to calm down whilst my wrist throbbed.
A low whistle sounded making my eyes snap to the staircase where Alec was now sat. "No I don't wanna piss you off."
"Just keep quiet."
He stood up coming down the staircase with no intentions of putting a pair of pants on or even s shirt, with a frown on his face, he took my wrist gently and rubbed it.
"You know he was simply jealous. That it's a male dominance thing."
"Well the male species right now are pretty stupid." I grumbled.
"Maybe... But maybe if you weren't so hung up on him... I could show you how wrong you are with a few little things.." He whispered into my ear.
"I know, I know. We aren't like that right? But casual sex never hurt anyone."
"Until someone gets feelings and then we get burnt. You're gorgeous and you can wear a pair of boxers like damn.." I sighed. "But you deserve more than a few moments of interest."
He groaned nuzzling into my neck "Hmm maybe you are right. But my offer will always stand with you.. I gotta take a cold shower. I can smell myself on you and it's making me all...-" He paused to shake his head.
I heard him sigh heavily "It's not your fault."
He pulled away giving me a clear view of what I was about to miss out on, and honestly, if I wasn't so hung up on Aaron.. I may have just taken him up on his offer.
I watched him retreating back up the stairs rubbing his head "I'm so damn hungover." He grumbled.
"Want me to make some breakfast?" I asked standing at the bottom looking up to him.
"Yeah.. But you can come scrub my back first." He winked making me smile. He grinned and disappeared out of sight.
I must be a damn fool, that's all I can think.
"Uh, no I didn't." I frowned pacing my lounge looking at the carpet.
"Look I know things are difficult, but-"
"Not that difficult, I can ignore him. I- why would he say that?" I asked mostly to myself as I held the phone to my ear.
I heard Maria sigh "He also said you had some guy over.."
My foot paused mid-step. "Yeah, I did."
"I think maybe he was just upset over that and I know he has no right to be because he has treated you like crap but I t-"
"He had a woman over his house the other day!" I argued back feeling like a child now.
"O- Did he?"
"Yeah! So he can hardly stand there and pass judgement on me. I didn't sleep with Alec. We shared a bed for crying out loud because he got drunk on tequila."
"Luna, you haven't got to explain it to me, or anyone in fact. I'm just trying to work out why he would do this.." Maria wondered.
"I don't know. Maybe he hates me. The line between love and hate is thin, so..." I trailed off.
"Not that fucking thin." She muttered. "I'm so glad I rang now to check on you. I should have spotted his lie a mile off."
"I can't believe him." I flunked down on my couch looking at the TV where his stupid face was. "Hey Maria?"
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Why did you get the gentleman out of them?" I asked making her laugh.
"Oh trust me, Zak is far from a gentleman.. If you get what I mean.."
I cringed "I don't think I want to know."
She cackled "I considered booking an exorcism, the man was possessed last night. I think I'm actually walking funny!"
"Oh stop!"
She let out a woo as I laughed covering my face. Our laughter died down as the topic of Aaron came back around.
"Well, I'll go and tell Zak that there has been a communication error... What are you going to do about Aaron?" She asked.
"Go around there and slap him around the back of the head?" I suggested.
"He needs a foot in his ass."
"Tell me about it. But yeah, please tell Zak. I'll speak to Andy."
"Already done."
I frowned. "Huh? You spoke to my Boss?"
"Oh me and Andy go way back. His daughter used to work at Desire. In fact I was really good friends with her. But she went to university to study medical science, I can't remember what exactly she was studying but yeah, I know Andy."
"Well I'll be damned."
She laughed lightly "See, call us fixers. You just gotta sort Aaron."
I grumbled.. "My biggest problem yet."
I wound up the phone call with Maria and signed once the phone was down. Looking around my empty house I blew my cheeks out. It seems that Aaron was no only annoyed at me, he was going to the lengths of trying to cut all contact.
A little birdy had told Zak that I no longer wanted to be their part time photographer. All I knew is that someone had some serious explaining to do!
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