Haunted by him.
I knew there was a valid reason why parents, teachers, doctors and everyone else medical related or not say that you should speak about your feelings...
However, I hadn't and I was pissed!
For the last ten minutes I had been negotiating the security on the private community, to let me in with my car. Because I needed to get there faster than what a set of little short ass legs could!
Self hating was high from my anger levels too.
"I'm sorry ma'am. You know-"
"I just gave you $50 to buzz me in!" I fired back.
"What $50?" He asked smirking.
"The money in your fucking pocket!"
"Ma'am, please do not swear, you can go on. Your name is on the list, however your car isn't, like I said the other day."
I screamed in frustration and got out slamming my car door. Squaring up to the security guard I narrowed my eyes "You are a useless! Look at how short I am! Do you know how long it took me last time?! Look at my shoes!" I pointed to a pair of heels.
"Oh are they Gucci?!" He sasses making me lip quiver in agitation.
"Fashion isn't my thing sweetheart, bay 3 is empty." He smiled.
I growled and got back in slamming the car door and driving into the bay, I got out giving him the evils before walking to the gate.
"It's always a pleas-"
"Oh eat this!" I yelled throwing my finger up at him.
The side gate opened and I walked through still holding my finger up and refusing to push the door closed behind me.
"Shut the gate!" He called.
"Get off your lazy fat ass and do it!" I yelled back.
I quickened my pace when he got off his seat in case he was gonna chase me off the community.
In fact, I kinda broke into a small run...
Getting enough distance, I grinned and fixed my attention on the next problem.
Aaron freakin' Goodwin!
My calves burned after the 30 minute power walking, reminding me that I really should get some more exercise, but this was more of resistance training now, the fact the whole thing was up hill!
And I was resistant to actually exercise...
Get it? Thanks I'm here all week.
I shut off my head from the comedy act as his house came into view. Huffing up two steps, I banged on his front door.
With no answer, I began hitting it louder until I fell inwards as the door opened, hitting the ground, I looked up to see Aaron.
"Is there a reason why you are abusing people, bribing them and also trying to break my door?" He asked.
I scrambled up brushing off my coat. "Yes! There is a reason for everything I do!.... Kinda." I replied.
"Get in before the neighbours call the police." He grunted.
I drew back when he reached for me and slid past his hand.
"I'm not going to hurt you! I said sor-"
"Paint!" I called over him pointing to his fingers.
He looked at his hands and clicked "Oh."
"Yeah.. Now can we talk?"
"You're here." He answered folding his arms.
I shifted on my feet sensing his anger at me. "I didn't sleep with him, ask Maria, in fact ask Alec."
He scoffed "Alec. How very modern."
"A- he got drunk and couldn't drive back to his hotel, so he stayed at mine, I swear to you."
"Why should I believe you? In fact why should I care what and who you do?!" He fired back.
"Because you're obviously upset and I'm telling you that there's no need to be! We made out a few times! That was it! H- he's here to sort Mark out."
"Mark? The one who's been bruising you."
I nodded. "I was mad at you okay, I was mad cause you shut me out then you brought me home, you were gone again. It hurt, I hurt. Mark he- it doesn't matter but what matters is you... Something is going on and I want to help!"
"You can't."
"Yes I can, you just have to tell me?! I can get you proper help, Maria and Zak can too!"
"No!" He yelled making me jump.
"Cause of Theo! That's why! I can't have them anywhere near me! If anythi- you need to go!"
I took a step back at his command "N-no. No! I'm fed up of this! I am! I've just spent two days with a guy who would throw me down and fuck me in a second-"
"Don't let me stop you!"
"But you are!" I yelled back "I can't stop thinking about you and how it felt to be in your arms the first time you stayed over my place! When I stayed here!"
"Well now you can because I don't want anything to do with you! Get out!"
I stood my ground glaring at him "Is that why you told Maria I didn't want to photo for them anymore?! Because it's for your own benefit?"
When he didn't answer and simply growled, I kicked off again.
"You are so stubborn and selfish!"
His eyes widened "Me?! Selfish?! Everything I'm doing is to protect everyone around me!"
He yelled in anger, gripping his head in what looked like pain.
"JUST GO! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN! JUST GET OUT!" Aaron yelled as he stormed off up the staircase leaving me by the front door.
I looked around his home remembering the time when I first came here, the excitement and happiness. How he was so hyped to show time the lightsabers on the staircase.
My eyes took in the lounge where we had blankets and watched horror films together and I remembered the words he said as I fell asleep that night.
I stormed up the staircase behind him going to the only room with the light on pushing the door back, I found him painting.
"Oh my god you don't give up!" He complained.
"Demonic or not?!" I demanded.
He laughed "Like you'd know what the fuck to do. Just go. I'm doing you a favour."
"Demonic or not?!" I repeated.
"Luna please!" He shot back with a sad expression.
"I can't have you here, okay. Just please go, you're beautiful and annoying and I care for you too much so just get your bag, if you even came in with one and get out of my house." He spoke pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
Before I realised it, I had walked across the room and tore them out of his hand throwing them in the small bucket of water.
A trigger snapped in his as I was pinned against the wall. "WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN!"
"COME ON! HIT ME AARON! DO IT! HIT ME BECAUSE I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ELSE! COME ON!" I screamed almost crying out from the pain in my throat.
I saw his fist was cocked back ready, I just had to keep pushing, not that I wanted to be hit by a hulk sized hand. But it would mean I could hate him enough to go.
"DO IT!"
I clamped my eyes as the fist came towards me. But instead of a hard impact I had his hands holding my face. Opening my eyes, in time to see his lips hitting mine. The anger in me disappeared as his mouth moved on mine, gripping his face in my hands I kept him against my mouth returning the want and need.
He pulled away pushing his forehead against mine causing me to whimper as I tried to go back to his mouth.
"I don't care, I don't care if you got issues. If you're haunted then I want to be too."
He shook his head "You don't understand."
"I want to be haunted by you. With you, whatever." I stressed.
I gasped as he pulled my head back by my hair making me look up at him. "You don't know what it's like. How easy I could hurt you..." He warned.
"B-but you wouldn't. Because I trust you."
He growled planting his forehead against mine. "How many times? I'll cut every hair tie in Vegas." He said as he removed the band from my hair letting it fall around my body.
"It's too long." I whispered feeling it drape down my back.
"It's perfect..."
My body could sense it before he did it and as he stepped away I grabbed his top, but his fingers dug into my fists and unclenched my fingers just as quick.
"I can't. Luna go." He thrusted his hand out pointing to the door.
"Make me. Make me believe that you don't want anything to do with me. Make me believe that you hate me. If you can't then help me hate you because I'm not leaving this fucking house until you do!" I shouted at him.
The anger in his face grew as he stalked towards me, in panic I stepped back until the table knocked into my thighs trapping me between it and him.
"Yell at me again." He growled in my face.
"Yell at me again! Come on Luna!" He pushed me slightly.
"Okay just stop."
"A-Aaron just calm down." I stutter, now wondering how far I had pushed.
My hand went across his face making his face snap to the side away from mine. I waited for him to explode into a rage, maybe lash out cause hell I deserved it right now...
I couldn't hear much apart from our breathing, seeing his chest heave, I went to touch him but stopped.
"Aaron?" I breathed, with no response, it was now that I debated on running away.
"Aaron I'm sor-"
I was cut off by his mouth clashing against mine, I whimpered from the clanking of our teeth as his hands grabbed my face hard. I kissed him back just as hard holding onto his sides as if he was going to disappear on me.
"I-I'm, sorry." I gasped between his kisses.
His hand bunched into my hair pulling it back slightly as he moved into my neck, his beard scratched at my skin as his teeth bit on my neck making me moan.
I dug my fingers into his shoulder before tugging at the shirt wanting to feel his skin. He growled moving off me to pull it off and toss it aside before his fingers worked at my coat. After a frustrated few seconds he tore it from my shoulders and froze.
"Y-you left the house in this?" He asked looking at my lingerie.
"Plan B. Always have a plan B." I panted just as he pulled me into his body by my hips.
Working the button on his jeans, I pushed them down and dug my nails into his boxers making his groan reverberate through me. Massaging his body, his breathing deepened as he held my face.
"Fuck." He groaned moving his hips gently against my hand.
"You want this?" I asked looking up at his face, he nodded. "Then take it."
I yelped in surprise as my underwear were tore from my body. My hand was pulled out of his boxers as he lifted me up by my thighs and dropped me on the table we were originally against.
He pulled away gently tracing his thumb across my bottom lip. "A-are you sure?"
I nodded whining as he held my hands together with one of his to stop me helping myself against "Yes. I want it, I want you."
I lost myself in the heat of it, my body felt like it was on fire, that my blood was boiling in my skin begging for a dowsing. His tongue was teasing mine, gently touching before retreating away leaving mine to follow. His beard was gently scratching on my face and his teeth would bite my lip occasionally bringing me to the point of losing control before he would kiss me softly, slowing down my intentions of letting lose. I could feel his hand wandering the lengths of my body, grabbing at my thighs until I secured my legs around his waist so he couldn't escape.
His large hands took my hips pulling me down the desk gently until I was flush against him, when a giggle rose from my body.
"What?" He whispered looking down at me in amusement.
"Is nothing about you small?"
He grinned "Maybe my ego."
I watched his head fall against mine as I stroked him through his boxers which still seemed to be on and that, that was a problem.
"Jesus..." he breathed.
"You're gonna need more than him to stop me." I smirked biting his bottom lip back.
I felt his hands move mine aside, as I ran my hands over the thick corded veins of his arm he got himself into position.
"Fuck me already." I moaned against his mouth.
The oxygen felt cut off from my lungs as his body thrusted into mine. My head went into the crook of his neck instantly as I moaned.
"Breathe." He whispered running his hands over my back.
"Holy fu-" I let out a whine as he moved against me.
"Too much? Talk to me I'm worr-" I cut him off his panicking by kissing him. Grabbing his backside I pulled him against me hard until there was no gap between us. Not even for a sheet of paper.
We both moaned in pleasure, as my body adjusted to his, I looked up at Aaron to see nothing but care and concern in his eyes for me at this moment.
It was then I realised this was more than a hopeless crush, a stupid little fantasy of having someone who adored me, this was when I realised I had fallen for him, through all the crap. I had fallen hook, line and sinker for him.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered making me smile lightly.
"Show me then." I replied batting my lashes up to him.
As he guided me to lay down, I groaned and arched up removing a toy from my back.
"S-sorry." He chuckled.
"You're such a nerd, I love it." I grinned pulling him down on me.
"I. I mean, damn." He panted as we laid on the floor.
I giggled still feeling lightheaded and giddy. Aaron pushed himself up onto his elbow and looked over at me laughing.
"What?" I asked hiding my face in my hands.
"You're so beautiful... Even if you've ruined my carpet." He chuckled looking around at the chaos I caused.
He was painting.. but his canvas had turned into my body.
"I like that one." I grinned pointing to the white one with blue in the middle.
"That would be the imprint of your lower back and ass. That's why." He smirked.
"I gotta blue butt? Awesome."
"I didn't even think about that canvas, screw it. I got one better." He replied admiring my masterpiece.
"Where ya gonna put it?" I asked.
"Bedroom, obviously, I wanna see that every morning. But it could be in the house too, as an abstract piece, you know like those ink blots."
I flushed "Bedroom sounds better, I think it's pretty obvious what that is."
He grinned "I know, but I want it everywhere."
I giggled seeing the blue paint across his back. "You didn't escape it. It's across your back." I lifted my hand wiggling the blue tainted skin.
"No thanks to you, hey, at least we match."
I looked around the room to see canvas upon canvas of art work, the smell alone was probably making me high.
"Aaron.. You don't. You know?" I twisted my head.
He turned looking at me "What?"
"Regret it. Cause I don't.. I-"
"No I don't. Not a second of it. Blue paint and bum prints and all." He leant forward giving me a gentle kiss. "It's been so hard to stay away."
"Then why have you? It's been really hard, I didn't know what I had done wrong." I frowned.
"I'll explain but first, we should shower and then probably get into bed."
"But you'll tell me?"
He nodded before pulling up his jeans from his ankles and helping me up off the floor.
I trailed behind him looking at our hands joint together and felt a little happiness. I allowed myself to hope again and deep down, I allowed my heart to pick up a beat for him too.
An: Long waited no?! Sorry if it's sucky, it just felt more difficult writing an Aaron smut for some reason. 😅 Zak girl, I think that's the problem.
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