Fixing me
I shuffled on the chair beside Aaron as he announced he wanted to go see his mom...
"Are you okay? You haven't spoke since I've mentioned it" He acknowledged.
I nodded "I'm fine."
That's a lie.. nervous was an understatement. I mean what is she going to think when I rock up covered in bruises. She's hardly going to think 'She's a nice girl.'
"You don't have to lie to me." Aaron insisted.
"I'm really nervous and this whole battered look isn't helping." I replied.
"Battered? I look at them as signs of strength." He answered making me look at him.
"Yeah, your body wouldn't let you give up, you fought. You're here... With me."
I smiled gently at his little thought and looked back down at my covered up arms. "Can I show you?" I asked looking over at him.
He looked a little conflicted at the idea but nodded "Only if you feel comfortable in doing so. Then yes."
I nodded and stood up walking to the centre of the hotel room. "I- uh.. I'll just go to the bathroom first."
Aaron nodded gently letting me go into the bathroom and prepare myself. Since Mark, I had avoided removing my clothes in front of him at all costs. I didn't want to see the upset or sympathy in his eyes. I didn't want pity. I just wanted him to see me for what happened and then maybe we could deal with it. Like he said..
I removed my jumper and placed it down, before pulling off my top laying it aside. Turning my eyes to the mirror, I was faced with purple, blue and even red marks all across my skin. Taking a small breath, I turned to see my back was just as bad if not worse with the large footprint.
Picking up a towel, I wrapped it around my torso and slowly made my way out the bathroom. Looking at Aaron, I watched his eyes danced across my skin rapidly. I watched the upset fill his face, but he kept still on the couch and watched as I turned slowly showing him the top of my back.
Building myself up, I dropped the towel, leaving myself stood in a bra and jeans. I heard his gasp as he took in my bruise, shifting slowly, I turned to face him as he looked at me with an expressionless face.
I lifted my hands up slowly "Say something?" I whispered.
Aaron stood up and walked over giving me a hug, my body sighed with relief and I hugged him back tightly. "You're beautiful. Always remember that, you're beautiful and you're strong."
"Thank you.. Thank you for being you." I whispered holding him tightly.
"So tell me what your mom is like?" I asked as we got into the hire car.
"Well, she's cool, relaxed, fun and I'm a lot like her." He answered with a grin.
"So we are gonna get on really well then." I smiled at the idea.
"Yes. I think you will both get on great and if my gran is there? Oh we are in for a treat!" He laughed.
"What do you mean? Snapgash." I laughed.
Aaron chuckled "God I love her, she makes me cry with laughter."
"The cool granny, can't say I'm surprised, Grandson like you." I replied.
Aaron smiled as he started up the car and pulled away. "Yeah I wish I had more time for them both, my sister and nieces too."
"You have season breaks don't you?" I questioned.
"Yeah, but I often leave all the small jobs and big ones until then and that's when I'm snowed under with a ton of things to do." He replied.
"Well I can always helps with orders and emails. If it helps?" I asked.
He nodded "Thank you, but when you're with me, I want my attention to be solely on you. Not everything else."
I smiled at him widely "You're cute."
Aaron chuckled in response and turned on the radio. "Get comfy, it's a bit of a drive to my moms."
"Yes sir." I yawned.
His hand came over and held my thigh as I gave him arm tickles trying to distract myself with the fact, in a couple of hours I was going to be face to face with his mom... And possibility his grandmother!
Who from the sound of it are both completely awesome! I could only hope that they accepted me for well, me and that they would look past the bruises as Aaron had done today.
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