Cherry with Coffee
My eyes cracked open before clamping shut from the harsh glare of the sun. Yawning I rolled over to look at my late night guest, Aaron was out cold. His face pushed into a pillow with one arm under it, his other arm was extending across the bed to where I was.
Looking down at my onesie I almost groaned, not believing my luck when he arrived unannounced last night. I also planned to check all my pjs today as well as throw this onesie away....
Or maybe put it away at least.
I slipped out of bed and left Aaron to catch up on his sleep, digging out some clothes I headed to the bathroom and took a shower. Before getting dressed into black skinny jeans and a black off the shoulder top. Throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast and some coffee.
Turning on the laptop I sat at the small breakfast bar surfing the web and applying some cherry chapstick. Humming quietly, I didn't know Aaron was up until he wrapped his arms around my shoulders burying his face into my neck.
"Good afternoon." I smiled rubbing his arm. It was already 3pm, but I could hardly blame him for sleeping as long as what he did.
"Hmm why are you up?"
"Because I'm not tired anymore." I replied turning in his arms to face him. "If you are, go take a nap."
He leant forward placing a kiss on my lips before licking his own. With a hum of approval he came back again and again.
"You taste amazing. Coffee, cherry. I'm addicted." He moaned when I stopped him coming back again.
I then noticed his bare feet and found myself smiling to see he was more than comfortable being here.
"Want some food?" I asked as he moved away slowly after finding the coffee machine waiting.
"No. No thank you. Just coffee until I can breathe." He replied yawning heartedly.
He scratched his arm revealing a stop smoking patch freshly applied. "I hate these things." He grumbled.
"For Theo." I reminded him. He smiled thinking of him before making up coffee and coming to sit beside me.
"What are your plans today?" He asked rubbing my back gently.
"The day is almost gone." I giggled.
"Nonsense. It's the best time. Vegas never sleeps remember?" He asked sipping his coffee.
"But I do. Nothing yet. What's your plans?" I asked.
"Spending it with you hopefully. If you'll have me?"
I grinned "Of course. In that case we better do something or we can just hang out. Watch some films?"
He hummed "Both sound good."
"But you also need food in your belly." I reminded him.
"What did you eat?" He asked.
Aaron scoffed "That's hardly enough. Right... Give me 20 minutes and we can get some food."
"Okay.." I sang as he slipped off the barstool and placed his coffee down. He bent down stealing a kiss before coming back again making me giggle.
"Cherry and Coffee." He sighed happily before disappearing.
True to his word, 20 minutes later he came in showered and ready.
"Let's go. I'll drive."
"Okay." I replied getting my bag and phone.
Hopping into his car we headed downtown, silence had filled the car and I found myself watching him curiously before he reached over and held my hand.
"You okay?" I asked quietly.
"Hmm.. I'm not feeling great." He answered frowning slightly.
"Wanna pull over?"
"No, it's not that kind, energy. Bad energy it will pass." He replied giving me a confident smile.
I didn't question him, after all, what did I know about his work?
Aaron pulled up to a deli bar and put the car into park. "Now this place, wait until you try the food." He grinned getting out.
I unclipped my belt and picked up my bag when my door opened. I looked up to see Aaron waiting with a smile.
He just opened the door for me! He just- no man has ever done that!
"Thank you." I beamed slipping past him. He gave me a wolffish grin in return and lead us into the deli-bar.
Aaron ordered his whilst I looked up at the board kinda stumped.
"I've ordered the Bobby, it's amazing." He whispered.
"Better than the cherry and coffee?" I asked. He thought about it making me giggle "I'll have a small Bobby. Please."
We stood talking quietly and away from the customers when we got our number called.
Aaron collected them before grabbing us a table. I tucked into my deli, which was basically a chicken dinner only in a roll without the gravy.
I looked up to see Aaron had bought more than a small one, as his was cut in half and still bigger than mine.
"Woah. Where do you put it?" I asked impressed as he tucked in.
"I walk... Loads." He answered behind his hand before holding it up as a sign of an apology for speaking with his mouthful.
"God I can't move." I huffed as we sank into my couch. Aaron had swung by his and picked up a few bits and pieces as well as fresh clothes.
He looked almost desperate when he came out his house earlier, I didn't like to see him looking worried.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked softly having noticed he was quiet all the way to my place.
"I thought I saw...- Never mind." He replied shaking his head.
Flicking on the TV and switching the channels. I landed on an old movie, it was real old school with poor graphics. Some warrior was trying to kill a skeletons.
"Jason and the Argonauts." Aaron smiled seeing it.
"You know this?" I asked.
He nodded "Hell yeah, it's an old 60's movie. My family used to spend Sunday watching this, that and the Golden Fleece. Have you seen it?"
I shook my head.
"Oh, can we watch this? Then whatever you want?"
"Sure," I shrugged putting the controller down.
"But...." Aaron spoke making me look over at him. "We have to do this properly."
He stood up and took my hand helping me up, when he sat back down and laid on the couch making room for me.
"You want me to lay there with you?" I asked.
"Yeah, have a snuggle at the same time."
I smiled at his little ways and laid down beside him, with a whoosh he pulled the blanket off the back of the couch covering us both with it before we fell silent watching the Greek warrior fight his way across the screen.
As the film finished I couldn't help but smile, as much as I thought it was bad. I really enjoyed it!
"That was good." I spoke holding Aaron's hand as his arm was draped over my waist.
Not getting a reply, I looked up to see him fast asleep and wrapped around me protectively.
I flicked the TV off before nuzzling myself in the small gap on his neck. Giving him a little kiss there, Aaron stirred and wrapping his arms around me. His hand rubbed my back a few times before pushing my hair back until he fell still again.
Despite Aaron going through some stuff right now with the effects of work. I felt nothing but safe being with him today. Sure last night concerned me with his nightmares and thrashing but right here. Right now he was a completely different person, he was as quiet and as timid as a mouse.
Although we didn't get to spend the day out in Vegas exploring, or watching films like originally planned. We did spend the rest of the night asleep on the couch holding each other as we slept. And for me? It was so much better...
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