Aaron's Muse.
"Look at me." Aaron demanded. My eyes shifted to him as he stood at the end of the table looking directly at Zak who slowly turned his eyes away from Maria to look at his best friend and colleague.
"Aaron come o-"
"No!" He snapped interrupting me. I lifted my brow disapprovingly but decided to close my mouth and to let him have his opinion, after all. Everyone was entitled to one.
"I am begging you here bro. When have I ever asked you for anything?" He questioned Zak. "But I'm here begging you, please don't bring these two in on this."
I looked to Zak who was already mulling over his decision in not only letting me and Maria stay with them tonight, but also take part in the investigation itself...
"Don't I get a say?" I asked.
"No." Aaron repeated making me growl in my seat.
"All you have done is bust my balls Aaron, gimme a damn break."
I tensed as Aarons hand slammed down on the table. "I will when you stop using the two people I love and care about as fucking bait! It's like you don't even care about Maria!"
Zak blinked once revealing the anger in his eyes "Do not question my love for her.. Don't you fucking dare Aaron."
Feeling the tension racket up I decided now was as good as time as any to step in. "Okay enough. Both of you enough. Look at you both? Arguing about a demon infested investigation still trying to act like this hasn't effected both of you!"
Zak shifted his gaze to me before looking back at Aaron "I'm not an expert, I haven't done this before or understand how the Paranormal works but I know you take in bad energy, then shit is going to hit the fan. For your own sake Aaron, I won't take part in this investigation but I am going to be at that place tonight. Now you both need to get over this, before you both bring back something that nobody can cope with!"
I pushed myself out from the restaurant table and left. As the fresh air hit me, I took a deep breath and went straight to the outside picnic tables. Climbing onto one, I sat on the table with my elbows dug into my knees. To hell with this alpha male bullshit!
I straightened up hearing the sound of footsteps slowly creeping up.
"What now?" I asked shaking my head looking at the RV.
"Can I sit down?" Maria asked making my head turn instantly.
"Sorry, I thought you were Aaron."
"Oh he is waiting to come and speak with you. I told him to give you some space first. I wanted to make sure you were okay?" She asked fiddling with her rings.
I nodded "I wish he would just ease up."
"Not gonna happen." She answered hoisting herself onto the table beside me. "Thing with Aaron is, he has dealt with demonic attachments, and taken stuff home. None of it concerns him, not until it effects the people he loves..."
I scoffed "He can't even say the word."
"Doesn't mean he doesn't feel or mean it. You did good back in there. Putting them both back into their places. Certainly shut them up that's for sure." She smiled. I got nudged by her arm "Welcome to the Team."
I laughed shaking my head "Yeah right, probably got myself grounded back in Vegas for the next 3 lockdowns."
"I won't let that happen."
I smiled slightly "Thanks."
"Luna?" Aaron called softly making me sit up.
"That's my cue to leave.. Go easy on him. He only meant well." She whispered slipping off the table and heading back in.
"Can I come sit down?" He asked.
I watched him as he stepped around the table and sat on the bench properly looking up at me. "I'm sorry. I am just freaking out."
"I know.. But how can I take on you and your job if you won't let me experience it? I feel like you're wrapping me in cotton wool all the time."
"Is it any wonder after everything that has happened?" He asked.
I shook my head looking down at my lap "I guess not."
"I don't wanna fight. I just want to keep you safe because I don't want you to run over this.. I- I don't want to lose you Lu."
"I won't go in. But I want to be there... For you tonight."
He struggled but eventually nodded "Okay. But you promise to stay in that RV. You don't come into the house. At all."
"I won't."
"I promise." I replied instantly.
He let out a sigh of relief before standing up, leaning down he gave me a kiss "I like you."
"Like you also." I mumbled pressing another kiss back onto his lips.
The time arrived and we were all camped outside in the RV looking out the windows at the house.
"You remember what you said?" Aaron asked me quietly.
"I won't leave this RV."
"That's my girl." He whispered kissing my forehead gently as he picked up his hoody.
"Please go careful." I urged.
"I will."
"Gimme a smile."
Aaron grinned making me smile at him instantly "Doofus."
"Only for you." He replied pulling me into his body and giving me a longing kiss. When he pulled away I grumbled.
"I'll be back soon. Stay in here."
"I will."
As I looked past Aaron, I saw Maria with her forehead pressed against Zak's. My heart tightened looking at them both only to have Aaron stroke my hair back. "I'll take care of him too." He whispered.
"Brothers. Remember that."
He nodded giving me another kiss before heading out of the RV door. I made myself busy letting Zak and Maria have their moment alone.
After they all left, I sat with Maria looking out the window at the house, one by one they entered until the door closed.
"Let the games begin.." She whispered looking over to me.
"They will be okay.. Won't they?"
She nodded "As long as they stick together, then all should be okay. It's when they start to split up, that is when problems will start."
Within an hour of being inside the RV the door opened making both myself and Maria jump and look over to see Aaron there.
"Aaron?" She spoke getting up instantly.
"Just needed to get out. I couldn't breathe like I was panicking." He explained sitting on the step.
"Are you okay?" I asked going to his side.
Shouting rose from the house, my eyes instantly going to Maria as Zak's shout echoed. "Move." She urged getting off the RV.
Half way up the path, Billy came out followed by Zak who was hot on his tail.
"What's happening?" She asked catching Zak's jacket bringing him to a stop.
"I don't know. I asked him to go into a room and he lost it."
"Billy are you okay?" Maria turned.
"I will be. I just need a minute."
It was almost 40 minutes before they regrouped and went in again. Prepared and ready to fight back whatever that house contained.
I grumbled as hands tightened around my knees and back. Stirring out of my sleep, I woke to find myself cradled into Aaron's lap. "You're back."
He nodded "Just get some rest."
"Are you okay?" I yawned holding him to give him some comfort.
"I will be..."
"Hey uh Luna?"
I opened my eyes to look at the large brown orbs. "Yeah?"
"I uh... I.."
My heart began to beat a little faster hoping he would say the words. "I like you."
I smiled trying to hide the disappointment, because deep down I knew what he meant. But hearing the words.. Well I guess they would make everything seem a lot better.
"I like you too." I sighed quietly closing my eyes again.
"Goodnight, My muse."
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