The beginning Of The End
Forrest: I looked out the big Window as I was deep in thought about this all scale war that had broken out I had this bad feeling this war was a beginning of a new era a new rising of some Order and I didn't like one bit I growled loudly as I turned around and I raised my hand and my sword comes to it I put my sword on my back as I walk out of the room
Memphis: I was slashing away at enemy soldiers i shoot a couple of them with balls of energy I look around as more and more soldiers keep coming I keep slashing away at all of them I threw my sword in the air as I start powering up "Ahhhhhhh" I catch my sword as I go berserk on the enemy soldiers I shot a humongous energy blast at the soldiers after the smoke cleared there was nothing left standing as the green aura that was around me vanished I then start walking towards the west as I put my blade on my back
Forrest: I continue to walk as I stopped in my tracks I look around as I felt a huge power source that come from the south "this energy I'm sensing its huge and I have a good feeling this is only a tiny portion of it" I say Smiling "hm I guess I'm not the only one with incredible power but this power is from the race of the MiddleEast hmm it seems this warrior is heading West I'll go West as well" I say as I make my way towards the West
Memphis: I continue to walk as I stop at cliff I look down and see a humongous army was on the march "there's got be a least Five Hundred Thousand or more soldiers" I say out loud "and by the looks of it there heading North" I say I paused for a second my eyes go big "I must warn the captain about this" I say as I start running east
Captain Amy: I was resting and so was the army I get up and I stretched I sat back down and I started to think "there's a true reason why this full scale war has started the rumors have it its the rise of some Order and a new era but what I do not know" I say thinking out loud
"Hmm maybe it's a downfall for something as well but what" I say thinking out loud again
Forrest: I continued West as I stopped as I hear marching I hide behind a bush as I backed up slowly as I saw a humongous army on the march "shit this isn't good one bit to my calculations there heading North but why I do not" I stopped and paused "that energy I'm fallowing is heading North was well ehh I hate changing directions" I say as I now head south
Memphis: after very long time of sprinting I was a couple of yards away from camp I made it as I go find Captain Amy I found her deep in thought "Captain i bring news" I say to the Captain
Captain Amy: I was deep in thought about this war when Memphis approached me Memphis tells me he brings news "Yes Memphis what's this news u bring" I ask Memphis
Memphis: I look at the Captain as Amy asked me what news i bring "Captain there's a humongous army coming this way from the East the number is 500,000 or more and there approaching fast" I say to Amy
Captain Amy: "What 500,000 or more that's absurd how can a military have that much fighting force it's mind boggling Memphis it really is" I say to Memphis
Memphis: "How much soldiers do we have Captain" I ask Amy
Captain Amy: "25,500 Memphis that's not enough to fight a huge army of over 500,000 but we will fight until the end the beat we can do is cut in half their forces with the men we have Memphis ready the troops" I say to Memphis
Memphis: "Yes right away Captain" I say to Amy as I go and get the troops ready for conflict
Captain Amy: I get my armor on and as I do Memphis stands beside me "listen up we'll about to face an army with a fighting force of over 500,000 yes we all might die but on the contrary the best thing we can do is cut their forces in half now LET'S FIGHT" I say to the soldiers
Memphis: I say a little prayer and I guessing the entire army is doing the same thing I take my blade as I hold it in my right paw
Forrest: I made to the soon-to-be battlefield as I watch as the army of over 500,000 was marching and then they came to a stop I saw the army of 25,500 march out and they suddenly came stop "Hmm the power source I was fallowing as completely vanished" I say as I was about to watch a bloodshed happen I then spotted a white fur with no armor on "Hmm maybe he's the one with the huge power source" I say Smiling
~The Two Armies began fighting~
Memphis: I was slicing and dicing soldiers to my surprise our forces were holding up pretty well I smiled as I continued to kill soldiers
Forrest: I was blushing madly as I was watching the white fur killing soldiers left right and center his movement was perfect his swordsmanship was perfect everything was perfect "wait why am I blushing I don't guys do I" I look down and I blush extremely hard "I guess I am" I say giving my attention back towards the white fur
Captain Amy: "Retreat any remaining soldiers retreat Memphis u coming" I ask loudly
Memphis: "Captain u go ahead I'll catch up" I say snapping a soldier's neck
~The Captain And remaining soldiers make a full retreat as Memphis stays behind and byes them time~
Forrest: I was blushing still as I continue to watch the white fur kill the soldiers the army of 500,000 or more was now at 65,500 the remaining soldiers started to retreat as the white fur watched them "wow This fur can fight holy shit" I say Smiling to myself
Memphis: I watch as the remaining soldiers retreated i smile as I started to walk as I did I sat on a stone and I sigh as I did I lay back and enjoy the peace
Forrest: I get up from my hiding spot as I walk towards the cute white fur I walk up to him and smile "hello" I say to the white fur
Memphis: I open my eyes as I lean forward and I was facing another fur I never seen before
"Hello I'm Memphis" I say holding out a paw
Forrest: I smile and shake his paw "it's nice to meet u Memphis I'm Forrest" I say Smiling back
Memphis: "please the pleasure is mine Forrest" I say Smiling
Forrest: I sat down beside Memphis "I was watching Your fighting skills Memphis and I'm very impressed by them and your swordsmanship is perfect as well" I say trying not to blush
Memphis: I smile "why thank you Forrest we train when we first learn how to walk heheheh but a full scale war like this breaking out seems rather weird I have a feeling this war is telling us something that something I do not know" I say to Forrest
Forrest: I listened to Memphis "yes this war has a meaning to it I believe it's a start to a new Era and Order and a down fall of something" I say to Memphis
Memphis: I nod
Forrest: "let's get going before they return with a much bigger force" I say getting up as I wait for Memphis
Memphis: I nod smiling "yes I believe your right Forrest" I say getting up as Forrest and I being the game of catch up
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