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ember: behappy.
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lexiiiiii: that smile🥺💕
cassiehoward: qt pie ;)
maddyperez: GLOWING !
giabennett: 🦋✨💕💕
kittenkween: my bby 👩🏻❤️💋👩🏻
jules: i luv ur smile <3
ember was riding back to her house. she went into town to grab some groceries. maddy was back at her place and had decided to stay behind.
now normally maddy would have rode with her but the reason she decided to stay behind was because..
maddy was having too much fun trying on ember's clothes. she had so much that maddy loved, she was hands down obsessed with ember's style.
she had everything maddy ever wanted. the chanel purses, the prada purses, the balenciaga dresses, the vintage clothes, etc.
plus she was living a lifestyle that maddy wanted: rich and lavish.
maddy couldn't wait to get to the level that ember was. she loved being friends with her. but not because of the clothes and her fancy closets.
but because ember was such a sweet girl. very much genuine, a good person. she liked being around her she felt pure when she was around ember.
maddy had been reflecting on what type of person she was the past few weeks she has been hanging around ember and jules. but mostly it was ember who made her think hard.
she knew she wasn't like the best person on the planet, but nobody is perfect and she always stood on that.
ember kept it all the way real with maddy as well. maybe that's why maddy loved her so much already. she isn't used to having friends who are blunt.
she is used to having friends who joke around all the time or who let her do whatever and not talk any sense into when she does stupid shit. now kat is the only one who puts her in check but it normally turns into a heated fight.
for example when she still loved and wanted to be with nate even after the carnival incident. her friends were barley there for her in those dark moments and didn't ever talk any sense into her.
maddy didn't put the full blame on them because it is up to her what she wants and what she is going to do at the end of the day.
but the point is that ember made her reevaluate herself along with her decisions and the way she acts. and she loved how ember always gave good advice to her. for example...
one day ember invited maddy over. they both were in the pool on their inflatable chairs soaking up the sun while drinking some of embers signature horchata with a dash of cinnamon on top.
they were having girl talks and getting to know each other better and both of them actually had a lot in common.
but ember had a burning question for maddy.
"can i ask you something?" ember said making maddy pull her shades up.
she nodded, "go ahead."
ember looked at her serious. she hoped maddy wouldn't get upset or offensive, "why'd you sleep with that guy at that party a few months ago?" she asked
maddy chuckled pulling her shades down, "wait bitch you saw that?"
ember nodded and maddy started giggling, "oh God.. i'm sorry if i made a bad first impression on you bitch you probably think of me as a whore or something." maddy said
but ember shook her head in all honesty and said, "no i actually don't."
maddy stopped smiling and quickly got serious, "i did it because nate pissed me off. he was making out with some other girl so i wanted to piss him off." she said like it was normal
"but why?" maddy raised an eyebrow chuckling at her friend, "what do you mean?"
"why settle the score? that doesn't help anything. the best way to make someone mad but also be at peace is to not care and not let it effect nor bother you."
and that right there had maddy tongue twisted. she had nothing to saw for a few minutes. maddy nodded listening to her friends advice.
"can i be honest with you ember?" maddy asked
"always." maddy quickly sighed, "i don't know what peace is. i'm so used to toxicity and darkness." she admitted
ember looked at her and felt bad but quickly spoke up, "that is a problem that you need to change. you deserve nothing but good vibes and peace maddy. toxicity is not good for your soul it will take you down a dark path."
and after hearing those words maddy reevaluated her life and actions.
she noticed her not being with nate... she is peaceful and happy as ever. maddy has been glowing lately and actually focusing on school and doing homework.
let's not get it twisted maddy is still maddy but she has been happier than ever which is good.
she hasn't blown up nate's phone in the past few days. and it probably had a little bit to do with what ember told her what happened.
nate had never really ever broken down to maddy like that and if he did well it was just manipulation to make her feel bad for him and to feel her back to him.
but when ember described what happened, she knew that nate for once in his life was being serious and actually was being emotional showing his true feelings to ember. but it scared maddy because nate still was an awful person.
and she really hoped that he wouldn't fuck ember up the way that he fucked her up.
hope ya'll enjoy this chapter i love ya'll 💕💋💕💋💕
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