Everything is foggy. I don't remember hitting the woods, but I'm on my way down a path to?
Wait, where am I going?
My bare feet apparently know as they pick their way through the soft leaves. I can't remember anything leading up to this moment. The white light cotton dress I'm wearing flutters in the midnight breeze while the moonlight paints everything in a crystal blue light.
The path opens up to the water's edge where the biggest silver-white wolf I've ever seen stands blocking my way. His golden eyes lock on mine like he's searching my very soul. They feel so familiar...
'She's waiting for you,' floats through my mind as he nods further down.
I walk towards the falls where a stunning woman waits. She's dressed in elegant white, her long silver blond hair cascades down her back, shimmering under the stars. The moonlight makes her porcelain skin glow and her brilliant blue eyes sparkle. She's smiling, but her eyes are sad as she holds a hand out for me.
"Oh, Jess," she whispers as her eyes search mine. "So much pain."
Something is so familiar about her, urging me to her. "I'm sorry, but I can't remember," I apologize, taking her offered hand.
"It takes a toll to visit like this and your body is already so weak," she replies.
I furrow my brows, struggling to understand what she means. "Is this a dream?" I murmur.
"Yes, but it's also real." She pauses and tilts her head slightly. "Do you know who I am?"
"I'm sorry I-" I stammer, unable to place her, but she feels so familiar.
"It's ok dear, you were very young when we spoke last. I'm Selena, you've already met Luca," she says, gesturing to the white wolf as he walks up to her.
A memory flashes of a man and woman telling me a story about the Moon Goddess and the first Alpha. My eyes widen at the realization.
"Yes, one and the same," she says with a soft laugh.
"I don't understand. Why are we here?" A sense of dread seeps into the fog that shrouds my mind.
She slips a hand to my temple, and the fog lifts ever so slightly.
"Do you remember what happened to you?" As if on command, memories float back of a rogue battle, falling asleep and bleeding out as the poison took over.
My heart sinks. "Am I dead?" I ask, barely a whisper.
"Not yet, but you're hanging on by a thread. I've come to help you walk whichever path you choose." Her face softens, but her gaze is guarded.
"You've been through so much for one so young; loss, abandonment, abuse, death, and suffering. I wish I could have shielded you from it all, but I couldn't." Her voice is laced with regret.
"I can't remember anything," I mumble, feeling irritated. "It's all blank."
"I've come to offer you a choice; I can take you through the veil and all the pain and suffering will be washed away. You will know a peace you didn't get in life."
"Or?" I prompt.
"Or I can help you go back," she says, smiling softly. "What do you want?"
I've always wanted to be at peace, of that I'm sure. "Peace?".
But at what cost?
She turns and starts to lead me across the water towards the mist-covered woods. "You've more than earned it, but you will leave everyone behind." Selena casts a wary glance over her shoulder as I slow.
"Who? I can't remember," I complain, halting.
She places her hands on my temple, pulling memories as she speaks. "Your family, your friends." Flashes of Jace and Jude horsing around at a pool party are followed by laughing with Jude and Trish at the market as Ethan snags my food. The memories filter through all these smiling and happy people.
A man with stunning hazel eyes floats by and my mind latches onto him for dear life. "Your mate, Chris," she adds. Memories flood me as I remember everything about him. My heart twists as I remember nearly rejecting him and the pain that came from it. Tears well in my eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment.
"B-but he will be alone. I've caused him so much pain already," I say as the tears start to fall and my chest tightens.
"I promise to find him a second-chance mate." Her tone is soothing and gentle, but the thought sets me on edge.
"You could go back to him." Selena raises a brow, gauging my reaction. "I wish I could tell you that the hard parts of life are behind you, but I won't lie. Your path is anything but easy, but you'll be together."
"Why can't I remember it all? You ask me to make this choice with just little pieces of my life to go off of." The thought of making the wrong choice chills me to my core. "How do I know this isn't some sort of trick?"
She gestured to the waterfall, and it stills like glass showing me myself, laying in a hospital bed. Chris and Jude are at my bedside in vigil, both look exhausted and worried.
"You're running out of time to decide," she warns.
My eyes lock on Chris's. His emotions are so raw; desperation, fear, worry, but also love, so much love and hope. My fingers graze the water rippling his image and my heart wrenches at his pain.
Something crumbles deep inside of me and one thing becomes crystal clear: "I love him. I want to go back," I say, looking at her. Tears run freely down my cheeks now and my heart threatens to break. "I can't leave him." In his own way, he's shown me a different kind of peace than I've been chasing all my life.
Apparently, that's the right answer, as her face split into a dazzling smile that goes straight to her twinkling eyes.
"Does everyone in this position get to choose?" I ask, suddenly confused. She shakes her head no. "Then why me?"
"You've earned it and debts are owed," Selena replies cryptically. My chest begins to tighten and twist as I stagger back.
"What debt?" I grunt out as the tightening gets worse and my body begins to burn.
'Keep protecting the blood,' Luca says, and the darkness swallows me.
My body aches as I fight against the void. I groan in pain as I fight to open my eyes.
"Jess?" Jude whispers.
I feel his warm hand on my cheek, but I can't get my body to obey.
"Doc! Get in here," Jace shouts. "I'll link Chris."
I groan again, I'm so tired the void threatens to take me again.
"Jess, if you can hear me, open your eyes," Jude begs. But my eyes won't obey—all I can do is barely whimper.
He laces his fingers with mine as he lifts my hand. "Ok, what about squeezing my fingers?"
I focus all my energy on my fingers—you'd think a little squeeze wouldn't be too hard—but all I can manage is a small wiggle.
"Doc, she's waking up!" Jace exclaims as the doctor shuffles over to my bedside.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he cautions. I feel his cold fingers slip around my wrist to check my pulse.
"Baby?" I hear Chris' desperate voice as he rushes over to me. He cups my cheek, sending familiar sparks across my skin. I whimper, leaning into his caress, aching for more.
"Doc! I can feel her, the bond is back," he says, the relief clear in his voice. "Why does she look like she's in so much pain?"
"Let me adjust the dosing," he replies. I whimper again as the medication claims me for the void once more.
The sun's warm kiss, followed by the breeze's gentle caress, breaks me from my endless sleep. Finally, I feel the heavy fog lose its iron grip on me.
My eyes slowly flutter open, as I blink away the bright morning light. The steady beep of the heart monitor is interrupted by a lone bird's song.
Chris is slumped over my bed on the right side, softly sleeping while Jude's on the left. Both men have ruffled hair, need a shave, and have bags under their eyes.
I lightly brush the back of my fingers across Chris' cheek, trailing my thumb along his bottom lip. Sparks dance between our skin, lighting up my fingertips as I caress his face. He stirs slightly, leaning into my touch as his beautiful hazel eyes flutter open.
He jumps upright, jarring Jude awake as he hovers over me, eyes locked on mine as his hand caresses my cheek. "Baby?" The desperation is clear in his voice.
"Hi," I croak out with a smile.
His eyes swirl with so many emotions, I've never seen him so raw. I bring my hand to his cheek, wiping a stray tear away with my thumb.
"I thought I lost you," he whispers. "I've never been so scared in my life..."
"I chose you," I murmur.
His lips brush mine so tenderly, promising everything his words can't. A cough behind him pulls him back sooner than either of us wants.
"Let Doc take a look." Jace beams at us, his grin growing as Chris sighs loudly. With a soft kiss on my forehead, Chris steps back only enough to let Doc in.
Doc smiles at me, the relief clear in his eyes. "Welcome back, Luna. You gave us one hell of a scare." He steps back, checking my pulse before walking over to my monitors.
"I was poisoned?" I ask, drawing all eyes to me.
Jace tilts his head as he narrows his gaze at me, his confusion clear. "How'd you know?"
I debate telling them about the dream—I'm not even sure what it was. "I met someone in a dream... she told me I was dying and offered me a choice. To finally find peace, but I would have to leave all of you behind..." My eyes lock on Chris'—they are so full of pain. "I chose you," I whisper. "I almost lost you before. I wasn't going to make the same mistake again-"
His lips crash down on mine as he pours his emotions into his kiss. I knot my fingers in the hair at the back of his neck, savouring the feel of his lips on mine. He pulls back looking deep into my eyes, the relief in his is clear.
"I'm not going anywhere," I promise as he takes a seat, holding my hand.
I turned my attention to Jude. His regularly bright blue eyes are deeply shadowed. "Hey."
He picks up my other hand and scoots his chair closer. "Hey." His smile shines in his eyes as his gaze shifts between us.
"I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on your promotion." His chest puffs up at my compliment and my smile grows to match his as he positively beams.
"You're stuck with me now," he teases.
"There's no one I'd rather have," I admit. He has understood me better than myself most days and has always been there when I needed him. Even Xavier knew he wasn't the right man for the job.
"Welcome back, my elf," Jace says from the foot of my bed. "Please don't do anything like that again. I'm not cut out to be Alpha," he jokes, rubbing the back of his neck. As if a light bulb goes off, he turns to Jude. "Told you that you were meant for bigger things." Jace wiggles his eyebrows in triumph at Jude, clapping his shoulder.
Both men laugh as Chris looks at them like they've lost it.
"The first night you and Jude had it out, and he took Jess home, I went to check on them. After talking, I felt like there was more to their relationship than just close friendship. I told him then that I thought he was meant for more, but he dismissed it without a second thought." Jace chuckles lightly and winks. "Turns out I was right."
Doc clears his throat. "Although I hate to cut this short, she needs to eat something before she sleeps again." He's back to his professional facade, and he writes something on my chart as he waits for them to catch on.
"Come on Jude," Jace says, prompting Jude. "It's time you earn your keep. Xavier needs a break. Someone's got to make sure the pack doesn't fall apart while the Alpha's busy." He gives Chris' shoulder a squeeze before heading out. "Take all the time you need Chris, we've got this covered."
The next couple of days go by the same routine. I sleep a lot. Whenever I'm awake, Chris is there or Jude, we talk a bit; mostly I listen to them talk. Every day, I feel a bit stronger and more myself. Their relief at the rate I'm bouncing back is clear.
On the fourth day, I wake up to a new set of visitors.
"Look who's finally awake," Derek teases. Ethan runs over to the side of my bed. "Someone wanted to see you and wouldn't take no for an answer." He ruffles Ethan's hair and leans back in his chair.
I look at Ethan and flash him a smile, but freeze when I lock eyes with his. Those same intense golden eyes from my dream are staring back at me. Derek growls, but I can't stop staring.
"Well, aren't you clever," Derek grumbles from his chair as he studies me, clenching his jaw, pissed.
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