Chapter II
As she walked into the classroom. She could feel the tension in the air as she stood in front of the class. She sighed in annoyance as she nocticed the face of the last person she wanted to see. Well I guess there's no choice.
Hello it's a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances.
My name is Violet
As soon as she spoke her name everything went quiet, alrighty class now does anyone have any questions the teacher spoke breaking the silence in the room. I began to feel nervous as a few students began to raise that hands. Bombarding me with a million questions. Where are you from? Why aren't you wearing the school uniform? Do you like anyone here? What's your favorite color? Class enough your making her uncomfortable. If still interested than please ask your questions later. Now if that all then let's begin
Violet please take the open desk near the back. Thank you she said with a slight bow as she made her way to the back of the classroom. She could feel the students staring at her, and she could hear the girls already gossiping about her. How annoying just because my clothes are different, they think that better, just wait she thought to herself I'll show them. But for now I'll focus on keep a low profile. In most people's eyes she resembles the dolls. Always doing what she's told never talking back. Never showing emotion.
As she sat down she could hear the scraping of desks as they moved away from her, she had no desire to listen to the teachers lecture as she put her head down on her desk closing your eyes. It's not like it mattered she already knew everything that he was teaching she'd only agreed to enroll in school because of the Simon kept annoying her. He was one of the few people who ever watched out for her the only one who care even in the slightest bit except for a few others.
After what seemed like forever the bell rang freeing her from hell. Unlike the other students she had much more freedom, the rest of the day was hers to do what she liked. Well I guess I could go look around and familiarize my self with the school. And before anyone could ask her any questions she slipped out the door taking random turns hoping one would lead to an exit. She could hear the noise begin to fill the hallway as other students began leaving there classrooms. As turned the corner without noticing she crashed into someone causing her to fall, hey watch where you going!
She flinched as they raised their voice she looked up to see a blonde haired boy with blue eyes. Staring at her, I'm sorry she said i was looking for the library. Wait your the new girl everyone's talking about. Here let me help you. He said extending his hand to me. Than you I she said shyly, hey I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's been a rough day he said running his hand though his hair.
No it's okay I should have been more aware of my surroundings. Hey come on don't beat yourself up over it let's just let bygones be bygones. Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself. Hello my name's Alexander, hello Alexander my name's Violet it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I must say I've never met a girl like you before, oh really how so? You have to be the first girl to ever attend this school who isn't fawning over that sorry excuse for a prince. He looked at her with a questionable look as she giggled at his remark.
I guess I'm not the only one who dislike him, awww something we have in common. Well Violet how about I show you around the school, all right sounds like fun. You're not going to be late for any classes are you. No I'm finished classes for today, really? Nice he said pumping his fist in the air, finally someone to hang out with...... Oh sorry he said my schedules the same I usually end up rumor on the school the rest of the day with nothing to do. Well I'm glad I guess I'll also have someone to hang out with so where to next. All right let's go this way next he said smiling.
As we walk through the Halls chatting about random stuff, I froze when I saw a the the prince walking towards us, this action did not go unnoticed by Alexander, hey don't worry Violet come on just forget about him. She let our a small sigh of relief and she nodded her head in agreement. That's the spirit and I'll come on that's a room I want to show you. As we walked by the prince I could feel his eyes staring at me, as I passed by him I felt a chill run up my spine. Alexander grabbed my hand and pulled me down an adjacent hallway. As we took various terms I could still feel him following us, ummm Alexander he's still following us.
I know just keep up with me I don't know why but he's never acted like this. Usually he just ignores everyone with his head up his ass but now he's turn into a stalker. Where's the room in the next building it's been left too rot but I've been taking care of it he shouldn't be able to find us there. 5 minutes have passed Ian Alexander trying to lose the creeper Prince, I already knew how persistent he was I don't know and I don't want to find out. Hey Alexander you up for jumping out a window, you're kidding right he looks at me dead planning. You want to lose him or not. Ok fine he said scratching his head. Ok fallow me he said grabbing me hand it's only one story high he jumped first. Ok come on he said holding his arms open, you better catch me I hissed. Don't worry I will now hurry that weirdos coming.
As he caught, he held me tightly as he ran to a nearby bush he set me down gently as we both. At the bush looking at the window we had just jumped out of. what freaks out most was what happened next, I thought it was the prince that have been following us but we were wrong instead who watched as a supposed Prince that have been chasing us changed right before us into a male with a black hair with pure black eyes with red irisis a company with huge Jagged smile that
Stretched from ear to ear. We watched as the mail disappeared in a puff of black smoke right before us.
There was silence as the both of us started at the window not sure what to say next. Come on let's go before it comes back Alex said grabbing my hand leading me away from the building. Finally reached the building he was talking about as we entered he quickly closing the door behind him. As he fell against the door sliding down to floor shaking. So Alexander tell me you saw that didn't you. She said nonchalantly. I did and why don't you sound surprised Violet care to tell me why. As he stood up still a bit shaken. Sorry but I did just meet you you'll have to earn it,but don't worry I'm sure it was just curious. Curious it was curious....
Yup now what were you going to show me she's a happily changing the subject. Oh yeah fallow me he said clearly annoyed by how she simply blew off the fact something was stalking us. But non the less I said I would show and I'm a man of my word. Alright it's at the back of building, hey Violet, yes Alexander, Alex is fine. Alright what is it aren't you bit to trusting fallowing someone you just met to an abondoned building. She stopped and started giggle, oh please as if I would go down that easily. Wait what...,.before I could finish my sentence she pinned my against a well holding a pocket knife against my throat. I couldn't tell what she was thinking her eyes where covered making it hard for me to tell if it was a joke.
I'll tell you this now I my look weak but I've lived through hell, besides I can tell you bear no I'll will towards unlike the rest of the class, so what do say Alex will be my friend she said putting her knife away holding out her hand smiling. You something else that for sure. Very well I'll be your friend, for some reason she reminded me of someone. But who I have no idea.
Ok here we are he said opening the door as I walked into the room I could see a beautiful black grand piano next to a huge window it looked like nature was starting to take over the space again with only added to it's beauty. So what do you think Violet? It's beautiful thanks I've kept this place together for a few years now. I can't believe the school just let this place to rot it's such a waste. I know that why I made a promise to my self to save this place. So Alex you know how to play she said walking up to the panio genalty moving her fingers over the keys.
Sadly I don't, it's alright she said sitting down I can teach you, so you know how to play....... She started to play a few notes at a time slowly coming up with a Melody. I watch at how gracefully her hands moved over the keys. The wind suddenly blew through the window causing her hood to fall. She was beautiful her eyes where still covered as her long midnight locks fell down the back. Then she started to sing.
chigireta kumo no sukima ni
hayuru koyoi no tsuki wa
hodoketa obi ni yoku nita
awai hanamoyou
This evening’s moon, projected through
The gaps in the torn-up clouds,
Was a pale floral pattern. It bore a strong resemblance
To an unfastened kimono sash.
itoshi kimi no kuchibiru ga kuchizusamu temariuta
ano hi no omokage wa mou
maga yomo no hate
The lips of you, my beloved, hummed a traditional handball song.
The traces of that day have already
Gone to the furthest ends of a night of calamity.
neyuki no shita de mebuita ishi no
tsubomi wa doko de saku no darou?
sashinobeta te no nukumori wa kawaru koto naku
I wonder where the flower bud of my purpose,
Which budded beneath the lingering snow, will bloom?
The warmth of your outstretched hand does not change…
nakushita mono wo wasuresaru you ni
sugi yuku shiki no utsuroi ni
michi no hashi yuragu hana yo
kimi wa ima nani omou
As if it forgets the things it has lost,
O, that flower sways on the side of the road,
In the passage of the four seasons.
What are you thinking of now?
遠く滲む縹色 流々と旅行く魚は
tooku nijimu hanadairo ryuu to tabi yuku no uo wa
“ono ga sadame” to chiri te mo haze ni madoite
A light indigo spreads across the distance. Though the fish that travel in those currents
Scatter, following “their own destiny,” they are lost in the traps.
天翔けるその煌きは 語ることなく
hakanaku moroku kudaketa tsuki no
kakera wa doko he kaeru darou?
amakakeru sono kirameki wa kataru koto naku
I wonder where the fragments of the broken moon, (1)
Which was transient and brittle, will return to?
That soaring, twinkling object tells no tales.
長く続くこの旅路を 静かに見送って
tomo ni asa made hanashita yume wo
kami no kobune ni ukabeyou
nagaku tsudzuku kono tabiji wo shizuka ni miokutte
Let us float that dream, which we spoke of until morning,
In a small boat made of paper.
We shall silently see it off on its long journey…
君在りし日の あの彩りよ
ぽつり、ぽつり紡ぐ音霊 夜風に乗せて
kimi arishi hi no ano irodori yo
itsuka mata otozureru you ni
potsuri, potsuri tsumugu otodama yokaze ni nosete
O, the days of you as you were are coloured in that way.
So I can speak to you again one day,
I place a spirit of sound, which I spin drop by drop, on the night breeze.
去りゆくモノへ 捧ぐ思いの
瞼から落つる玉は 何故杯を染む
sari yuku mono he sasagu omoi no
sono hakanasa ni tomedo naku
manabuta kara otsuru tama wa naze sakazuki wo somu
There is no end to the transience
Of thoughts that are offered to the departed.
Those beads that drop from my eyelids somehow stain my cup…
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