Chapter 36
~Sting's P.O.V.~
I walked down an empty hallway in somewhat of a daze. Where am I? I kept thinking. "Sting!" My blood turned cold and I flipped around. A 13 year old Jessie was looking at me with a soft smile on her face. Her hands were behind her back and her blue eyes were filled with happiness.
"J-J..." For some reason, her name was stuck in my throat and I couldn't get it to come out. The young Jessie tilted her head in confusion.
"You okay Sting?" she asked in an innocent tone.
"J-J...Je-e..." Say it god damnit!
"Ignoring me huh?" Jessie whimpered, her smile falling and a frown replacing it instead. My eyes widened and I rapidly shook my head. She seemed to ignore this gesture as she turned around, her back now facing me. "Well fine then, I'll just leave!" she cried.
"WAIT!" I yelled out, only now is my voice returning. I ran as fast as I could towards her, but just as I was about to grab her, she disappeared. "J-Jessie.." I whispered. My knees suddenly felt weak and I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I was about to collapse when my surroundings slowly faded and showed a different place.
"This was....Sabertooth from all those years ago..." I said out loud to no one in particular.
"Sting! Where are you??" I could feel my body tense up again as I slowly turn around to see that same young Jessie calling for me.
"I don't see him," Lexi helped her look for me. I slowly gulped. This...was when... I fearfully turned to the left, where the Master's Room was. As if my body had its own mind, my feet started moving towards the room. My mind grew blurry again, and the next thing I knew I was right in front of the entrance. There I saw a 13 year old me looking for something in the room. (a/n: Sting is going to refer to his young self in third person, just letting you guys know. ^-^)
"Where is it, where is it..." the young me grumbled as he rummaged through the nightstand. "Old man said he kept it somewhere in here...." A drop of sweat dripped down from my forehead, remembering what had happened next.
"Move.." my voice was barely audible as I tried to warn my past self. He couldn't hear me of course. Suddenly, a black arrow shot from above and hit my past self right on the neck.
"Itay!" young me quickly yelped. He took out the black arrow, but it turned into black dust at his touch. My eyes widened as I saw his eyes turn dull.
"Sting.." a deep and intimidating voice said my name out of nowhere. My body tensed and I could feel my blood turn cold when I recognized that voice. I didn't even have to turn around to see Sabertooth's old master Jiemma walk out from the shadows of the room. My eyes fearfully shifted to the young me, who's eyes were covered by his spiky hair. "Do you know who I am?"
"Master Jiemma," my past self responded immediately in a monotone voice. It scared even me. I vaguely remember this, but my memories were so cloudy of this day, but yet...
"Good," Jiemma grunted. "And you want to stay in Sabertooth right?"
"Yes," The young me had responded in the same emotionless tone.
"You also think that Sabertooth should be the number one guild, holding only the strongest right?"
"Yes."! Jiemma smirked.
"Izo (good), then I would like you to assist me in getting rid of all the weak trash," Jiemma smirked. "Are you going to help me with that, Sting?" I was appalled that I ever agreed with him, but what scared me the most was when I saw the cocky smile I had for 7 years creep onto my young self's lips.
"I'd be glad to." I didn't know which to do: fall to my knees or scream. Before I could do anything though, the ground below me opened up and I fell into the darkness, not being able to see anything.
I startled awake, immediately jumping into a sitting position. There was sweat dripping down from my forehead and I was heavily breathing. Dream, it was just a dream.... I tried to calm down my rapidly beating heart. It felt so real, but that couldn't have happened right? It was just a nightmare right? I tried looking into memories of that day, but a sharp pain in my head prevented me from remembering. Why is vague...? Is something preventing me from remembering? I clutched my head with one of my hands in pain. When it subsided, I looked around my surroundings. There was no one in the room, so it seemed kind of quiet and..peaceful.
Unfortunately I wasn't one for peacefulness.
I slowly turned to the side and placed my feet onto the ground. At first I had to use the nightstand to support my weight as my feet had suddenly forgotten how to stand upright. How long was it since I was on my feet? I sweatdropped. Eventually, I got used to it and started walking towards the door. Thankfully it wasn't unlocked so I twisted the doorknob and decided to look around Dr. Dana's place. All the walls were made out of dark wood and there were a few picture frames hanged here and there. I was tempted to examine them, but I decided to save that for later when I have time for it. Aside from the room I stayed in, there were another two. I peeked into one of them to see that red-haired man leaning on one of the walls and looking up at the ceiling. Weird... I sweatdropped in my head. I jumped when he noticed me and his dark blue eyes widened. Shimata! I cursed in my head. I quickly spedwalked away from the door, hoping that he didn't think I was a weirdo or something. I reached the end of the hall, and it opened up to show a slightly spacious living room. Right between that was a dining table and a kitchen, where Dr. Dana and Lector were cooking something.
"Sting-kun!" Lector smiled when he noticed me. He ran over and hugged me right in the chest. I smiled weakly and gave him a quick squeeze back.
"Had a good sleep I presume?" Dr. Dana asked nonchalantly as she stirred something in a big pot. After a couple seconds she turned off the gas fire and looked over to me.
"Uh...I'm gonna...go," Lector sweatdropped, noticing the tension in the air. I glanced at him and gave him a quick nod. When he dashed away, I looked back at my rescuer.
"Drugging me is considered good sleep?" I wrote in the air with a cocked eyebrow.
"Well would you have gone to sleep without it?" Dr. Dana countered. My scowl deepened, but I didn't say, or write, anything. "Besides, my energy replenishing formula works faster so you should thank me instead of giving me that childish scowl." I was slightly taken back with that news, but recovered and let out a small sigh.
"Thank you." I wrote. A tiny smile formed on her lips.
"It's no prob," she shrugged. She walked over to one of the cupboards and took out a scrap of paper. She then handed it to me. It was a picture of some kind of white flower.
Not sure what to do with it, I wrote: "What's this for?"
"I need this flower to create the remedy that will get your voice back," she replied. "You can't go alone how about you go with—"
"I'll go," a deep voice cut her off. We both turned around to see the red haired man leaning on the wall, looking at me with a serious glare. I gulped.
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