Chapter 16
Gonna be short. Just a warning. :3
Wait, what? Not going to be? Oh, okay, good. <3
~Jessie's P.O.V.~
When we got back to the guild, it was practically empty. I wasn't surprised; it's already 11:43 p.m. Yet, Rogue and Yukino was still here, cleaning up the place that was practically trashed. Lexi and Lector were helping too.
"Oh, welcome back!" smirked Lexi as she wiped a cloth back and forth on a table.
"Where did you go Sting-kun?" Lector asked. I noticed that Sting hesitated a bit before answering.
"Oh, just a place to gather my thoughts.." he said nervously. Hmm, was that place special for him? I suddenly yawned a bit. Jeez, I was tired. Lexi must've noticed because she giggled and flew up to me.
"Wanna go home now?" she asked me. I slightly blushed and nodded.
"I think there's a train that heads to Magnolia at this time," suggested Sting. "I could come....if you want, of course." I smiled.
"You sure you can handle a trip to and fro?" I asked him. He slightly blushed, remembering his motion sickness.
"C-course I can!" he stuttered, and I giggled. He's so childish...
"Okay then, you can come," I grinned. Just then I felt a tug on my long dress.
"Can I come too?" Lector asked. I smiled and petted his soft head.
"Course you can Lector!" I replied. He smiled and hovered next to Sting.
"So, we going or not?" Sting asked. I grinned.
"Race ya."
(Timeskip-in the train)
"You sure you're gonna be okay?" I giggled as I saw Sting's nervous face. The train had not started yet, but it will soon. I was sitting next to Sting while Lexi and Lector were sitting across from us. The two little exceeds had already fallen asleep, their heads leaning on each other's shoulders. I had to admit, they looked super cute together. I smiled warmly. Mmm, I envy them. It's obvious they like each other, even if I didn't see that scene outside of that cafe. All of a sudden, the train lurched, and Sting tried his best not to look awful, but it was obvious that he felt like it.
"S-so Jessie.." he stuttered as the train rattled along. I turned away from the window.
"Yes Sting?" I replied.
"D-do you think we could meet again...for lunch?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I think he regretted it because the face he made looked like he was holding back the urge to throw up. I giggled a bit.
"Sure. I'd love to," I answered with a warm smile. Suddenly I let out a big yawn, and immediately blushed. Crap, that was too big. Sting noticed me blushing and grinned.
"You can lean on me, if you want," he suggested. I could feel my cheeks turning red.
"L-lean on you?" I stuttered, my face blushing madly.
"Yeah, why not?"
"I-I'm good.." I muttered, turning my face away from him so he didn't see my red face.
"Aw come on, pwease?" he pouted, giving me big sad puppy eyes.
"Mmm..." I murmured. "-3- Fine!" I hesitantly leaned on his shoulder. It was surprisingly warm and soft. My arms instinctively wrapped around his. As I cuddled in his warmth, my eyelids grew heavy, yearning for sleep. Ehh, don't sleep! I scolded myself, but my mind grew drowsier each time the train rattled on the rails. Maybe...sleep wouldn't bad.... I thought as I slowly gave in and closed my eyes.
~Sting's P.O.V.~
I slightly stiffened when Jessie coiled her arms around mine. It reminded me of that time we had to camp in the forest and she leaned on me for no reason, but of course, she had a reason: I had asked her to. When I saw Lector and Lexi like that, ergh, I couldn't help but envy them! They looked so damn cute together.... I sighed mentally. You wish you and Jessie were like them baka. I wonder....should I tell Jessie that she used to know me? That some memory spell erased her memories of me? Maybe I should...ugh no! Don't! You know how dumb that sounds?! I mentally scold myself. I groaned loudly, but then clasped my hand over my mouth. I was about to apologize to Jessie when I realized that she had fallen asleep. I thinly smile and stroked her soft hair. She gently stirred and smiled, showing that she liked it, so I kept on stroking her black hair. Suddenly I remembered that I was suppose to be motion sick! I looked out to window, but the train was still moving, so why don't I feel sick? I sighed. You know why Sting... I looked back at Jessie, who's legs were now up on the seat. Jessie....please remember me heart aches more and more for you to smile that sweet smile or playful smirk....
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