Chapter 14
Hi minna-san! Hope you read my first book, cause this'll be Sting's point of view of how they met~! ♡
***Flashback-seven years ago***
~Sting's P.O.V.~
"Are you sure this is a good idea Sting-kun?" asked six-year old Lector. We were spying on a group of thieves that had just stolen a golden heart shaped locket.
"C-course I'm s-s-sure Lector," I shivered before getting a fit of coughs.
"Sting-kun, we should get you some medical help, you've been sick for the past week now.." Lector said in a worried tone.
"W-we can't afford t-to lose these people," I insisted. "B-besides, I-I'm fine."
"If you say so.." Lector said, worry still in his voice.
"Just st-stick to the plan," I said, my eyes on the locket. "!" Lector sprang onto the thief that was holding the locket's face and he dropped it. I then picked it up and started running. "Come on Lector!" I yelled, still running. Lector let go and flew away from the now angry thieves.
"GET HIM!!" one of the thieves yelled. We both ran for our lives, but they were faster than I thought they would be.
"Prominence whip!" one of them yelled, and a streams of fire shot toward us. I dodged most of them, but some brushed against my arm, which burned like crazy.
"AHH!!" I screamed in pain, but kept on running.
"Sting-kun!" Lector said in worry.
"D-don't worry about me! Keep running!" I urged, trying to ignore the pain I felt on my arms. As we were running, Lector began to get tired and trail behind me instead of beside. "Hurry Lector!" I panted, looking behind me. Because I wasn't looking forward, I bumped into someone and we tumbled down a hill. As we did, I mostly got hit with rocks on the hill and felt something really sharp slit right through my forehead, but for some reason I didnt feel any pain. Finally, we stopped tumbling when we reached the bottom of the hill. "O-ow.." I said, feeling pain from all the spots where rocks hit me. I opened my eyes and they widened. Looking right at me was a girl with crystal blue eyes and black hair that was sprawled across the grass because of our tumble. I quickly got up and muttered a "sorry". Man she's cute, probably my age. I seriously hope she didn't notice me blushing.
"Sting-kun! You okay??" I heard Lector yell. He flew down the hill and towards me.
"Yeah, I'm fine Lector," I replied. Just then a magenta furred cat that looked to be the same age as Lector flew down the hill as well. Huh, I thought only Lector could fly. Is there a whole species?
"Jessie you okay?" it asked. Jessie? Hmm, that name feels familiar....
"I-I think," the girl answered while still looking at me. When she saw I noticed she looked away.
"Come back here thief!" Crap! The thieves! I panicked as the three thieves I stole the locket from run down the hill and straight towards me. I backed away, and Lector followed. For some reason though, the girl didn't back away.
"Get back Lexi," I heard her whisper to her cat and it obeyed.
"Hey girl, get out of our way before we beat you into a pulp," said the thief Lector sprang at. "Our business is with the boy."
"And, may I ask, what did he do?" The girl, er, Jessie asked with an innocent voice. I looked at her confusingly. Was she on my side or not? I hope she is.
"For your information missy, he stole my golden locket," scowled the one on the right. I think she was a girl, but it's hard to say; she(he?) had short black spiky hair, kinda like what a punk rockstar would have.
"Shut up you two! Why are you revealing information to a stupid little girl?!" spatted the person I stole the locket from. Jessie scowled.
"Stupid?! Lemme show you a thing or two.." Jessie cupped her hands and suddenly spears made out of ice appeared out of thin air!
"Whoa.." I muttered under my breath as the spears caused the thieves to frantically move around to dodge them.
I couldn't but stifle a laugh when Jessie said, "Dancing are we??" The thieves growled and the guy who burned my arm rained red flames from the sky.
"That all you got?!" I heard Jessie yell before drawing in a deep breath. What came next made my eyes widened.
"Water Dragon ROAR!!" A huge burst of water glowing crystal blue spewed at who I assumed was the leader, knocking him out. The two other people shivered in fear. "Anyone else want some?" Jessie smirked. The two shook their heads and tried to flee, but Jessie didn't let them. "And where do you think you're going?" She pulled one of them to her face and hissed, "Now, what is the guild Eisenwald here looking for a boy?"
"I-I was telling the truth! H-he stole my golden locket.." the girl(boy?) answered. I squeezed the golden chain to make sure I still had it.
"Any you're telling me you didn't steal it either?"
"I did! I did steal it! Please don't kill me!" she quivered. Jessie let go and scowled. She said something to them, but it sounded like gibberish to me. The two of them nodded and ran away, carrying their unconscious leader with them. When they were just a speck in the distance, she turned to me.
"Hey, you alright?" she asked, coming towards me. I nodded slowly.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, but y-you used more than one magic...especially the last one.." I stuttered/shivered in amazement. I tried to stand up but a sharp pain course through my leg and I fell back down. Ow! Did I twist it or something?
"Sting-kun!" Lector yelped with worry, immediately coming to my side. Jessie sat by my side too.
"You don't seem alright," Jessie said, her eyes filled with worry.
"N-no, I'm fine, it's just a scratch," I insisted, trying to get up again, but failed. Her eyes then widened in shock.
"Y-your face.." she whispered. I touched my forehead to see blood on the tips of my fingers. "We need to get you back to the guild," she urged. I opened my mouth to argue, but suddenly I felt sharp pain all throughout my body. Unable to take both the pain and the cold, I fell to the soft grass, my vision suddenly turning black.
(Timeskip-ten hours later)
The next thing I know, I feel something warm in my hand. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jessie looking down on me. When I realized that that was her hand that was warm, I quickly took it away, again hoping that she didn't see me blush. I lifted myself up to see my arms and legs riddled with bandages. "Sting-kun!" I turned to see Lector, and he flew right into my arms.
"Hey hey, I'm alright," I chuckled. I was about to stand up, but Jessie pushed me back.
"Whoa whoa whoa, what do you think you're doing?" she asked. I looked at her weirdly.
"Uh, getting up?" That was obvious, right?
"Okay, fine, get up," Jessie replied, a smug look on her face. Okay...? I shrugged and jumped to my feet, but as soon as I had contact on the ground, a very sharp pain coursed through my leg and I waited for the cold hard ground to hit my face, but instead I felt warm arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Jessie.
"You're leg was sprained yesterday when you fell down the hill with me," Jessie explained. She then slowly put one of her arms over my shoulder, trying to support my weight. "Here, is this better?"
"Th-thanks," I muttered, quickly wiping away the tears that had formed on my eyes. Just then, I realized that she hasn't even introduced herself yet! "So, who are you?" I asked curiously.
"Oh, I'm Jessie, Jessie Celestia," she replied. "And this is Lexi." My eyes widened because something just clicked in my mind. God I'm so stupid!
"The Jessie Celestia?? The multi-magic mage of Sabertooth???" I asked. She slowly nodded, probably thinking that my excite is weird, probably because she didn't know why I stole that golden locket in the first place! "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" I squealed, probably sounding more fangirlish than I would've liked. She quietly coughed to remind me that she was supporting me, and jumping up and down would not be a good idea. "Oh, oops," I chuckled nervously. Jessie slowly set me back down on the bed. As soon as she did, questions that I've always wanted to know the answer to poured out of my mouth. "What's it like being a multi-magic mage? How old are you? Do you think--" She put her hand on my mouth to stop me.
"Jeez, I can't even understand you Sting!" she giggled. I opened my mouth to ask her how she knew my name but she stopped me again. "I heard your cat say your name a lot," she answered for me.
"Oh, I see," I said. Just then a tall man with dark brown hair and green eyes entered the room.
"Ah, I see the boy is awake," he said calmly. "So, how you feeling? Sting was it?" My eyes widened in excitement as I realized who that was!!
"Y-you're Sabertooth's master!" I said in awe, my jaw wide open. He chuckled.
"Yes, that's right. And I take it you're feeling better?" I wanted to say a bunch of things to him, but remembering that that might not be such a good first impression, I just nodded. "Hehe, that's good. Well, I'll be going now, I have things to do. For now I'll leave you two alone." Jessie scowled at him, and he grinned in response and turned to leave. Wait, leave?
"Wait! I want to join Sabertooth!" I said frantically. That froze him and caused both Jessie and him to gawk at me.
"Wait, what?" Jessie said dumbfounded.
"I would like to join Sabertooth! It's why I came here in the first place!" I answered. Remembering the golden locket and how it's not in my hand anymore, I looked around for it and saw it resting on a table within hand's reach. I took it and held it out to Sabertooth's master. "I-I didn't know what it would take to get into this guild, so I stole this golden locket from some thieves because I thought it was worth something!" I stuttered. That was actually the whole reason I had been spying on them for ages, waiting for them to steal something valuable. Jessie looked at the master. He was looking at the locket with wide eyes and slowly took it from my hands. After looking at it for a couple seconds, he shrugged.
"I'm afraid it's not worth anything," he said nonchalantly.
"B-but that can't be!" I whimpered, trying to contain the scared tears I felt coming. He smiled warmly and ruffled my spiky hair.
"Don't worry, there are no conditions you need to be or have in order to join Sabertooth. All you need is my daughter's permission." Daughter?! Jessie is?! I looked at and gave her my best sad puppy eyes. And yes, I did feel stupid.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Of course you're in!" she chuckled. I felt a big weight come off my shoulders and, without thinking, hugged her. Jessie said something, but stopped midway. I could feel her slowly hug me back. "Wh-what about y-your leg?" she stuttered. My eyes widened, for what seems like the tenth time, and slowly broke our hug.
"Huh, I forgot about that," I shrugged. Master abruptly coughed. Jessie rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Sorry to break this warmful moment, but I believe this is yours." he said, and placed the golden locket around Jessie's neck.
"Wait, I can't accept this; it was stolen!" Jessie said, which made me look down in shame, and I think she noticed. "Er, I mean by thieves, not you." I smiled weakly and nodded.
"Trust me, I'm sure that it's okay if you have possesion of this," he smiled.
"Well, if you say so.." Jessie's father ruffled her hair and turned to me. "So, are you ready to get your mark then Sting?"
"Hai!" I exclaimed, feeling so excited. This was by far the best day of my life!
"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go get your mark!" Jessie grinned. I nodded and we followed my new master towards the lobby.
***End of flashback***
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