Chapter 5: A Complicated Day
Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
F/n: Fake Name
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair Length
E/c: Eye Color
F/c: Favourite Color
2/f/c: Second Favorite Color
Italics are thoughts...
Your POV
She smirks. "Ah, there you are! I was wondering if you were alive or not. Those 'brave' knights just can not be trusted." Hayley says, stepping closer to me.
I raise my dagger. "Don't come any closer," I threaten, ignoring her statement.
Hayley just chuckles, "Look at that, you have a dagger. You also have new clothing, lucky you. But, I know you can't fight no matter how hard you try. From what I've heard you've spent most of your life being a slave. This is going to be an easy fight."
"You don't know anything about me. I can fight better than you know."
Y/n! What are you doing? Are you crazy? You can't fight! But... I have to. To protect myself.
Hayley raises her own silver dagger and goes into fighting stance. "Bring it."
And just like that, the fight started. Hayley swung at me, but I dodged. I swung at her, but she dodged that attack easily. Hayley was quick on her feet and swung at me. I dodged that attack just like she did. I looked over to Alec. He gave me a sympathetic look.
"I can't help you," He mouthed. Then he just ran away.
I watched as Alec ran.
Lesson learned: Never trust a bandit and/or look to one for help. They won't help you... or care. Shouldn't I have known that already?
Hayley used the distraction and ran towards me. I stepped back and Hayley missed me, crashing into a tree. I chuckled.
"Don't you laugh at me!" She yelled.
"Hehehe... That's way too funny not to laugh. You, The 'Almighty' Mind-erasing Hayley, missed an attack towards the slave. So sorry for laughing... not."
"It's memory erasing you idiot!" Hayley growled and jumped back on her feet.
Hayley ran towards me again, this time hitting my left hip and injuring me. Hayley smirked at me as I looked at the wound. My side felt like it was on fire. That didn't stop me, though. I fought back the pain and charged towards Hayley. She seemed surprised I was still going. Hayley ran towards me again, this time knocking me down. She put her dagger against my neck, drawing a bit of blood.
"'I can fight better than you know'," Hayley mocked, "You weren't kidding. I wasn't expecting a fight like that. Maybe I could consider having you join us... But nah! Zeel said the moment that I find you, I have to kill you. By the way, where is your bratty sister? Owl, was it?"
"I will never tell you," I choked out.
"Fine then. I'll get her when she starts looking for you. A sister can't be away from her sister for long. Well then, good bye slave." I closed my eyes tightly, awaiting the pain.
I guess this is it... Goodbye world...
I continued waiting for the pain of losing my head... but it never came. Suddenly, the dagger left my neck and I heard a thump coming from something that fell right beside me. I looked over and saw Hayley on the floor. She was knocked out cold. I looked up and I saw Vylad.
"Vylad..." I mumbled.
He looked at Hayley, then at me. He shook his head. "You really should be more careful. Didn't your parents teach you not to go out into the woods alone?!?" Vylad exclaims.
He sounds like he cares... Why?
I try to remember moments where my parents never told me to go into the woods alone, but nothing comes up. "I don't remember if they did..."
Vylad looks at me closely. Then he mumbles something. It sounded something like, "No wonder." But I don't know for sure.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Nothing. We should get back to Phoenix Drop. You'll need some rest after that fight."
I nod. "Alright..."
Vylad grabs my hand helping me get up, but just then pain shoots through my side making me fall back down. I look at my bleeding wound.
Vylad sighs, looking at it as well. "You'll be fine. Just-" Vylad rips a piece of his scarf and puts it on my wound. "Keep that there."
Vylad then grabs my hand once again and helps me up. I stumble a bit. "Can you walk?"
I nod. "I think walking won't be a problem. It's the pain that will be," I say.
"Do you want me to carry you?" He asks.
"No, I'll be fine. I can fight the pain." Vylad nods and we walk towards Phoenix Drop in silence.
When we get to Phoenix Drop, my sister comes running at me. She hugs me. (Yay! Hugs!)
"You're back safe! Thank Irene!" She pulled away and I winced in pain. She had accidentally hit my wound. Owl gasped, noticing my pain. "OMI! What happened to you? Let's get to Zoey. She'll help you."
I nodded and looked over to where Vylad was. Key word: WAS. He had left.
After Zoey healing my injury, Donna getting me new clothes that weren't soaked in blood, and washing my face in the river, I decided to go and thank Vylad for helping me. Not to mention, he saved my life. Maybe I could trust him...
I walked through old Phoenix Drop until I came across Vylad talking to Aphmau. I hid behind a tree and eavesdropped.
"So are you going to let the whole ordeal in O'khasis slip under the table?" Vylad asked.
O'khasis...? What's going on?
"No. I intend to tell everyone." Aphmau answers.
"It doesn't seem like it... It seems like you're hiding it to prolong the happy mood." Vylad remarks.
Aphmau sighs, "Vylad, we need this now. We do. Look, I know it's hard to ignore what's going on in O'khasis, especially for you, but believe me. I am trying so hard to keep quiet about it, but the wedding is so soon and I just feel like taking the ignorance and bliss approach is fine for now. I know the forest of this side of the region is hard to traverse but I know Hyria is protecting it. Can we at least take some time to enjoy this moment? Please?" Aphmau asks.
Vylad is silent for a minute. "Fine. Do what you will."
"Thank you, Vylad. I appreciate that."
"Yeah," Vylad concludes as he runs into the trees. He's still inside the walls of old Phoenix Drop, so it's safe in here. In that case, I run after him.
"Vylad! Vylad!" I call out to him.
He turns around. "Yes?"
"What ordeal were you talking about with Aphmau? What happened to O'khasis?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Vylad asks.
"Yes, I would."
"And why should I tell you?"
"Listen, O'khasis was my old home. My parents live there and if anything happened to them I-" Vylad cut me off.
"It's being invaded."
"W-what?" I couldn't register what he had just said.
"O'khasis is being invaded," Vylad said again.
It took me a few minutes to finally take it what he said.
O'khasis -the powerhouse of the region- being invaded?!? Attacked?!?! What if my parents die in that mess?
"No... I need to get there."
"You can't. It's too dangerous and it's a hard journey if nobody but your sister is going to come with you," Vylad states.
"How do you know if I'm going to bring my sister or not?"
"You both have the same parents right? You at least share one of them. Why wouldn't you bring her?"
"You've got a point..." I trailed off.
"I'm not allowing you to go there," Vylad says assertively.
"You can't do that. You're not my father." I bark.
"Yeah but I-" Vylad stops himself. Vylad's aura suddenly turned dark. "If you even try to go there, I will catch you and I will kill you." Vylad threatened. He then turned and left. I was stunned.
Why would he threaten me like that? And only hours after he had saved my life... I don't understand...
Today is such a complicated day.
?????'s POV
I can't believe that was said... I would NEVER let that happen. She just means too much to me. I can't even stand the sound of her being hurt! That beautiful girl being killed... That would rip me to shreds. Still, I can't believe she forgot about me...
Oh, Y/n... Please at least remember something...
A/N: How'd you like that chappie? Also, there'a clue in the '?????'s POV' thing. The clue will help you figure out who it is. I won't reveal anything to you, though, cause if I do the outcome of the story will be WAY too obvious. See ya in the next chapter!
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