Chapter 42: Finding Garroth
Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
F/n: Fake Name
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair Length
E/c: Eye Color
F/c: Favourite Color
2/f/c: Second Favorite Color
F/a: Favourite Activity
F/f: Favourite Food
N/n: Nickname
M/n: Mother's Name
Italics are thoughts...
Your POV
"Did you find him?" Vylad asks.
We're now both back at Phoenix Drop, near the front of Aphmau's house.
"It depends on who you're asking for. I didn't see Laurance but... I ran into Garroth. He told me he was going to save Zianna, and then he just left."
V sighs and shakes his head. "I should've expected this... we should tell Aphmau."
I nod as he quickly opens her door and walks in.
"Vylad, shouldn't you knock?" I ask, walking in with him.
"Oh, right. I apologize, Aphmau," The brunette says.
She smiles warmly in return. "It's alright. Any updates? Did you find Laurance?"
"We weren't able to find any signs of him," Vylad replies, "Garroth looks to be heading to O'khasis."
"That's odd. Why would he leave without saying anything?" Aphmau asks, pondering the situation. "Vylad. I need you to go after Garroth. Can you track him?"
"I can go too!" I volunteer.
"No," Vylad demands, staring at me for a bit then turning his gaze back to Aphmau. "I don't like this. It's risky leaving you exposed at a time like this, especially with two of your guards gone."
"I won't leave her side. If anything even gets CLOSE to her, I'll punch it into a thousand tiny pieces," Katelyn vows.
"Fine, then. I'll go find Garroth."
"With my help?" I ask, hopefully.
He shakes his head, slightly glaring at me. "I already told you no."
"But I can't let you go alone again-"
"Aphmau, could you excuse us?" Vylad asks, grabbing my hand and pulling me out. I see Aph slowly nod her head before the door closes.
My boyfriend continues to pull me away from civilization, into the woods inside the Phoenix Drop walls.
"Where are we going?"
Then, we get to the place: a clearing surrounded by trees with two large rocks big enough to sit on. I recognize it straight away.
This is where Vylad and I used to meet up when I didn't know who he was...
He sits me down on one rock, he sits down on the other, and he looks straight into my eyes when he starts talking.
"Remember when you first found out about O'khasis being attacked, and you wanted to go? What did I say?"
I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine at the memory. "Y-You said you would kill me..."
Vylad's serious expression soon grows soft when he realizes that I'm actually a little scared. He takes my hand and gives it a light, reassuring squeeze. "You know I'd never actually do that to you. I just said it to protect you, and myself. If you left and never came back... I would probably commit suicide. I don't want to lose you again, alright? That's why I don't want you coming to O'khasis with me. Do you understand?"
I stare at him for a second until an idea pops into my head. I nod a little abruptly, but I don't think he notices. He just says, "Good. I'm doing this for protection so please don't follow me." Then he gets up and leaves.
As if I would listen to that...
So, when he left Phoenix Drop, I followed him; not so close behind that, he would notice, but not so far away that I would lose him. I was a bit like Goldilocks, following him at the just right, perfect length. Or, at least, what I thought was the perfect length.
Soon enough, we both arrived at what almost seemed like a magical forest. It wasn't the Enchanted Forest separating Nahakra and O'khasis, no, it was more like the type of forest you would see while having a good dream; the happy kind of magical forest. There were pretty flowers growing from the earth, friendly animals minding their own business, and there were many birch trees, but it was easy to walk through them. When Vylad and I were trekking through more dense forests he would jump from tree to tree, but now he's just walking, which makes my job of following him much easier.
Suddenly, SNAP!
I freeze, looking down at my feet. I just stepped on a stick. Great. I immediately look up to see Vylad standing still. Suddenly, I hear him laugh.
"Okay, at this point you're not even trying," He says, turning to me.
My eyes grow wide. "W-What?! How did you-"
"It's almost impossible to sneak up on me, nevermind trying to follow me. Shadow Knight sense, remember?" Vylad grins. "I got to hand it to you, though, I didn't find out until we were at least a mile away from Phoenix Drop. Now, come on."
Did I really fail that badly...? Ugh, maybe I should've asked Alec for sneaking around tips...
I frown, raising an eyebrow as Vylad starts walking away. I run after him. "Wait, where are we heading? I know we aren't going to just knock on O'khasis' door."
"The outskirts of the Cursed Forest. I have a feeling Garroth is going to be there."
"... and if he isn't?" I ask, finally catching up with my boyfriend.
"Then we'll search for secret openings in the O'khasis walls and try to find a way in. If he's not around O'khasis when we get there, then he's probably already inside trying to save mom," He replies. "Which is a stupid thing for him to do but... let's just move quickly."
"Sounds like a plan."
Just like that, together we were off finding Garroth.
After traveling for a little while, Vylad and I are almost at our destination when we hear a voice.
"Yes, this will do nicely... thank you, Raven."
We hide behind a bush and peek behind it to see a certain blonde talking to a very large, yellow Wyvern.
"You were right. Garroth is here," I whisper in slight surprise.
Vylad nods and is about to say something before the wyvern makes a grunting noise, interrupting him. It then flies upwards into the sky.
Garroth sighs. Thinking he's alone, he mutters, "I hope this plan works."
"You've had worse plans," Vylad responds, stepping into Garroth's view. I do the same.
Garroth gasps. "Vylad, Y/n... where did you come from?"
"Uh, the bushes," I answer, gesturing to the plants we were just hiding behind, "We thought you would be here."
"Of course I would be here! Where else would I go? Ivy is about to kill Vylad and I's mother. I have to do something!" Garroth exclaims.
"Aaaaaand this something involves a stupid plan," Vylad says.
Garroth nods. "Especially if it seems stupid. She won't be expecting that."
"If you say so,"The brunette sighs.
"Does that mean we're going to be barging into the city?" I ask. "Because that's the stupidest plan I've ever heard of."
"Of course not. Ivy most likely has guards placed all around the outer wall to watch for just that kind of thing."
Vylad asks Garroth, "Then, what do you propose we do?"
"We?" The blonde asks back in disbelief.
"Yes, "we". I'm still your friend, Vylad's still your brother, and the life of the woman we've all grown up with is on the line. We should all be in this together," I reply.
"I agree," Vylad says, "I would die before I let anything happen to our mom."
"You mean again, right?" Garroth asks referring to Vylad's Shadow Knight-yness.
Vylad nods, sighing, "Yes, I mean again."
"Regardless, Vylad and Y/n, thank you. It means a lot to me that both of you are here."
"You should thank Aphmau," The boy beside me says. Garroth lowly growls in response. Vylad frowns. "I can't say I understand how you feel, but you should know that she does care about you. After all, she insisted I help you."
"... and I insisted to help Vylad," I add in.
Garroth sighs. "See, she didn't even- Nevermind. Can we talk about this later? We need to focus on getting Mother out."
"So it's we now?" Vylad states, raising a playful eyebrow. "Okay, what's the next step of operation: Don't knock down the front door?"
"We're going to find the only people I know who can get us into O'khasis undetected." Garroth then makes a "come with me" motion with his hands and starts walking.
"Who do you think he's talking about?" I ask.
Vylad shrugs. "Only one way to find out."
A/n: This should be a movie.
What? I was bored! XD
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