Chapter 41: Unbelievable
Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
F/n: Fake Name
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair Length
E/c: Eye Color
F/c: Favourite Color
2/f/c: Second Favorite Color
F/a: Favourite Activity
F/f: Favourite Food
N/n: Nickname
M/n: Mother's Name
Italics are thoughts...
Your POV
It's been about two days since that day with Laurance, and we haven't seen him since. Vylad says he's been closing himself off, and I'm a little worried, but I know if we interact again problems will arise. Thankfully, I heard that today Laurance's sister, Cadenza is visiting. Aphmau requested her. I hope everything turns out well now.
Anyways, enough about Laurance. Currently, Vylad and I are helping Phoenix Alliance Village a little more by building houses. Aaron and his wonderful architecture skills are gone now, but we can't just leave the island how it is. So, Vylad, myself, and a few other villagers volunteered to help with the expansion our new home while Aphmau and the others are focusing on the situation in O'khasis.
O'khasis... I hope Vylad and I's families are alright there...
"Care for a cake break?" Vylad asks, walking into the room I'm in with two plates of cake in hand.
I smile, nodding. "Yes, please. We've been working all morning..." I groan, putting my hammer down on a nearby table. Vylad and I then sit down on the wooden floor of the new house we're building.
My boyfriend hands me my plate and says, "Bon Appetit~!" Then he digs in. I do the same. "So, foo du you fink fis doughing two iv teer?" Vylad asks, his mouth stuffed with cake.
"... what?" I ask, staring blankly.
He swallows, smiling. "I said, "Who do you think is going to live here?" You know after we're done with the place?"
I shrug. "Anyone who wants to."
"I was thinking we could live here after we've traveled the world and make this our new home," Vylad states.
"I'd like that," I reply. "Speaking of home... Vylad, I've been thinking about O'khasis. I'm worried about my parents and your parents, and everybody else there."
He sighs. "I know. That's one of the big reasons I haven't been putting any of my plans into action. I want O'khasis' situation to be settled first. There's no use dwelling on love and bliss when large problems are arising." V then grabs my hand and holds it tight. "But I promise you, when everything is alright, I'll put a beautiful diamond ring on that finger and make you mine."
Blush slowly creeps onto my cheeks at his words. Vylad gently smiles, letting go of my hand and back to devouring his piece of cake. I continue to eat as well, looking out a nearby window. I notice Cadenza and Aphmau talking. I mean, how could I not notice it, that girl has hair of fire.
They're probably talking about Laurance and Lord stuff... I wonder what being a Lord is like... I wonder what it would be like if...
I turn my head to gaze at Vylad, continuously stuffing his mouth with cake.
No. That... being a Lord wouldn't make him happy. He likes being a wanderer, independent... that's who he is. I love who he is. My little cake monster.
I smile at my thoughts. Vylad sees this, swallows the last bit of cake that's in his mouth, and smiles back. Suddenly, THUD!
My head whips to the direction of the window to see Aphmau on the ground, Cadenza and her guard attempting to wake her up. Vylad and I immediately get up and rush out the unfinished house to go help Aphmau.
"When do you think she'll wake up?" I ask.
Katelyn shrugs as Zoey checks her pulse for the fifth time today.
Aphmau fainted and none of us have the slightest idea why. Well, Zoey has a guess, but she hasn't told any of us what it is. Right now, Cadenza, Katelyn, Vylad, Zoey, and I are in her house, waiting for her to open her eyes.
"I have to go," Vylad sighs, looking outside. "It's almost night, and Garroth asked me to meet him. I'll be right back."
I nod as V kisses my cheek and leaves.
"You two are cute together," Cadenza comments, smiling.
Before I get the chance to answer, we hear groaning. We all turn to Aphmau, who's finally gaining consciousness.
"Huh?" She asks, looking up at all of us, "Well, glad to see everyone got the invitations to the party at my house..." She mutters, chuckling.
"Oh, great, now she's delirious! See! I told you we should worry!" Katelyn exclaims.
"Katelyn, calm down. This may not be helping," Cadenza scolds.
Aphmau weakly smiles. "It's a joke, Katelyn. Lighten up."
"Aphmau?" Zoey says, "You fainted. Cadenza brought me here to check on you. Are you okay?"
Zoey and Aphmau continue talking, and I listen intently. Aphmau starts blaming her unconsciousness on her lack of food and sleep, but Zoey thinks its more than that.
"Aphmau, how long have you been...?" Zoey asks, not finishing her sentence.
What does Zoey know that we don't?
The ravenette laughs, "Hungry? I don't know when I got hungry?"
"Heh, not that. I mean... Katelyn tells me you've been very sick lately, especially in the mornings. All I want to know is... how long have you known?"
"Known what?" I ask, very curious.
"... wait, you mean..." Cadenza mutters.
That's when words I did not expect come out of Aphmau's mouth: "I'm pregnant."
Everyone then starts freaking out.
What?! When?! WHO?! She literally has so many guys she can go for, so who...?!
"Who's the father?" I ask once everyone was finished expressing their excitement.
"I don't know if I should..."
Everybody else then shares their curiosity, so Aphmau is kind of forced to tell us.
She sighs. "... Aaron's the father."
"AARON?!" Katelyn, Zoey, and I shout in surprise.
We continue talking about Aaron and when it all happened when Dante bursts into the room. Vylad calmly walks in behind him.
"APHMAU!" Dante yells.
"Oh, Aphmau, you're awake. Good! I... have news," Vylad says.
"I have news as well! We had a messenger from Tu'la. They left a note." At Dante's words, Aphmau immediately jumps up from her bed and hurries towards him.
"What?! Dante, what did they say?" She asks.
"Ivy is planning to execute Lady Ro'meave."
My boyfriend and I stare at Dante in shock.
Zianna... No!
"What was your information, Vylad?" Katelyn asks.
"H-Huh? Oh yeah, Laurance just ran off, angry. I'm worried about him, since he came from this direction."
All of us exchange worried glances, knowing that he probably heard about Aphmau and Aaron.
Laurance, Zianna... and Aphmau's baby! This is all just so unbelievable.
The next day, Aphmau sent Vylad and I to find Laurance while she deals with telling everyone about her pregnancy, and breaking the news to Garroth about the execution. Right now, we're together back in Phoenix Drop, searching to see if Laurance came here.
"Are you holding up okay, V?" I ask him, "You know, with your mom's planned execution and all..."
"Yeah, I'm fine," Vylad replies, lying through his teeth.
I frown. "Tell me your true thoughts. Didn't you say you were going to be more honest with me?"
He nods, sighing. "Alright, fine. To tell you the truth, I'm still shocked that Ivy would do such a thing. I know that she's just announcing this to bait Aphmau but... I'm scared. My mother was the kindest, most caring person to me when you weren't around. You don't know this, but whenever you weren't there, Zane would always tell me that I didn't belong. That I wasn't truly a Ro'meave. When he did that, Mother would always be there to remind me that I belonged in this world. I guess Irene thought that too because even when I should be dead, I'm still here."
I smile back, saying, "I'm glad that you got a second chance at life because now you're able to have a life with me."
He chuckles. "That's a little cheesy but... I agree." Vylad then shakes his head. "Sorry for rambling. Long story short, I love my mom and I don't want her to die. I want to go after her, save her... but not until the time is right. Right now, my job is to look for Laurance. Speaking of which: LAURANCE, WHERE ARE YOU?!"
I sigh. "I don't think this is going to help. We should split up. I'll go this way," I say, pointing to the left of me, "and you go that way," I point in the oppisite direction, "and we'll meet back at... Aphmau's house at around noon. That way we can have the whole morning to search, and we can quickly inform Aphmau of any updates."
"That's a really great plan, Y/n, but will you be okay by yourself?" V asks.
I nod. "I can handle myself. I brought this," I then take out the sword I was given a million years ago (not really) by Donna.
He nods, approvingly. "Alrighty, then. See you at noon, N/n." We then part ways.
Walking through the forest, it's peaceful. There are no bandits to worry about. Still, looking around, I can't help but feel cautious, and a little nostalgic. Just a few months ago I was a memoryless slave who fought for her life so many times in this very forest. And in this very forest I was saved countless times by the man named Vylad Ro'meave who was a mere stranger back then, but now, he's my best friend and boyfriend. Things really do change.
Suddenly, I hear muttering. I sprint towards the sound hoping it's Laurance, but instead, I find a fuming Garroth.
"Garroth? Are you alright?" I ask, slowing my sprint to a walk.
"I'm feeling wonderful," The blonde answers, rolling his eyes.
"I sense a hint of sarcasm. Really, are you okay?"
He shrugs, then starts walking fast-paced away from me.
"Where are you going, Garroth?!" I shout.
"To save my mother, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" He yells, starting to run.
... but he's already gone.
Y'know, this book is almost going to end... I have the ending all planned out already. I'm planning for it to have 45 chapters and an epilogue. I'm sad that my first X Reader is going to end, but it's gone on long enough, right?
Hope you enjoyed!
~Owl ♡
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