Chapter 39: Spa Day
Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
F/n: Fake Name
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair Length
E/c: Eye Color
F/c: Favourite Color
2/f/c: Second Favorite Color
F/a: Favourite Activity
F/f: Favourite Food
N/n: Nickname
M/n: Mother's Name
Italics are thoughts...
Your POV
It's been more than a week since Vylad left. Everyone seems to be a lot happier with the news that Aphmau is better and now off on an adventure in O'khasis with Garroth and Katelyn. Well... everyone except for Owl. She's actually been relatively sadder, but that's because I told her what's going on with Laurance. Now she's extremely worried about him and upset that he never bothered to tell her everything. She's been feeling a lot of emotions lately, so, like Vylad is with Laurance, I've been keeping an eye on her.
Speaking of Vylad I've been... okay without him. I mean, it's definitely been pretty lonely, but whenever I feel down, I think about what he said before he left.
"I love you across the universe and back. Never forget that, even if someone tries to take our memories away from you."
I miss him, a lot, but, unlike last time, at least I know for sure he loves me. I can sleep peacefully knowing that.
Currently, I'm sitting on my bed in Phoenix Drop Alliance Island, reading. An EXTREMELY long time ago Owl gave me a book about Lady Irene that I still haven't finished. The book is interesting, but I can't really focus on it right now... my mind keeps wandering to Vylad.
I hope he's doing okay... hopefully, nothing bad has happened to him.
I sigh, staring down at my promise ring.
Maybe, if I just head down to the treehouse-
Suddenly, I hear the front door slam open, and an excited squeal. "Y/N~!" I turn my head to see Owl skipping towards me excitedly.
"Woah, what's got you so happy?" I ask. "When you left for Phoenix Drop you were so grumpy..."
She smiles, widely. "Now I have no reason to be grumpy, or sad, or upset! You know why?!" Before I get to say anything, she shouts, "LAURANCE IS BACK! (I wish...) He came with Aphmau, Gar, and Katelyn, and he's feeling a lot better! I talked to him! Sure, it wasn't the longest, most meaningful conversation we've ever had, but still! He told me that he was feeling great, and ready for anything!"
"That's great-"
I cover my ears, chuckling slightly. "That my eardrums are breaking?"
She laughs. "No, silly! It means Vylad's coming back!"
I smile brightly. "Right! That does mean that..." I sigh, frowning slightly.
... but... if Laurance came back, then doesn't that mean Vylad should've come back by now? What if he's not here because something happened to him...
Owl raises an eyebrow at my frown. "Hey..." She mutters, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Vylad's probably off getting something special for his girl~ hehe! He'll be back soon, and he'll be coming to see you first."
I smile and nod, brushing off the fact that she may or may not have just read my mind. "Thanks, Owl. That makes me feel a bit better."
"Good!" She steps away from me, then screams, "AND ALSO! Lucinda said that she's planning a spa day for Aphmau, Katelyn, and her, as well as the new wolf girl who just moved in! She asked if we could come with, and, of course, I said yes! I hope that's okay with you!" Then, my little sister skips out of the room without giving me time to respond.
I sigh, shaking my head.
That girl is... something.
I look down at my promise ring one more time.
Vylad... please be safe and sound...
"It's morning, beautiful."
My eyes open wide as I feel arms wrapped around my waist. I quickly jump out of bed and try to punch the guy calling me beautiful... but he catches my arm before I can.
I then look into this unknown person's eyes. They're emerald green, and at first, I think they belong to Travis... until I look up and I see the dark brown hair.
I jump back onto the bed, into his arms. He laughs, holding me tightly to his chest.
"Hey, Y/n. Miss me?" He asks. I smile, nodding.
I know, it's only been a week but... I missed his warmth, his voice, his love.
"When did you get back?" I ask, settling down and sitting beside my boyfriend.
"Last night. I missed you so instead of going back to my place I came here."
A warm, bubbly feeling rises up in me. I'm glad he missed me as much as I missed him.
"Sorry to break up this adorable reunion," Owl says from the bed across the room from mine, "but, Y/n, we have to get ready to meet Katelyn and the wolf girl!"
Vylad raises an eyebrow as my sister gets out of bed. "Huh? What do you mean? Do you two have plans today?"
I nod. "Yeah. Owl and I were invited to a spa day with Aphmau, Katelyn, Lucinda, and a wolf girl. Her name is Leona, isn't it?" I ask Owl, getting out of bed as well.
"Oh, right! I keep forgetting..." She replies, looking into her bedside drawer.
"Owl, where are we even going? You just told me that we were going on a spa day and there are no spas anywhere around here."
Owl looks up at me. "Oh, we're going to a hot springs wolf- I mean Leona found up on the mountain! Lucinda said it's going to be a great way for everyone to relax and have a day off."
"Aw..." Vylad sighs. I turn to see him pouting. "I wanted to spend the day with you!"
I chuckle, ruffling his hair a little bit. "Sorry, V. We can spend the day tomorrow, okay?"
He sighs again, nodding and getting up. "Yeah, got it." He kisses my forehead, then starts towards the door. "Have fun with the girls! I'll be back at the treehouse if you need me... or not."
I raise an eyebrow but shrug it off anyway.
"Okay, then... bye, Vylad."
I watch as he leaves the room.
The rest of the morning is spent getting ready. We weren't a hundred percent sure what to bring so we just brought bathing suits, extra clothes, and ourselves - fully clothed, of course. At noon, we meet Katelyn, Aphmau, and Leona at the edge of town.
"Hey, girls," Katelyn greets, waving slightly.
"Hi! You two must be Owl and Y/n!" The little wolf girl exclaims. I stare at her for a minute. Pitch black hair like Zane's, and green eyes so dark they don't resemble Vylad's.
After a bit, I smile. "... and you must be Leona. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too!"
"Hey, everyone!" A new voice greets. We turn to see Aphmau walking up to us.
"Hi, Aphmau," Owl and I say at the same time. I stare at my sister for a second.
Wait, is she actually reading my mind...?
Leona jumps up and down. "Happy Spa Day!"
Katelyn chuckles. "Hey, Aphmau."
"Are you guys looking forward to it?" Aph asks.
Katelyn is the first to answer. "I am. I can't believe there's actually a hot spring on the island... but I hate that we're calling it a "Spa Day". I don't like the idea of being pampered."
"Well... then maybe we can just call it our day off. Huh, so there's really a hot spring?"
Leona nods, excitedly. "Hehe, yup! I found it a while back when I was exploring the island." The girl turns and points toward a mountain. "It was waaaaay up there!"
"Yeah. We're here to guide you girls up," Katelyn explains.
"Hey, where's Lucinda?" Owl asks. "I thought this was her idea!"
"It is. She's just waiting to bring Dante and the guys over," Aphmau replies.
We all stare at her in disbelief.
"... the guys are coming too?" Katelyn asks. "Ohohoho, they've got another thing if they think they can just barge in on our Spa Day, or whatever."
Aphmau laughs. "Oh, no, they're just coming to the island. Dante wanted to see Dimitri, his son, while Garroth and Laurance hang out."
"Oh..." I mutter. "Good. That's different."
"So, when is everyone else getting here?" A very familiar voice asks. I then notice V standing right behind Aphmau.
"Huh? Vylad?!"
"Hey, Aphmau. Welcome back. How was your trip?" He asks.
I raise an eyebrow.
He sounds... different...
"U-Uh... confusing. Weren't you looking after-"
Vylad cuts Aphmau off before she can say "Laurance". "Watching over the island while you were gone? Yes. That's what I've been doing, just like you asked."
He talks slowly, making it painfully obvious that he's lying. I know he can lie better, though, I just think he's talking like that for Aphmau to understand.
"Uh- Oh! Right, yeah, thank you for doing... that," Aphmau says.
I sigh, looking over at Katelyn and Leona. They seem to have bought it, but Owl and I, not so much.
Leona sniffs the air before stating, "You're weird."
Vylad steps back. Aphmau is about the scold her before Katelyn jumps in laughing. "I like your style, kid! I think we'll get along."
I roll my eyes, looking back at Vylad and mouthing, "You're not weird at all."
He smiles.
"Although, Vylad, I gotta hand it to you - the island looks to be fine. I haven't even seen Chad since we got here!" Katelyn exclaims, smiling.
"He's out collecting materials for that new "experiment" he's been talking about," Vylad explains.
The blue-haired girl glares. "Don't ruin this for me, Vylad." Aphmau laughs as Katelyn sighs and says, "Anyway, let's get moving. Lucinda would kill me if we wasted the day down here."
We all nod. "I'll stay here and wait for the others. Aphmau, I'll be around later if you'd like to talk. I know you haven't been back for awhile and might like an update on the... "island"," Vylad states.
Owl and I exchange looks. We both know what- or who the "island" actually is.
"Yes, Vylad, I would like that very much," Aphmau replies, "I'm sure there's a lot you can tell about the island."
"Hey! Did we just forget about the whole Lucinda-would-kill-me thing? Let's go!" Katelyn exclaims, "C'mon, Leona, lead the way."
The werewolf nods and smiles. "Yipee! Just follow me!"
Katelyn starts following, then Owl, then Aphmau, but before I can leave with them, Vylad calls, "Oh, and Y/n?"
I turn to face him. "Yeah?"
"Tomorrow, me, you, walk on the beach. Got it?"
I smile. "Okay. I'd like that." Then, I follow the girls up towards the mountain.
Our climb took up most of our afternoon. The hot spring is on a tall mountain, but the view and the actual hot spring is worth the climb. Everything is just beautiful, especially the hot spring. The water is underneath an overhanging cliff with a small hole pouring the hot water onto the flat ground. It's really nice and peaceful. I almost want to bring Vylad here...
Anyways, after the climbing, we had to wait for Lucinda. She's lucky that she's a witch, she didn't have to suffer the climb. She just appeared with a "poof!" like a fairy godmother and just like that we were changing into our swimsuits (away from each other, obviously). Finally, after all that climbing and waiting and changing until it was sunset, we were ready to start this Spa Day- or, rather, Spa Night.
Lucinda was the first to jump into the hot spring water. "Come on, jump in! The water's great!"
Leona jumped in second with a small "wee!". Then Owl, who immediately got comfortable and started resting against the stone wall. After that, I got in. The water is really warm, like the hot tub in the O'khasis castle. It feels nice like I'm back at home with the boys living in luxury. Of course, home is currently being taken over by Tu'la and I may never be able to live in luxury again, but a girl can dream.
After I got in the hot spring, Katelyn and Aphmau jumped in. At the same time. On Lucinda. It was actually kind of funny - they got her hair all wet and she freaked out. For a while now, I've actually just been in my own world relaxing in the hot springs while the girls have their own conversation. All I know so far is that Lucinda made the water all fancy with a spell, she brought some camomile tea, and Leona has been smelling something funny but doesn't know what it is. That's all.
I wonder what Vylad wants to talk about tomorrow... he probably just wants to catch up. Maybe he'll tell me about the Laur- I mean, the island. Heh-
"Tell me... any "love" going on in your life...?" I snap back into reality, hoping Lucinda isn't talking to me.
"Really?" Aphmau asks, "We're here to gossip about that?"
Okay, she was talking to Aphmau. Still, I wouldn't mind talking about Vylad to the girls...
Katelyn raises an eyebrow. "So Yip is a crush...?"
"W-Why me? What about Owl! Or Katelyn! Or literally anybody else here!" Aphmau gasps. I smile a bit, suddenly all ears for this conversation.
Lucinda tilts her head to the side, curiously. "Hm, that's right... I don't really know much about you, Owl. Tell me, who do you like...?"
Owl smiles and blushes a little. "F-Fine. I really like... Laurance... he's super nice and protective of me, but I think he only has eyes for Aphmau..."
Aphmau sighs. "Well, yes, it may seem like that, and he may have been chasing after me for a while- B-BUT! Owl, he seems really close to you. Maybe if you become closer, he'll realize his feelings for you and actually ask you out!"
"Yeah. I'm rooting for you, kid!" Katelyn says, lightly punching my sister's shoulder.
"What about you, Katelyn?" Owl asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Heh, me?"
"Yes!" Lucinda squeals. "C'mon, there must be SOMEONE you're into... or at least have looked at with some eyes."
"How else would I look at them?" Katelyn retorts.
Lucinda glares. "Ugh, Katelyn, you know what I mean!"
"Hm... fine. I'll humor this. The only thing I have a love for is punching things-"
"Katelyn, that's all fine and dandy, but unless you actually have the hots for your fists then there must be someone who's caught your eye," Lucinda interrupts.
Katelyn sighs. "Fine. Travis has been a pain in my side but he's good for punching things at least... and then there's Vylad."
Suddenly, my heart sinks to the bottom of my chest as I stare wide-eyed at Katelyn. She doesn't seem to notice. The only one who does notice is my sister, who looks at me sympathetically.
"Huh? VYLAD?" Aphmau exclaims.
"OH DO TELL!" Lucinda shouts, excited. I sigh.
I never actually thought somebody would... like him like I do... but it's Katelyn, she wouldn't hurt me by trying to go after him, would she? But she doesn't even know-!
"It's something about his eyes..." Katelyn says, interrupting my thoughts, "I can't pin what it is, but they're comforting to me."
"Ooooh! So you like him?!" Lucinda squeals.
Katelyn shakes her head. "No, it's just that. His eyes are comforting to me."
"Hmph, well that's weird... but juicy information nonetheless! Now, what about you, Y/n?" Lucinda asks.
My eyes widen even more. "M-Me?! W-Well, I mean, h-he u-used t-to be-"
"She's dating Vylad Ro'meave," Owl announces, crossing her arms.
Katelyn and Lucinda's eyes widen. "Really? I never knew that~" Lucinda giggles. "Oh, but Katelyn-"
"I am so sorry if what I said hurt you in any way. He just reminds me of someone I used to know... I sincerely apologize, Y/n," Katelyn says.
I sigh. "I-It's fine. We've actually been dating for awhile, I just didn't tell anyone. I really should've, though."
"Hm, well, now that that's settled, did I ever tell you guys that I have a little thing for... Travis...?" Lucinda asks.
"I KNEW IT!" Leona screams.
"He's creepy, why do you even like that?" Katelyn asks.
Lucinda shrugs. "Have I mentioned I'm a witch? I'm all about creepy, darling. Plus, unlike other warlocks in my past... he seems like a decent guy. He was isolated on that island for so long... so, I guess he's just awkwardly adorable."
"If you want to call it that," Katelyn mutters.
Lucinda smiles. "Now, the only one who hasn't confessed is YOU Miss Aphmau! You have GOT to have the hots for someone, and you're the only one who hasn't said anything, so~ SPILL!"
"L-Look, I'm going to step out for a second okay?" Aphmau says, getting out of the water, "there's just- AH!" She screams.
"What is it?!" Owl asks.
Suddenly, I hear his familiar voice. "WE'VE BEEN SPOTTED BOYS!"
... Travis...
I quickly swim to shore to see Travis, Dante, Laurance, Garroth, and even Alec listening from behind the trees.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Katelyn yells.
Lucinda shrieks, and steps up. "STAND BACK, LADIES! I GOT THIS!"
Then, suddenly, Lucinda's staff manifests in her hand and a bright light erupts from it. Suddenly, the boys are all down on the ground, groaning. All of us start laughing.
That's what you get!
Well, I guess this Spa Day wasn't so bad...
With that said, I hope you still enjoyed! I made it long because I've been planning this chapter for a while now and I didn't want to hold it off for too long, so that's that.
Anyways, thanks for 6k!
Love you all!
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