Chapter 13: Memories
Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
F/n: Fake Name
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair Length
E/c: Eye Color
F/c: Favourite Color
2/f/c: Second Favorite Color
F/a: Favourite Activity
F/f: Favourite Food
Italics are thoughts...
Your POV
Night came. When it was close to midnight, I was sure everyone was asleep. That was when I snuck out of town. I climbed over the walls of old and new Phoenix Drop because I couldn't open the gates or I would get caught. I wandered into the forest with my sword out in front of me ready to strike whoever got in my way. I was close to the clearing where I wanted to meet Hayley.
That's when I heard her voice call, "Hello? The Anonymous person who wanted to meet with me?"
I heard her footsteps come closer, so I hid in a bush. She came into view clutching her dagger in her hand.
"Whoever you are, I know you're here. I heard your footsteps..." She says.
I then run out of the bush and push her to the ground. I then put my sword to her neck.
"Why, hello there Hayley!" I exclaimed, giving her a fake smile.
She rolls her eyes. "Wow, good job at hiding in that bush."
"Thank you, I try. Now, we need to talk," I sternly tell her.
"No. I got a note from someone telling me to meet them here and I am not letting a pesky slave get in the way of that."
"What would you say if this 'pesky slave' sent you that note?" I ask. Hayley's mouth opened wide in shock.
"You sent me that???" She exclaims.
I nod. "Yes."
"And why would you think I would want to talk to you? I can easily kill you right here and now." I grab her dagger and throw it somewhere.
"I'm sorry, who has an iron sword at their neck while they're defenseless?"
Hayley growls. "I'm still not talking."
"Oh, you will. And if you don't I'm cutting your head off right here and now," I threaten.
"Fine... Let me go and I'll answer any questions you have."
"Good. Though, if you pull anything I won't hesitate to kill you."
Hayley makes a 'hmph' sound as I take the sword off her. She sits on the ground while I stand.
"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" She asks.
"You erased my memory," I stated.
She raised an eyebrow. "I did not. I wanted to, but sadly you still remember your past, right?" She grits her teeth as she talked, being angry she didn't complete her task of erasing my past.
"Wrong. You took away my most precious memories. You took away my best friend!" I screamed at her.
"Woah, woah, calm down!" She yelled, "I don't remember doing that... Oh yeah, when that knight was attacking me and Zeel!"
"Yeah, and I want to know how to get my memories back."
"Sorry, I can't do that for you. I would if I wanted to, but it's not very possible. The only way I can do that is if I have full control of your memories, but it was panic reinforced magicks. That means the outcome is random and it's non-reversible. Well, there is one way to reverse it but..." Hayley trailed off.
"But what?" I ask.
I glare and point my sword at her. "Tell me or else it's bye-bye for little miss memory stealer," I threaten.
"Gah! Okay, okay, you need to kill me to reverse it!" She blurted out.
"So all I need to do is just stab you with this sword?" I ask.
She nods, then smirks. "C'mon slave girl, do it. Kill me already."
I nod and I push my sword towards her heart, but she dodges and gets up. Then, she runs towards her dagger. She grabs it and throws it at me. It hits me in the stomach.
"Ugh!" I fall on the floor my stomach bleeding.
Hayley laughs as she walks up to me. She takes my sword from my hand. "I'll be taking that! I'll also be taking your life!" She then puts the sword on my neck.
"Do you have any last words?" Hayley asks.
"She won't be saying her last words on my watch," A voice says. Suddenly, a sword is plunged through Hayley, and she falls to the floor with a thud. I look up to see Vylad. Alec is beside him.
"V-Vylad... A-Alec..." I gasp out, blood still oozing out from the wound in my stomach.
"You traitor! How could you do this to me?!?" Hayley screams at the blue-eyed bandit.
"I'm not as cold-hearted as you, Hayley. I save people from trouble, rather than being the trouble," Alec responds.
I watch as the light fades from Hayley's eyes. Suddenly, darkness consumes me.
The last thing I hear is, "Y/N!!!"
I wake up. At least, I think I do. All I see is darkness. I look down. I can see my body, my arms...
That means I'm awake, right? If so, then where am I?
Suddenly, a scene forms around me. I look around to see trees and a big castle up above. I feel cold wet tears fall down my face.
Am I crying? I am. Why am I crying?
"H-Hey!" A voice comes from above me. I look up to see a little boy with brown hair and green eyes looking out the open castle window. It doesn't take long until I realize it's Vylad.
I want to stand up and yell his name, but I can't. I wasn't in control of my body.
Instead, I sniffled and asked, "Y-yes?"
"U-Uhm, are you okay?"
I shake my head. "N-no... I lost my mommy and sister..."
"Oh..." Suddenly, a rope falls down. "Climb it!" The boy yells.
"I can't. I don't know how!" I yelled back up.
The boy then slides down the rope. "Vylad?!" A voice calls from the window.
"It's okay Gawwoth! I'm helping this girl!" He faces me and smiles. "Take my hand." I take his hand and he yells up, "Gawwoth! Pull the rope up!"
"Alright!" The voice yells. Suddenly, the rope Vylad is holding goes up, and so do we. I cling to his arm as we are both brought up.
We arrive in the room and I am met with a boy with blond hair and blue eyes. I know him as Garroth.
"Hi! I'm Garroth! This is my brother Vylad!" Garroth exclaims.
Wait... I was outside Vylad's window, crying... This is a memory! I'm getting my memory back!!!
"H-Hello! I'm Y/n! Do you know where my family is?" I ask.
Vylad shrugs. "That's why I'm bringing you to my mommy! She'll bring you to your family in no time!"
I nod and Vylad takes my hand. Garroth and Vylad lead me out of the room and into the halls of the castle. I look at the both as we're walking.
"How old are you?" I ask.
"I'm 10! Gawwoth is 13!" Vylad responds.
"Our other brother, Zane, is 11. How old are you?" Garroth asks.
"I'm 8!"
Garroth and Vylad then lead me to a nice bedroom, fit for royalty. A woman with black hair and azure eyes is there.
"Oh, hello boys! Hm, who's this? I wasn't informed that we would be getting visitors!" The woman says. Her voice is high and peppy.
"I'm Y-Y/n and I was lost until Vylad found me! Vylad and Garroth say you'll help me find my family. Will you?"
The woman nods. "Of course! I'm Zianna. Wait here while I talk with the boy's father, Garte."
"O-Okay Ms. Zianna!" She then leaves the room.
The scene changes and I'm in front of the large doors of the O'khasis castle. My mom and 1-year-old sister are there, as well as Zianna, Garroth, and Vylad.
"Thank you, Lady Ro'meave for bringing my little girl back to me. How can I repay you?" My mom asks.
Right now, I just want to hug my mom. I haven't seen her in real life for 15 years so I just want to be in her arms...
"Hmm..." Zianna thinks for a bit. "Bring Y/n in whenever you can so she can play with my boys. They're already such good friends! And when your second daughter is old enough, bring her in too."
My mother smiles. "Done! C'mon Y/n, we better get home. See you tomorrow!"
"Bye, Vylad! Bye, Garroth!"
"Bye!" The boys say in unison.
The scene then disappears and a new scene forms. It looks like I'm 14. Vylad is 16 and he's crying while his head is on my lap.
"I-I just want to have a regular family! I-I don't want to have a different Dad! I like Garte! Why did Mom have to have me with another guy?" Vylad sobs.
This must've been when Vylad was told he was born because of an affair...
"It's okay Vylad... Your mom loves you, your brothers love you, and Garte loves you too. So what if he isn't your biological father? He's still your adoptive father and he loves you like your his own. Calm down."
Vylad sits up and nods, wiping his tears away. "You're right, Y/n. Thank you for being such a good friend." He hugs me, I hug back.
"You're welcome..."
The scene changes again. I'm in his room and we're fooling around, still the same age as the last flashback.
"You know, it's no fair," I say.
"What?" Vylad asks.
"Everyone my age has had their first kiss in the village, except me!"
"Really?" I nod. "Well then... I can be your first kiss!"
"Have you ever kissed someone before?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "No. So, I want you to be the first one I kiss!"
"Alright..." I blush.
I must've already had a crush on him back then...
Vylad leans in and so do I and he kisses me, but only for 5 seconds. I sigh as he pulls away.
"Ew, gross! Get a room!" Zane yells from the door. Garroth is next to him.
"We are in a room! You guys disturbed the peace!" Vylad yells back.
Zane rolls his eyes and closes the door. Vylad turns to me and all of a sudden starts tickling me.
"A-ah! V-Vylad! Stop!" I laugh.
Scenes form one after the other and suddenly my past becomes clear to me. Vylad and I grew up together along with my sister and his brothers. Garroth growing up started off as a kind of mean brother, but as he got older and more mature, he got kinder. Zane was a close friend of mine when we were children, but Zane started becoming distant and being with his father more rather than being with his friends. Vylad was always nice and charming. He was always so hyper and energetic, even at sad times. He always wanted to cheer people up. I guess becoming a Shadow Knight changed that a bit. Then there was Owl and I. Owl was a cute little girl growing up who was very dependant. No, not independent. Dependent. Meaning she never did things without permission or without help.
Then there's me. I can't really describe myself. Actually, Author~Sama can't describe me growing up because many different people are me and no childhoods are alike. Anyways, everything became clear. (DID YOU REALLY JUST BREAK A WALL, Y/N?! Ugh... I'm not fixing that!)
Some parts were left out but that's normal. Nobody can remember every single detail about their past. Then, it comes to the part where Owl has this brilliant idea of sneaking out of O'khasis. The scene fades and I'm left in the darkness once again. I can hear muffled voice meaning I'm waking up. I sigh, happily.
I finally have my memories... Thank Irene...
My eyes open to see shimmering emerald green orbs staring intently at me.
"Vylad..." I whisper, "I remember everything..."
*No Authors Note*
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