Chapter Seventeen
After the sun began to rise, Ichimatsu walked back to the alleyway, Harvey still sleeping in his arms. The white cat's small, steady beating heart calmed Ichimatsu as he lay him down in between the two trash bins.
"Please be safe..." Ichimatsu whispered, shaking a bit of cat food out of the bag he was given the day before, leaving it in one of the trash bin's lids for Harvey and the other cats. "I'm going to work now..."
Ichimatsu gave Harvey one last look, smiling before he ran out of the alleyway, down the street, and all the way to the Cat Cafe.
Sitting down on the pavement outside of the Cat Cafe, Ichimatsu waited for Kanola to arrive. He waited and waited, nearly an entire hour passing, but Kanola didn't show up.
"Where the heck is she?" Ichimatsu thought angrily, watching more and more people who he recognized as customers, pass on by, their eyes heavy with disappointment. "I know I've waited a long time before, but this is just getting to be outrageous! Kanola sure does have some nerve..."
Another hour passed, then another, and another. Still no sign of Kanola.
After four solid hours of waiting, Ichimatsu agitatedly, stood up and stormed away from the cafe.
"I've wasted enough time just standing here! What the heck is Kanola even doing right now?!" Ichimatsu thought bitterly.
An ambulance zoomed past Ichimatsu, its sirens blaring, destroying the peacefulness of mid morning.
"I may as well go to the beach..." Ichimatsu thought, sighing as he irritatedly watched the ambulance disappear down the street, taking a sharp left. "It's not like I have anything better to do..."
As Ichimatsu reached the beach, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, inhaling the salty air. The waves roared loudly as the crashed on the shore and the cliff.
Walking casually, Ichimatsu mad his way towards the cliff then began to climb up it. He was never entirely sure why people referred to it as a "dangerous" cliff. It wasn't even that hard to climb. And how could such a safe, completely flat surface be of any danger to society?
"People are morons..." Ichimatsu thought. "Especially that Jyushimatsu person. He thinks life is so great and wonderful, doesn't he? Always laughing and smiling like nothing bad is even happening. Even his eyes are stupid. They're confusing. Even when they look like tears could just flow out of them like a river, he shows no signs of even being hurt..."
Ichimatsu walked towards the edge of the cliff, taking a deep breath as he stepped closer and closer to the edge.
"Nii-san stop!" Jyushimatsu yelled, running up the cliff as fast as he could. "Don't do it! Don't do it! It's not worth it! Please stay! Please don't go! I don't want to lose you again!"
Jyushimatsu leaped onto Ichimatsu, knocking the wind out of him as they both crashed onto the hard rock.
"What the heck?!" Ichimatsu yelled as Jyushimatsu sat Ichimatsu's feet. "Get off of me!"
"But..." Jyushimatsu said, staring at Ichimatsu with his mouth wide open in a smile. "You were gonna jump!"
"No I wasn't!" Ichimatsu screamed, flailing his arms around. "I was just going to sit down!"
"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be at the Cat Cafe right now?" Jyushimatsu asked randomly.
"Why would I keep waiting for Kanola to show up?! She's always late! I'm sick of it!" Ichimatsu spat, and Jyushimatsu stood up, freeing Ichimatsu.
"Didn't you hear?" Jyushimatsu asked.
"Hear what?" Ichimatsu spat angrily, stumbling to his feet as he brushed dust off of his pants and hoodie.
"Kanola couldn't make it to work today cause she wasn't feeling well! She called Todomatsu and asked me to pick up the key to the shop and give it to you! She wants you to do what you normally do, you know! She said the cats need you!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed. "She also said for you to run the cafe this afternoon!"
"Run the cafe..? As in, help customers...?" Ichimatsu thought as a sickening feeling began to rise up his throat.
"I-I..." Ichimatsu muttered.
"What's wrong?" Jyushimatsu asked, laughing. "Do you not want to help Kanola out?"
"Kanola looked so pale yesterday...she must have just come down with a cold, right? She's not that sick, is she...?" Ichimatsu thought.
"T-there's nothing wrong..." Ichimatsu mumbled.
"Then here!" Jyushimatsu said, smiling as he handed an envelope to his brother. "This is the key! Kanola said it's an extra one she had made back last year in the summer! So, she said you can keep it!"
"Oh..." Ichimatsu mumbled, taking the key. "Thanks for bringing it to me, I guess...I should be leaving now then..."
Ichimatsu walked on down the cliff, his eyes focused on the ground. Just the thought of having to help customers scared him.
"I'm terrible at interacting with can can I even do this job? I'm such trash..." Ichimatsu thought.
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