Chapter Eighteen
Ichimatsu opened up the envelope as he stopped in front of the cafe. Inside it, there was a small piece of paper and a small silver colored key to the cafe.
"A note?" Ichimatsu thought, unfolding the piece of paper, slowly reading what was on it:
Dear Ichimatsu,
I am terribly sorry that I couldn't make it to the Cat Cafe today! I haven't been feeling the greatest lately! You've probably already found the key, but I never told you the passcode to the alarm system! It's: 54678. And today's special at the cafe should be the key lime pies that are in the freezer in the kitchen. Just for today, I'd like you to tend to the customers! Tomorrow, if I am not better by then, I'll send someone over to help you.
~ Kanola
Ichimatsu sighed and slipped the note into his hoodie pocket.
"She must not be that bad off if she can write..." Ichimatsu thought, twisting the key in the door's lock. For a moment, he thought the door wouldn't open up, but finally, it did.
A rush of cool air hit Ichimatsu in the face as he rushed towards the very back of the cafe where the alarm system was.
"" Ichimatsu mumbled, punching in the code. The alarm went off, and Ichimatsu let out a long sigh of relief.
One of the cats stalked towards Ichimatsu, mewing hungrily.
"I'm sorry..." Ichimatsu mumbled. "I'll feed you guys first..."
Quickly, he fed all of the cats, fixed the sign outside of the cafe, set out the key lime pie slices, then sat at the front counter, his head in his arms.
"Excuse me, sir!" a young girl spoke loudly in an extremely demanding tone of voice. "I would like to have one of your key lime pie slices!"
Ichimatsu sighed, lifting his head.
"That'll be...300 yen.." Ichimatsu mumbled, handing her a slice on one of the cafe's white plates.
"That's expensive!" the little girl screamed.
"No it's not..." Ichimatsu mumbled.
"Mommy only gave me 200 yen to spend here today!" the little girl screamed. "Mommy said I could get whatever I wanted!"
"Who is your mother?" Ichimatsu asked, getting extremely irritated.
"My mommy?" the girl asked, her face turning red from screaming so much.
"Did you not hear me?!" Ichimatsu spat. "What's your mother's name?"
"Oh, my mommy's name is..." the little girl looked up at the cafe ceiling like she didn't know. After a few moments of silence, she finally replied, "Her name is Kanola Mizuko! And I am Makono Mizuko!"
"Oh..." Ichimatsu mumbled. "Did she send you here?"
"Yup! She sure did! She said she didn't trust you alone here at all!" Makono said, a smirk appearing on her childish face.
"Just pay what you have them..." Ichimatsu mumbled, then added silently, "I would rather not be given attention by anyone who walks past the cafe...let alone, lose my job here because of Kanola's stupid kid...I didn't even know she had a kid! She's always working here. How can she ever have time to take care of her kid..?"
"Here's 300 yen!" Makono laughed, handing Ichimatsu the correct amount.
"You just said you didn't have enough!" Ichimatsu grumbled angrily.
"Well, maybe I just lied so I could see if you really were as bad as Mommy says you are!" Makono sneered, sticking her tongue out at Ichimatsu. And before he could say anything back, the little girl walked over to one of the cafe tables, beginning to eat her pie in sheer happiness.
"Little punk..." Ichimatsu spat, walking away from the counter, picking up the cafe broom to sweep outside the shop a bit.
"Where are you going, mister kitty?" Makono asked. Ichimatsu ignored her, thinking she was talking to one of the cats. "ICHIMATSU!" she screeched.
"What?!" Ichimatsu spat angrily. "Don't cause a scene!"
"I asked you where you were going!" Makono said defiantly.
"Oh..." Ichimatsu mumbled. "I'm just going to sweep outside for a bit..."
Makono squinted her eyes at Ichimatsu as if she were trying to tell if he was lying or not.
"How's Harvey?" she asked randomly.
"He's fine..." Ichimatsu replied. "But how do you know my cat..?"
"Because he was mine first! You better not let anything bad happen to him! Ever! If my little Harvey get hurt, you're gonna get hurt too!" Makono said, jumping out of her cafe chair, pointing her index finger at Ichimatsu. "Understand?!"
"Yeah, whatever.." Ichimatsu mumbled, still slightly wondering what Kanola had been saying about him when he wasn't around. "Who does she think she is..." Ichimatsu thought, sweeping the outside of the cafe.
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