I sent a message yesterday
To see how you have been
I would have written sooner
Had I known where to begin
There's so much that has happened
In the time we've been apart
But I always thought about you
And kept you in my heart
Each day I'd say, "Tomorrow"
But tomorrow came and passed
I would have sent messages galore
Had I known this was the last
When first apart, we often wrote
We called each other too
We didn't know how it would be
How soon it would be through
I always thought to visit you
But the time could not be found
I would have hopped on the very next plane
Had I known what would come around
We always say, "We'll keep in touch"
But it only lasts a while
We get caught up in everyday life
Too busy to pick up and dial
So people move on and live their lives
And time just seems to fly
I would have put my life on hold
Had I known this was goodbye
It seems I tried to move on without you
By making brand new friends
But I realized that a friendship like yours
Has a bond that never ends
They say there are two kinds of friends
There's silver and there's gold
I'd have spent less time with the newer ones
Had I known I'd lose the old
And now I'm filled with much regret
As I realize what I've lost
I wish I had reminded myself
That our friendship had no cost
I would have done things differently
If I knew what lied ahead
I would have tried harder to keep in touch
Had I known this would go unread
I should have remembered way back then
That tomorrow is not guaranteed
For a friendship put off for long enough
Is a forgotten one indeed
Life comes in different lengths
Which we never seem to know
The ones you thought would never leave
Are sometimes the first to go
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