Fun & Fear
"ooooooooohhhh what scary movie should we watch a quite place or it" Lucy sequels
"quite place, it is way to scary its also about a clown and clowns are scary AF!!!!"
"fine fine chicken but quite place is still scary!!!"
"shut uppp just play the movie."
"fine I will I will"
2 hours later
"holy....... moly I don't want to go anywhere ever again" I splutter.
"it wasn't that scary" Harrold replies
"coming from someone who peed on the lounge?"
"heyyyyyy don't bring that up!!!"
"oooh I'll murder you!!!"
The color drained from my face the world spun then nothing.
A voice came from the darkness "I'll murder you!!"
The voice was strangely familiar like I knew but I didn't then more voices "wake up oh please Lizzy wake up'!!!!"
The world blurs I see.... People?
"oh, good your awake what do you see?!"" a voice says
"blobs and people like blobs?"
"oh, dear you've got concussion by the way this is Harrold we are taking you to hospital okay!"
"okay MUMM"
"OH NO it worse than we thought" Harrold says in a ridiculously sarcastic voice.
1 day later
"hi Lizzy" I turn around to see Lucas striding towards me
"hhhiiii" i stutter then it hits me lucas was the one in the photos.
" heey um lucas silly qustion and all but did you used to know me?"
"oh so you found out i didnt wont to tell you because i thought you would think i was weird but i didnt just know you"
" what do you mean"
"we were best freinds"
"oh im sorrry i dont remember..... hey uh can we be freinds uh agian i mean still be uhhhhh"
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