8 more
"8 more victims 8 more broken family's all the pieces were fitting together soon she would know real pain lightning strikes once more" maniacal laughter spreads through the halls of the white house on Julian lane. "all is peaceful inside not a peep or stain on the curtains but when they find the surprise in the bathroom" a burst of maniacal laughter spreads through the house again "i will be a sight to die for!"
3 days later
"the 7 girls and boys that went to kays house still arnt back and kays no where to be found!"
lukus hadn't been at school forever and i wondered if he had been killed to or... i banished the thought from my head.
"hey lucy"
"yeah Lilly?"
"did ya hear about lukus!!"
"no what about him?"
"well he has been expelled!"
"what for!"
" threatening the nurse with a pocket knife!"
"yeah he came in with his back cut up from the fence at the back of the oval and then she noticed something on his back like busted purple veins it covered his whole back, when she asked he flipped!"
"i know!"
"girls wish to share your converstaion!"
"Sorry miss!"
miss j stared at us.
I felt a little slip of paper slide on the desk I looked down.
Talk at lunch
"Okay class today we will be learning about a book written by William shankspere , as you like it."
My head swam why did that sound familiar like I had heard it before?
The world blurred as my eyes slowly shut I could hear voices but it was like listing through water.
"As you like it Lucy"
A glint of steel red pain who is screaming then a face the eyes were black the face had purple lines all over it like lace , who is it why is this happening?
"Lucy, Lucy Jesus Christ wake up!"
Pain flared through my cheek.
"Jesus Lilly what was that for"
That's what I hoped to say but my mouth was furry so it sounded like "jessuylillywhatwathapfpr?"
"Oh thank god I thought you had died one minute fine and then poof your on the floor twitching like a maniac!"
"Oh...... well at least I got us out of English"
Lilly looked at me with a disapproving mum look.
"Jeeeeeez mom!"
Day later
" hey Lilly did you get an invite to Kay's party?"
"Yeah why?"
"Because only nine people were invited normally her party's are HUGE"
"That is weird"
I wave goodbye to Lilly as I start heading home.
Then the sky goes black as its starts to pour!
A flash of lightning illuminates the sky's .
My eyes go wider as a rush of jumbled memories come back.
A man is running to me it's stormy, wait no his face seems familiar.....it's Lucas!
He's running towards me with an umbrella and..... flowers? "Hey Lilly....um we've been friends for like forever...and ummmmmm will you.... be... my.. um..girlfriend?"
"I'm so sorry Luke's but I don't feel that way...please can we just be mates like old Times!?
I.... no me looks up and sees the tears rolling down his face my heart breaks for him.
He's runs I follow as his running he's goes to stand under a tree BOOM!
A flash eliminates the sky as he is struck by lightning.
Everything whires around in different colours. I'm now at a mansion in... the woods? I'm their with my...parents.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Lucas except he's patrols and veins are everywhere he looks manical . I walk out side I see me do the same it's raining she sees Lucas and waves he pulls out a knife she.. I scream we start running she's running weaving in and out of the paths of the oaks she stops at a cliff Lucas comes behind her he stabs her just missing any vital organs and whispers 9 was your favourite number so how about this I kill all the people you will ever love going 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 and your first your rents are next! He pushes me of the cliff. I t hit the ground I hear my mum and dad cry out but she doesn't hear.
I wake up my heart pounding in my chest I know who killed them.
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