Prologue Part III: The Village of Wedgemore
Well, this chapter is going to be longer because I'm introducing three characters this time, so don't be surprised XD Four votes like always for next chapter, so slap dat vote button with yo forehead and I hope you enjoy dis chapter.
*And btw, I think there are going to be two more updates that will be prologues, sorry.
It's just that I don't want to start it just like this!
I want to start it my way >:)
In my opinion, the longer, the better.
If you agree say in comments~ #google+sucks
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If you like neither, well, say~ #immatroll
As we leave Mitch, we go northwest of Bacca Community, and we go to a small village, like Jerome's, only difference is, that instead of baccas, there are humans.The village was surrounded by pine trees, and the village itself were just wooden houses.
Doesn't sound menacing now does it?
Well, the village itself has never gone into war, and hasn't thought about it anytime soon, unless the kingdom oversteps it's boundaries. Many people were walking around, but there are three children I want to be focused on.
One of them, is a small girl who is drawing on paper, using ink and her favorite black feather.
Her name, is End.
End is eight, and has black long hair that stops at her waist and lavender eyes, who was wearing a white short sleeve blouse, khaki brown shorts and brown leather flats.
End wasn't those type of girls who would wear dresses or skirts or anything like that, she was used to hunting and collecting twigs or logs for firewood, by the orders of her father, who was the one who led the village.
You see, her father Samuel isn't those type of people who likes to fight, unless it was necessary, but he rarely thought about it, well, he hasn't done anything war related at all, but the weapons necessary were hidden in tool sheds, just in case.
End looked around her room, and she had the temptation of going hunting on her own, but her father wouldn't let her do it by herself, unless he told her to.
This made her irritated, as if they didn't trust her hunting on her own, and she doesn't like it when people don't trust her.
All of a sudden, she got up, and walked to the kitchen, where her mother sat, knitting what looked like a scarf.
Then it hit End.
Winter was drawing near, which means that prey gets scarce these days, which gives an excuse of why she wants to go hunting alone.
"Hey mom." End says looking at her mother's tired eyes.
Her mother looked up, her chestnut, warm and endearing eyes looking at End, "Yes sweetie?"
"Well uh, since it's almost winter time, I wanted to know if I can go hunting out on my own." End asks unsurely, kicking the air with her left foot.
Suddenly, her mother's smile turned into a frown and said, "End, you know that you can't hunt on your own."
"But mom! I've always wanted to hunt alone! I'm always distracted by the people who talk while I try being quiet and sneaking up on prey." End protested putting her hands in the air and glaring at her mother.
"End, I know you want to, but your father would be mad." End's mother explains.
"Can't you let me do something independently for once?!" End says storming out of her house.
"End!" Her mother shouted, but End didn't hear her last remark, since she slammed the door shut.
The cold harsh wind blew, making all the kids around hug themselves with their coats on.
End rolled her eyes, she was used to the cold, so she really didn't need a coat. She then sat on a random log and crossed her arms, pouting.
End usually prefers doing things on her own, instead of people helping her out or not doing anything at all, but instead being a distraction.
She always hated that.
"Hey End, what are you doing?" End hears a voice say.
She turns to her left and sees a blue figure, wearing a leather coat.
It was of course her good friend Quentin, and the second child I'll be introducing mainly.
He was the only, "non-human" in her village, well, let's just say he is a mudkip, who was found as a small child of only five, abandoned by the river, and taken in by the farmer in the village.
Quentin is a solitary boy, not that nobody liked him, it's just that he feels like an outsider sometimes, like he doesn't feel like he should be in this village. His independence is what makes him End's friend.
"Oh, hi mudfish." End says mockingly. Quentin let out a groan and waited for a different response. "Well, I'm doing nothing, just mad." End said looking down at the dead grass. Quentin tilted his head at this response, "Why?"
"Because my mom won't let me go hunting alone, and I gave a specific reason! Prey is going to be hard to find." End remarks.
Quentin chuckled at this, and said, "That's it? Just because your mom won't let you hunt on your own?"
End looked at him, and she realized, that he was right. Why would she argue over something dumb like that? Quentin may be eight years old like End, But sometimes she feels Quentin is like an elder in her village, wise and are nearly always right, that whatever he says is true.
"I guess you're right, it does sound kind of dumb." End admits looking down at her feet. She doesn't like it when someone else is right instead of her.
"Hey, I kind of don't judge you, I'd be kind of mad too, but, I think there is a reason your parents won't let you hunt on your own, don't you think?" Quentin asks End.
She looks up at him and says, "Yeah, a reason, but wait, what WOULD be the reason?" End asks, and all of a sudden, she stood and made her way home.
"Whoa whoa whoa I was just suggesting that, I wasn't speaking SERIOUSLY, you know what, ask your dad." Quentin says catching up to her.
"He isn't even here, he's doing who knows what." End says rolling her eyes.
"You can say THAT again" Quentin says biting his bottom lip and looking to his left.
End looks toward the direction he's looking at, and sees her father standing there, arms crossed.
"Hi dad." End says smiling innocently.
"End, I thought you were supposed to be doing your homework, you're done THAT fast?" Samuel asks her raising an eye brow.
"Oh, yeah, ABOUT that..." End says looking away and remembering that instead of doing homework, she was drawing.
"Mister Fletcher, End wanted to ask you if she could hunt alone ." Quentin says looking at Samuel.
End looked at Quentin and glared at him.
"End, we talked about this before." Samuel says looking at End blankly.
"I know dad..." End says looking down at her own feet.
"But Mister Fletcher, prey is scarce, since winter is coming up, and it will start snowing any day, End wants to hunt on her own because she believes that without more people, she'll kill more prey." Quentin explains.
Samuel looked at Quentin, surprised that he answered for his daughter, but then again, he was right, prey was going to be hard to find, but, he wasn't sure if it was going to be better for End to go alone, but then again, she WAS a good hunter.
Samuel sighed and gave in, "I'm going to hate myself for this, but, alright. If you don't bring PLENTY, meaning three or more, I won't let you go hunting alone anymore, got it?"
End's eyes sparkled with delight and said, "Don't worry dad, I won't disappoint you."
End looked at Quentin and hugged him, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"
Quentin chuckled, but struggled to do so because of how tightly End was hugging him, "No problem, and I can't breathe."
"Oh, sorry." End says letting go of him, and ran off home.
Samuel chuckled, and then remembered the important meeting he had to go to, and so he walked out into the forest.
Quentin tilted his head, wondering where Samuel was going, until someone said, "Quentin, what's with all the commotion?"
Quentin looked to his right and saw a drowsy looking Ty, who is the third main child.
Ty was looking at Quentin drowsily, which probably meant that he just woke up, and had his grey pants, white shirt, and black shoes on, holding a long blanket, covering himself to protect him from the cold.
"Oh, hi Ty." Quentin says, "Sleep well?"
"I was sleeping well until I heard screaming, I almost got a heart attack!" Ty remarks yawning.
"Sorry about that, End just got excited because she is going hunting alone." Quentin explains.
"Alone? Aw, I wanted to go with her." Ty says.
"What, why?" Quentin asks.
"Because I love hunting, one of the only reasons I was ABOUT to wake up." Ty explains.
"About?" Quentin asks smirking.
"Yeah, I was about to do so." Ty says crossing his arms.
"Yeah, I DEFINITELY noticed." Quentin says rolling his eyes.
Ty snorted and saw End in the distance holding a bow and a sac of arrows on her back, wearing brown pants this time and long sleeve white shirt with what looked like brown boots.
"I see you're ready." Quentin says smiling.
"Yeah, I am, see you all later." End says smiling, and went into the forest.
Ty and Quentin stood quiet for a while, until Quentin suggested, "Hey, want to go collect branches for firewood while stalking End?"
"Heck yes." Ty says grinning, and they both also ran to the forest.
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