Chapter XV - Mitch: Close Acquaintanceship
Yo a new update!
It's been, what?
Two weeks? O-O
Whatevs, why?
Because there will be a bit of Merome this chapter c;
Aw yeh.
Anyway, don't forget to vote, as always c: (Goal: 13 votes)
And I will see you in the next update!
❤Much Love!❤
Before continuing, we go back to Mitch and Jerome, as they galloped out of the cave and ran out into the cold winds of the outside. Mitch felt the sudden harsh, cold winds and he huddled himself into his cloak.
"Where are we going?" Mitch asked, looking at Jerome's back, since both of them were on the same horse, which made Mitch uncomfortable.
"Some place, don't worry, it won't be far." Jerome answered, looking behind his shoulder and grinning at Mitch.
Mitch gave Jerome a nod, and they continued galloping. Mitch couldn't help but wonder, why did Jerome trust him so easily? Its as if everything that happened in the past was just a small little careless moment, when everything that happened was almost his fault. He caused a fight that changed it all, he left his home without permission, and so on. Because of that, everybody in the alliance hated him, all except a measly little bacca that takes Mitch in as a friend.
Curiously enough, Mitch accepted Jerome's kindness, not just because Jerome was an interesting bacca, but because Mitch realized how differently Jerome treated Mitch, much more than just an ordinary acquaintance, but like a very close friend, or even maybe a brother. Suddenly, their horse came to a halt, which surprised Mitch.
"We're here?" Mitch asked, looking around the area.
"Yep, we're here, let me help you get off." The bacca offered, getting off of the horse and holding out his hand. "Anything for 'your highness'."
Mitch rolled his eyes and got ahold of the bacca's hands, which were warm and soft, surprising Mitch as the bacca used both of his hands to lift Mitch off of the horse. Next thing he knew, his feet were touching the hard, cold ground. Mitch looked around, expecting to be somewhere close to the mountain, but much to his surprise, they were much closer to the kingdom instead. The thought of going back home scared him, he obviously didn't want to go back, since Preston was there, and ever since the 'incident' occurred, Mitch didn't want to come in contact with people he knew.
"So, this is how close to the kingdom you've gotten, er, before you came up to the wall?" Mitch asked, looking at the kingdom's walls, his large castle, and the houses that decorated the kingdom with life. It surprised Mitch just by thinking about it.
"Closer, actually. We'd go closer to hunt. Without getting caught, of course." Jerome said, patting the horse, which whinnied in response.
Jerome turned to look at Mitch, holding out the reigns, "Now, I have to teach you how to ride a horse."
Mitch bit his lip, but he hid his nervousness, "Well, I don't know if I should trust you with my life, because I obviously don't want to fall off of a horse as big as that."
The stallion they rode on was a large, gallant and handsome horse, with a white pelt, a thick white mane, powerful, broad shoulders and long, strong legs, which moved swiftly as it galloped.
Jerome let out a small chuckle, "Come on, he's not that bad. You've just got to learn, and I'm teaching you with the best horse."
"If you say so. . ." Mitch said, eyeing the horse nervously.
Jerome smirked and helped Mitch slowly get on the horse. Mitch suddenly found himself on the saddle, which made contact with the horse. It made Mitch nervous just by thinking that he was on another living animal, which continued breathing, slowly inhaling and exhaling calmly.
"So, this is it?" Mitch asked, looking down at Jerome, whom looked back at him, the reigns in his hands.
"Not quite." Jerome answered, handing Mitch the reigns. "You have to learn how to control the horse first."
"Well then, tell me what to do." Mitch said impatiently, getting a grip at the reigns with both hands.
"We start with the voice commands first." Jerome said, softly patting the horse's flank. "If you want him to walk, click with your tongue, and say 'walk' clearly, but gently, or else he won't respond."
"Ok then. . ." Mitch said, repeating the instructions carefully, and sure enough, the horse obeyed and it started walking, but the slow pacing made Mitch even more impatient.
"See? It's not that hard." Jerome said, smiling warmly.
"Can I take a break? This is nerving already. . ." Mitch admitted, shuddering a bit, feeling the coldness of the wind.
"Ok, let me help." Jerome offered, helping Mitch off.
Suddenly, Jerome tripped and Mitch fell down on something hard and warm.
"Ow." Mitch muttered, massaging his jaw. Mitch looked down at what he landed on, and looking back at him, was Jerome, who was blushing madly.
"Um, biggums, you're kind of, on me. . ." Jerome said, chuckling.
"Oh!" Mitch exclaimed in realization, his face turning a bright shade of red as he got off of the bacca, whom started laughing at the situation.
"Sorry about that." Jerome said, massaging his neck awkwardly.
"No, it's fine." Mitch answered breathlessly, dusting the fur off of his shirt and pants. "It was just an accident. . ."
"Right. . . Just an accident." Jerome said, his hands gripping on his own arms. "And I just realized how cold it was. . ."
"Let's sit down for a while, I'm pretty tired." Mitch suggested.
Jerome just nodded and looked around for something they could both sit on. Something then caught his eye. There near a large pine tree, was a fallen log which laid on it's side.
"Let's sit there." Jerome said, pointing at the log. Mitch looked at it, and he nodded in agreement.
They both walked over to the log, sitting next to each other. An awkward silence swept through, making them quiet.
Suddenly, Jerome was the first one to speak,"Why can't you just go right now?"
Mitch gave Jerome a weird look, "What do you mean dude?"
"Not to be rude but, the kingdom is a few blocks away, you can just walk over there right now and leave, without any worries on your shoulders." Jerome explained, looking back at Mitch.
Mitch was quiet for a few moments, until he found the right way to answer, "Jerome, it's not everyday that you attack your best friend to protect a hybrid."
Jerome had a hurt look on his face, making Mitch regret what he had said. Just as fast as the look on his face had shown itself, it swept away when he said, "So, that knight was one of your best friends?"
Mitch sighed and looked at the horse, which was helping itself with grass, "Yeah. . .He was, until I attacked him for you, I guess."
Jerome sighed and closed his eyes, "Notch darn it, why didn't I defend myself? If I weren't so, helpless, I would have attacked back and maybe I could have ran away. I mean, I was thinking about it until that guy knocked me down."
Mitch frowned, and put his hand on top of the bacca's as a sign of a friendly affection, "Hey, don't blame yourself for it, I had to help you. I mean, I couldn't have let you die anyway."
Jerome looked down at their hands for a short second, until he focused on Mitch again, "Well, he wasn't that good at PVP anyway. . . he missed me a couple times before I got distracted."
Mitch started chuckling, looking at the pasture which was moving at the rate of the wind, "Oh Preston, you can suck at battling at times, but you can be the best near the end."
"Preston's his name?" Jerome asked curiously.
Mitch chuckled softly, "Yeah, he can be such a cactus, that idiot."
Jerome listened carefully, although he knew that Mitch was rambling about random things which were about his friend, Jerome thought it would be important to listen. Jerome then asked Mitch a question, ". . . Do you regret battling Preston?"
Mitch sighed at the question, but he answered it anyway, "Honestly, I don't. If I didn't make a move, you wouldn't be here right now, we wouldn't be here right now."
Jerome smiled and scooted closer to Mitch, "Thanks for the sudden kindness biggums."
"Biggums?" Mitch asked, amused by the nickname. "Is that what you call your friends?"
"Only the closest ones. . ." Jerome said, smiling and looking at Mitch's eyes, feeling embarrassed on how very close they were right now.
Mitch looked away, biting his lip in silence, until he suddenly remembered why they were there in the first place. Mitch looked at Jerome again, "So, are we going to continue with my horse lessons or what?"
Jerome looked away awkwardly and said, "Yeah. . .Come on."
Mitch and Jerome then walked towards the stallion, whom looked at them with it's calm, black eyes, munching on a last strand of grass. This time, Mitch casually got on the horse without a problem, gripping on the reigns patiently.
Jerome instructed a lot more now, saying commands out loud and observing closely as Mitch did them. With each command, Mitch felt more secure, especially with Jerome there. Mitch enjoyed the way the horse moved, gracefully trotting around the vast forest that Jerome led them to. Mitch smirked as the horse went faster, and he started controlling it, running past large, tall trees. Mitch felt the wind blow against his face, which engulfed him in a large mass of a welcoming aura.
Suddenly, Mitch remembered that Jerome was there too, and that he couldn't go that far. Mitch suddenly said, "Whoa!"
The horse came to a stop, and Mitch looked around their surroundings. They were much closer to the mountain now, which worried Mitch since he did not know how to go back to Jerome, but he and the stallion remained silently. Suddenly, the horse started shifting around uncomfortably, making Mitch raise an eyebrow.
"Easy there boy. . ." Mitch murmured, but the horse let out a snort in response. Mitch then knew that something was wrong, very, very wrong.
Mitch suddenly whispered a command, and the horse cautiously started circling the mountain, his trots were the only thing he could hear, until Mitch heard talking. Mitch made the horse pick up his pace, until he saw what had made the horse nervous. There were two men, a boy, and a woman, whom were walking towards the forest. Mitch made the horse stop when he realized who they were. It was Preston, Blaise, and Adam. Mitch didn't have to see who the woman was, since he didn't really care. It could have been Millie for all he knew. Scared, Mitch made the horse run towards the mountain, focusing on one thing, the entrance. Once he was close to the mountain, Mitch climbed off of the horse and started climbing up the mountain itself. Mitch was scared that something happened to the group, that maybe the trio found out where the alliance hid.
Mitch finally found the ledge of the entrance, and he got inside, to find three people walking back and forth in nervousness. It was Billy, Violet, and Quentin.
"Whoa guys, what happened?" Mitch asked. He walked towards them, and they suddenly glanced over at him, a sudden wave of surprise washing over their faces.
"Mitch! Where were you? And where's Jerome!" Violet asked suspiciously.
Mitch raised an eyebrow at her, "Jerome's in the forest waiting for me. And for your information, I came to check how you were doing. And just to make it worse, three friends I know that are from the kingdom, were searching for me, looking right at this specific spot."
Everyone was silent, which made Mitch realize something. They knew they had come.
"Guys, where's End? Does she know about this yet? If not, can I go and talk to her? I'm the only one who knows who these guys are." Mitch explained.
Billy and everyone else were still silent, their facial expressions speechless on what to say, until Billy finally answered Mitch's question,
"It's End dude, s-she's gone. . ."
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