Chapter XIII - End: Pending Friendship
Heyo! A new chapter!
Back to End thy leader's perspective. (After a long time) :D
Next chapter will be back at the kingdom, Blaise's perspective (which will be fun to write, since I like Blaise's character)
Do not forget to vote by the way ;0 (Goal: 11+)
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
And I'll see you in the next update!
❤Much Love!❤
Back at the alliance, it was morning, the day was just beginning where everyone was busy chatting or doing their chores. All except End, who sat on a chair, cleaning her sharp, iron blade. It's been two days since Mitch came across them, and it's been two days that he has been under surveillance, yet somehow, he has not caused any trouble, which brings End to a large conclusion. Maybe, just maybe, he is not like his father. But End can not agree with it, she still doesn't trust him. Maybe Jerome or Billy or anyone else trusts him, but End doesn't.
"End? Is everything alright? You've been cleaning your sword for a long while now." Someone asked. It was Violet.
"I'm fine, Violet, it's just not glinting as much as I want it to." End replied, although part of it was not true. She did not intend to clean her sword in the first place, but she just wanted some time alone. All of the stress had gone onto her shoulders, and she just wanted some peaceful time on her own.
"Alright then, call me if you need anything." Violet said, with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.
End didn't reply, and waited for her to leave. She could hear Violet's footsteps farther and farther off, until she could hear them no more. End sighed and wrote on a scroll, but she forced herself to stop. She couldn't have been so used to work all the time, she needed to have some time to do whatever she wanted, yet she was always busy doing her duties and not focusing on doing what she actually wanted to do. End sat up from the chair, and put the scroll away in a shelf. She left the room without a word, and walked off to where everyone was. Many people greeted her, and she smiled and waved back. All she was focused on, was to leave, and once she found the exit, she did not hesitate, and she got out, climbing up farther up the mountain.
She reached the top, the sun and wind calming her nerves and stress. It made her let out a shaky sigh, and she looked around. The pine trees were at it's finest, with the wind blowing harder, making the pine trees move along with the wind. It reminded End on how close winter was approaching, sending a small shiver down her back. She sat on the edge of the mountain, hugging herself from the wind.
"End? What are you doing here?" Someone asked, which took End by surprise. She turned and saw Billy, standing near the ledge of the mountain, slowly making his way towards her.
She smiled half-heartedly, "Hi Bill."
"You did not answer my question." He said, sitting next to her.
"Well, how can I answer? I am just sitting here at my own extent." End answered, "Nothing entirely special."
"It was just a logical question, I mean, I almost never see you up here." He stated, sitting back, both of his hands on the solid, rocky ground.
"Well, I do not know how to explain it, but, I guess it's because I wanted to be distracted for a while, away from all the work." She confessed, getting ahold of a random pebble.
Billy was thoughtful, "I see, is it because the prince is here as well?"
She sighed, "Yes, him as well, and hopefully he is under surveillance."
End could see the confusion on his face, "He is under surveillance? I thought you forgave him, shouldn't you trust him by now? I mean, I thought that since you forgave him-"
"Bill, I know, but just because I forgave him, does not mean I trust him," She explained, looking at the kingdom in the distance, "And besides, I forgave him because I knew it was not entirely his fault, if you know what I mean."
Billy nodded, "I do understand, but, I just thought you trusted him, that's all."
She looked at him, "Well, then no, unless he shows that he is trustworthy, I can at least be an acquaintance of his."
Billy looked at the kingdom, "Well, he is not showing any signs of hostility so far."
End stared at him blankly, "We never know when he'll do something bad, we have to keep our eyes peeled and cautious, you never, ever know when your enemy is bound to attack."
"Yes, yet it's been two days, and Mitch is doing nothing except hanging around in his room, doing absolutely nothing." Billy protested, "But I am sure he has the right for being your friend, just as you told all of us ten years ago, about how you met Mitchell before."
"I know I did, the biggest mistake of my life, that's for sure. For a reason I don't trust him, he has kingdom blood." End said, gritting her teeth.
"All I am saying is, I am not choosing sides, End. I never do." Billy said.
"I'm not asking you to do so, Billy, it's your choice on who you want to trust, I can not control that. But I do have to say this, anybody from the kingdom, is not my friend." End said, sighing and throwing the pebble as far as she could.
"Then, who do you consider a friend?" Billy asked.
End smiled softly, "Well, people like you."
He smiled back, "Now I know, I guess. Anyway, I have to get back, I promised Quentin I would help him out with something."
"Alright, go ahead." End said, watching Billy make his way back. She looked back at the kingdom, many thoughts running around her head like an angry horse. Maybe she should trust Mitch, but sadly, she can't bring herself to do so. For a while, she sat there, staring at the kingdom's walls and the castle inside of them. The castle was once smaller, well, it was until the kingdom decided to expand it's territory, making them move somewhere where the kingdom won't know they exist.
"I heard you were out here, so I came to check." Someone said, which made End turn again. It was Mitch, who was standing, looking at her blankly.
"Notch damn it, did Billy send you here to talk to me?" End asked, looking over at Mitch.
"No, I sent myself." Mitch said nonchalantly, making his way towards End, who tensed, but she let him sit next to her. Mitch slowly scooted a bit away from her, and once he did, he looked at her, "So, you forgave me, huh?"
End looked out at the landscape once again, not looking at Mitch, "Yep. I mean, I don't trust you, but I forgive you."
"That's what I thought . . ." Mitch said softly, clearing his throat, "Well, do you have anything for me to do?"
End looked at him weirdly, "Pardon?"
"I mean, I am not doing anything except lounging around while everyone glares at me." Mitch explained.
"Oh? Are you not used to that? My sweet prince?" End asked in a mocking fashion, blinking a couple of times.
"Come on, I am being serious." Mitch said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"And I am being sincere." End replied, glaring at him.
"Oh? How? I don't see a pedestal or a handmade throne in my honor. I see no pouring of sweet wine that is strong enough to make me pass out." Mitch retorted, which infuriated her.
"That is not what I meant, and you know it. I am being sincere, as in actually forgiving you and giving you a shelter to sleep in like a helpless child." End said sternly, but she suddenly grinned, "And you know I can finish you off in half a second."
Mitch snorted, "How so?"
End didn't hesitate, and as quick as lightening, she had her sword held against Mitch's throat, looking straight at him, feeling his sudden fear right in her face. She had his retort coming, "Does it look like I'm joking?"
Mitch gulped, but he glared at her again, "No. . . Of course not. . ."
End smirked and let him go, putting her sword away as well, "Well, we seem to speak each other's language now, or do you need to be taught another lesson?"
"Just, be quiet." Mitch said, gritting his teeth in annoyance, "I have a sword as well, it's not like I can't do the same to you."
"Oh, I know that. But it's the skills that matter, not the blade." End said, looking out at the kingdom. Clearly, they didn't teach as well as they feed on each other's riches and filth.
"Well, so I shouldn't waste my diamonds on a diamond sword and just go handcraft a cheap wooden sword then?" Mitch retorted.
"Notch, do you all Kingdom citizens act like this? You're acting as if you were a close relative of Notch himself!" End said, shaking her head. Just as she had originally thought, they were 'royalty hogs'.
Mitch was quiet for a short while, End had thought he was going to retort again, but his eyebrows furrowed seriously and he looked right at her, "Sorry, I don't get what insolence came upon me."
End looked back at him, and smiled, "There are no need for apologies. So, what did you mean by giving you something to do?"
Mitch'a gaze suddenly backtracked to her, looking right at her, "Are you serious?"
"I always am, you'll learn that soon enough." End said, looking down at her own hand, which was touching the hard mountain's rocky surface, a few rocks were under her hand, but she didn't mind them.
"So, what do you want me to do?" Mitch asked, once again.
End suddenly blinked, and looked back at Mitch, "Oh, right, follow me."
She sat up, and walked off, not looking behind her. She somehow knew Mitch would be following her. End started making her way to the front, open entrance, and she entered it again, hearing Mitch's footsteps right behind hers. End made her way down the steps of a passageway. The alliance itself was different, it was like a community connected by different rooms and passages, keeping the animals at the bottom of the mountain, and everything else made it's way up the steps and floors. End kept walking down the stairs, until she reached the bottom floor. The stables and the fenced up herds were gathered here, making it smell very bad at times. And that was this time.
"Why does it smell awful in here? Where are you taking me anyway?" Mitch asked, but End did not answer, and walked towards the stables. The horse's hooves stomped on the ground, making others impatiently nervous.
"You ser," End began, picking up a shovel and throwing it to Mitch, "Are to clean the horse's poop."
Mitch stared at her blankly, looking down at the shovel and back at End, "Are you serious?"
"I am very serious. Didn't I explain this to you earlier?" End said, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I-, you little despicable girl." Mitch growled, throwing the shovel to the side, "This is not what I meant."
"Hey, I'm giving you something to do, you either accept it peacefully, or not." End said, crossing her arms.
"End, quit tormenting the kid, will you?" A voice said. Mitch and End both turned, and see Quentin, Jerome, Ty and Violet, leaning against a wooden fence.
"I'm trying my best, Quentin." End said, smirking.
"Don't go too hard on him, okay?" Jerome said, winking.
Mitch's face was red, "Says the one that nearly died."
"Jerome almost died?! Hah!" Violet exclaimed, "What a big surprise."
"Violet, shush." Ty said briskly, but he turned to look at both End and Mitch, "So, what are you two doing here?"
"Giving Mitch some work, since he did ask for it." End said, shrugging. She noticed Mitch's muscles tense when a horse was near his face.
Jerome's head tilted, "Wait, Mitch, have you ever ridden a horse?"
Mitch looked down at the ground, avoiding everyone's gaze, "No . . ."
Jerome's face lightened up, "I can teach you, well, if that is what you want."
Mitch let out a small chuckle, "Really? This will be amusing."
End glared at him, "So, do you consider going with Jerome? Or do you plan on staying here with these horses?"
"You know what, come on Jerome, I think it will be quite splendid if we begin right away." Mitch said, gritting his teeth and pulling Jerome with him towards the horses.
"Oh, I see who changed up a bit." Quentin said, smirking. Jerome shrugged and helped Mitch onto a horse.
From that, End walked towards the group, smiling at them, "Well, that was a bit of fun."
"Wait," Ty began, "I thought you said you didn't trust Mitch?"
"I know, I don't," End said, "He's with Jerome, and Jerome is with his axe, so all's good."
Violet rose an eyebrow, "But didn't Jerome almost die from some soldier?"
"I know, that's why I am going out as well." End said, waving an arrow.
"Alone? Are you sure?" Quentin asked.
End smirked, "Is that even a question? I'll just keep a fair distance away from them. Hell, they won't even know that I am there."
"I don't think this idea is that good, someone should go with you." Ty suggested, his face sincere.
"I'll be fine, I promise." End said, getting on a horse, which neighed in response, his pelt was rough and glowed with a brownish color. She noticed that Mitch and Jerome were gone.
"It's cold out there, you should wear something reasonable, you know!" Quentin shouted out, once she got out of the stables with the horse.
End smirked and looked back at them once she was riding off, "Whoops?"
She then galloped out, the breeze hitting her harder than before, the horse's black mane shaking about.
End smirked to herself,
"The cold never bothered me anyway."
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