Chapter I Part II- End: Into the Woods
I'm SO sorry if I didn't update soon like I promised!
It's just that I got sick on the same day! D:
My stomach got upset and...well, you get the point.
Anyway, once again, I'm sorry. :(
Since it's SPRING BREEAAAK! (See what I did there? XD)
I'll update more often for some stories since I do have inspiration.
Anyway, don't forget to slap dat vote button with yo forehead, and I'll be aiming for 10 votes, and see ya next update! :D
Before we continue, we go back a couple of minutes ago, at End, who was right now walking slowly down the same path she always goes to whenever it was a regular hunting day for her.
She was used to killing things, which she learned not that long ago. Almost every child in her village knows how to hunt, except the ones that have parents as farmers or they make a living doing something else.
End walked around, and she remembered that prey was as scarce as ever and had to get something quickly before she runs out of time, so she paced around a bit quicker this time.
Suddenly, she saw the bushes moving, and started walking towards the sound, but felt very heavy as doing so. She then looked at the stuff she had. She had only a stone axe and bow with arrows, and a small bag.
End took out the axe and put it against a tree, to make herself more lighter. As she put it down, she felt a LOT more relieved and felt herself not walking heavily anymore. Heck, she had to move around a few seconds to get used to the sudden quickness.
She then walked cautiously and spotted a rabbit, and without hesitation, she aimed her bow for at it for a few seconds, and killed it. She walked up to it, stuffed it in her bag, and retrieved her arrow, covered in warm, crimson colored blood. End just stuffed the rabbit into the bag and tried to clean her hands as much as possible.
She turned around and walked back to the tree where she left the axe, and saw instead, something that made her freeze in her tracks.
A bacca, holding her axe.
She wasn't scared of it's size, in fact, he was pretty small, compared to other baccas she'd seen. But what made her nervous, was on the many rumors she'd heard that they were good with axes. End then tightened her grip on her bow, and took out an arrow. She aimed her arrow straight at him and then said, "Hey! What are you doing with my axe?!"
The small bacca suddenly turned around and it's eyes widened. End felt bad all of a sudden, but kept her face serious and her grip firm. "Oh, this is yours? I-I'm sorry, I didn't know." The bacca stuttered looking down at the axe, and it made it clear that it was a boy.
"Yeah, it's mine." End says putting her bow away and snatching the axe away from his hands. It was clear that the bacca wasn't hostile or bloodthirsty, or else he would have already charged right at her.
"Sorry, I just wanted to go to the woods and learn how to hunt, but I didn't have a weapon." The bacca says frowning. End's eyes widened in surprise. This bacca doesn't know how to hunt?
"You don't know how to hunt?" End asked surprised.
"No." The bacca says frowning and his ears flattening.
"Well. I can teach you." End says trying to lighten up the mood. She had never taught anyone how to hunt, and it seemed like a challenge she would accept.
"Are you serious?" The bacca asks his ears standing straight and his face filling with excitement.
"Yeah, why not? I already know how to." End answers handing the bacca back the axe.
"My name's Jerome, and you are....?" The bacca asked.
"Oh, I'm End." End answers. "What an interesting name, End." Jerome says.
"I know, it isn't the first time someone told me that." End answers.
"End, WHAT are you doing." End heard a familiar voice ask. She turned to her left and saw Quentin and Ty, who were both looking at her puzzled. Jerome looked at them, and back at End, who was massaging her neck awkwardly.
"Hey guys! Uh, this is a friend I met not so long ago....Jerome." She says smiling innocently.
"Uh, hi Jerome, anyway, End, this isn't the wisest thing to do." Quentin says frowning.
"Um, yeah, what he said." Ty says.
"I know but, we didn't try to kill each other?" End says unsure if they would at least put that into consideration.
"Even so, talking to a bacca? Even though we aren't at war with them, you never know if we will." Quentin remarks.
Jerome frowned, but then he asked, "Wait, you aren't from the kingdom, are you?"
"Of course we aren't." End snorted rolling her eyes.
"I knew it! I mean, oh, ok, just wanted to make sure." Jerome says.
"So, are you still going to teach me how to hunt?" Jerome asks.
"You don't know how to hunt?" Ty asks, as if everyone in the world should know how to.
"For the second time, no, I don't." Jerome answers.
"Well, yeah, if Quentin stops being annoyingly adult like." End says.
"Hey! I'm not being adult like, I'm just trying to help you make the right decisions!" Quentin remarks.
"Yeah yeah, whatever mud fish, follow me Jerome." End says, about to turn around.
Suddenly, Quentin's eyes widened and says, "End! Watch out!"
"Huh?" End manages to say, until she feels something hit her head.
"Mitch! You knucklehead! What are you DOING?!"
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