Shadow's P.O.V.
"What?" I asked shocked and he chuckled softly and nodded, assuring me that I hadn't heard wrong. "I-I..." I was not sure what to say to this. I was happy to hear that and shocked as well.
"We can talk about this outside of the hospital." He chuckled and I snapped out of it then nodded.
"Yeah. Sure." I said softly and helped him get his stuff then put it on his lap then pushed the wheelchair out of the hospital. I had to pick him up bridal style when they took the wheelchair.
I tried not to think too much about it but he immediately blushed and wrapped his arms around me so he wouldn't fall. I tried not to smile at that but I failed since it was cute. I immediately made that disappear and held onto him tightly.
"Hold on." I said and he did and I dashed off since I knew I should not waste my energy on chaos controlling away since I was a bit weak for healing him.
I heard him gasp and he hid his face on my shoulder. I guess he was afraid of falling. I stopped when we were in front of his house and I put him down.
"Are we still going for dinner tonight?" He asked taking me a bit by surprised and I nodded. "It's a date then." He said lowly since his family was inside. I blushed very slightly and cleared my throat.
"I'll come to pick you up then," I said and let go of him when he let go of me. "I'll be here at 8."
"I'll see you then." He smiled softly and I dashed off.
For the first time in my life. I felt happy.
Hours passed and now it was 7:30. Rouge was at my house as I paced around the living room, she was sitting down on the couch looking at me as I freaked out. "Hun, relax. He already said he likes you too. All you have to do is ask him out." She said softly but I was freaking out even more.
"I don't know how to do this, Rouge. Chaos, what is wrong with me? Why did I even tell him I liked him? I don't know a single thing about relationships, I am going to mess all of this up. I shouldn't have said anything. All I had to do was take him home to his family, that's it!" I rubbed my face with my ears lowered.
"You are too cute." Rouge laughed and I growled and glared at her. "I am sorry, I've just never seen you act this way towards anyone." She said softly and I groaned.
"I can't do this. I can't go." I sighed and was about to go get the phone to text him that it was canceled but Rouge grabbed it first and shook her head. "Give it, Bat." I growled.
"Stop. You are going on a date with Sonic and you are going to ask him out. Things will be easier from there, you already passed the hardest part where it was to tell him how you feel. Now just go ask him out." She said and I sighed and slowly nodded.
"Fine... Okay... I will..." I messed with my gloves then I groaned and looked at the time. It was still 15 minutes before 8 but I knew I should go there early so I thanked Rouge and I dashed off to his house and knocked on the door. I completely froze when his brother, the prince, opened the door.
"Sonic! Shadow is here!" He shouted and I stayed quiet not sure how to act around them. He looked at me after Sonic shouted from upstairs. He was fighting with someone? Maybe his sister? "Listen, Shadow, you hurt my brother and I am going to kill you." He threatened.
"I-" I was about to say something but he cut me off.
"Don't you think that we have forgiven you from what you did to him in the past. Maybe you didn't do anything this time to get him into the coma but you did hurt him countless times. This is your last chance. You hurt him, and we will hurt you." He said as I tried to stay calm. I knew how powerful this family was. They could easily tell G.U.N. to take care of me and I will be dead in a second.
"I want to sincerely apologize for-" I was cut off again.
"Cut the crap. I hate when people are formal with me." He said and my ear twitched. How in the chaos was I supposed to know that?
"I'm sorry." I said calmly but he rolled his eyes. Sonic soon dashed next to his brother. He looked at us and raised a brow.
"What the hell did you tell him?" He asked his brother who simply walked away then he looked at me. "Let's go before my sister starts bothering me again." He chuckled and I nodded then walked beside him as he followed me to where I wanted to take him.
"I am guessing your family knows we were going out." I said and he nodded.
"They interrogated me as soon as I walked in the house. I had to tell him." He explained and I nodded. "I'm sorry." I shook my head.
"You don't need to apologize for that," I explained and he slowly nodded as we kept walking. We had reached the forest and I kept walking making him confused.
"Um, Shadz, where are we going?" He asked confused with a low chuckle realizing there was no restaurant where we were heading. "You ain't trying to kill me again, are you?" He joked but I lowered my ears slightly. I knew I had made his life miserable before by the way I treated him.
I quickly picked him up bridal style and dashed off. He gasped and held onto him as he hid his face in my chest. I took him off guard so he got startled. I soon put him down where I wanted to take him. Rouge and I had decorated a place on top of a hill where you could see the entire city and the lights. It was beautiful at night and it was so peaceful. There were fairy lights hanging on the trees around us, Rouge had put a picnic carpet on the floor with the basket on the middle, it had his favorite chili dogs, which Rouge had bought and flowers around us along with something I could eat since I did not like spicy stuff and drinks.
He looked around the place in pure amazement, he was smiling. "This place is beautiful." He said and I smiled.
Now it was beautiful... Now that he was here.
"I'm glad you like it." I said not caring that I was smiling, I was finally happy and I did not care who saw that.
We sat down, we ate and we talked as I tried to get the courage to ask him out. But then he took me by surprise.
"Will you go out with me?" He asked and I froze.
I chuckled softly. This whole time that I was panicking on how to ask him out and he was the one that asked me. I nodded and told him"yes" making him smiled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer and to sit in front of me then to rest back on me as I rested back on a tree. I wrapped my arms around him and I rested my head on top of his.
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