Sonic's P.O.V.
I looked around the room as the doctors kept checking on me. I was confused since I felt just fine, I was not in pain, I just felt tired. I let the doctors do their job, for once, and stayed quiet.
Once they were gone, I saw my friends and my family outside of the room. I immediately froze then chuckled softly at seeing everyone there. I saw Shadow but I tried to ignore it. He was crying earlier which took me off guard. Out of everyone, I did not think he would be here when I would wake up.
I was let out of the hospital after 4 days of being awake. The doctors did not want to risk anything happening after so they were barely letting me out. Shadow was the one that was here, my mother and the rest of my family had to go back to the castle, they were also driving me insane so I called Sally to get them back home.
"Is this everything?" I looked at Shadow and I nodded. "Did you get the stuff that was in the...- Ouch." I said as soon as I tried to stand up.
"Sit down. I will help you right now." He said and I sighed then nodded. He had been friendly ever since I woke up which was taking me off guard. I liked it though. "Actually, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight." Shadow asked, he looked hesitant but I did not think too much about it.
"Sure, I want to thank you. Rouge was telling me that you never left the hospital ever since you brought me here." I said softly and tried to stand up when Shadow got closer to me. He wrapped an arm around me and rested it under my shoulder to keep me up.
"It is not for that, I actually wanted to tell you something important." He confessed and I raised a brow.
"Well, why can't you tell me now?" I asked and he made me sit down in the wheelchair. I could walk, Shadow told me he had healed my other wounds as well but I was still pretty weak.
"Because..." He looked a bit nervous. "I-" I stopped him.
"You can tell me." I said and he messed with his gloves and tighten his grip in the handle of the wheelchair. I raised a brow and looked at him clearly confused. I was not sure why he was acting so odd all of a sudden.
"Well... I guess I can tell you now..." He sighed clearly something wrong and hesitant on talking to me. "I like you..." He confessed making my ears perked up.
Suddenly the dream I had had and the times where my heart would beat fast in the mission made sense.
"You do..." I asked not sure how to respond to this.
"Yes. And what's worse is that it took you to die in my arms twice for me to realize how stupid I was. I am sorry for everything I caused you." He said lowly clearly hurt. "Look, I don't expect for you to like me back, I don't even expect you to keep talking about this. I know you are going to reject me but I don't care. I am just glad you are alive and you made it through." He sighed as his ears lowered slightly.
I looked up at him since he was behind the wheelchair making it a bit hard for me to be able to talk to him properly. I smiled softly realizing that what Shadow was saying, well, he meant it. I still could not believe that he had stayed here all this time and had helped me and healed me. I still could not believe that I found him crying when I woke up. He really was not lying to me about how he felt.
"But, Shadow..." I said softly and he looked at me. I grabbed his hand and tugged on it for him to move in front of me. I still looked up since he was standing and I was sitting down then I smiled softly at him. "I do like you."
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