Sonic's P.O.V.
"Alright Shadz, calm down. I did not know you were going to be here." I said calmly as I tried to protect myself and try to calm him down.
"I'm going to kill that Bat." He growled furiously as he clenched his teeth and his fists.
"I should probably leave..." I said but Rouge saw me and dear chaos it was too late.
She immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house completely ignoring the fact that I was talking. She also grabbed Shadow's hand and made him sit down next to me. This was a set up. Chaos, I need to get out of here before I get killed.
I stayed sitting down knowing it was not a good idea to contradict Rouge. I just wanted a normal day. Can I never have that?
"You two are going to talk. I am sick and tired of you two always fighting. Hurting each other to near death. And never getting along. We have a mission together starting in 2 days and I am not about to be stuck with two idiots who will constantly pick a fight. So you pick, either you apologize to each other and promise to get along or I am going to make this the most miserable mission you'll ever have and when we are back..." She crossed her arms and chuckled as she glared at us. We already knew it was a bad thing she had in mind.
I glanced at Shadow who was just looking at her with a normal look. It looked like he did not care. He had his arms crossed and started glaring back at her as well.
"Now shake each other hands and say that you promise that there will be no more fighting." She growled lowly at Shadow.
I lowered my ear slightly. Out of all my years fighting, I had never been more scared than an angry girl. Trust me, there's nothing scarier.
I extended my hand to Shadow. I don't know about him but I did not want to get beat up by her. He still looked so calm and as if he wasn't afraid of Rouge but just when Rouge started growling louder, he took my hand and shakes it.
"I promise." We both said nearly in sync making us both look at each other. He rolled his eyes and looked away then I pulled my hand away and looked at Rouge who was now smiling.
"Great. Then you can go home. And if you break the promise. You'll see how mad I can get." She growled again and I slowly nodded. I glanced at Shadow but didn't say a word and immediately dashed out before I could be stopped again.
I sighed in relief once I made it to my house. I laid down on the couch and I closed my eyes. I slowly opened them since I heard something and I gasped and yelped at seeing Shadow in front of me looking at me pissed off and with his arms crossed.
I already knew what he wanted. I rubbed my face. "I am not going to say anything. Trust me." I said annoyed.
I used to want to be friends with him but that changed about half a year ago. He started being more aggressive and would snap at me even if I wasn't even saying a word. He would barely even look at me and would already try to beat me up. I stopped trying then.
He got closer and grabbed me by the neck making my ears perked up when he started putting pressure.
"You better keep your mouth shut. And you better not bother me at al. Don't even look at me, Idiot. Understood?!" He growled furiously. I tried to push him away but he had taken me off guard so I knew I couldn't. I simply nodded and he finally let go of me making me immediately sat up and cough as I started breathing heavily.
"What the hell is your problem?!" I snapped at him then Amy walked in. She saw both of us glaring at each other and growling and that's when Shadow chaos controlled away.
"What was that about?" Amy asked as she got closer. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
Great. Now I have to deal with her. I really need to end this.
"It was nothing." She sat down beside me and pecked my lips but I didn't do anything about it. I hadn't even properly kissed her nor did I wanted to yet we've been together for a while now.
"If you say so. I brought you some things for..." She started rambling on and on about shopping. And her make up. And then she trailed off to what she was going to eat then to her friends.
I really need to break up with her.
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